TRISHA DAAB (VIDEO) FROM MARKETING TO PORTFOLIO CAREER “Thank goodness I found Careershifters, because I would probably have either gone back to a version of what I was doing before, or stayed paralysed by LinkedIn job alerts that never felt right.”
HEDDA WEBER (VIDEO) FROM R&D MANAGER TO INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT “I enjoy my life and my work now. I'm not exhausted anymore and I have a life outside of work again.”
HANNAH JONES FROM FINANCIAL SERVICES TO HOLIDAY HOME BUSINESS OWNER “I don't know if we'd be doing what we're doing now, had I not been able to make that mindset shift.”
ROSS MITCHELL (VIDEO) FROM TALENT DEVELOPMENT TO SUSTAINABILITY “I realised that it was OK not to know where I was going, and that I could embrace that.”
KELLY SHEARER FROM COMMERCIAL MARKETING TO BUSINESS OWNER “The Launch Pad gave me more confidence, and told me that I needed to keep going and trust myself.”
AJIT MATTHEW FROM CORPORATE IT TO START-UP “I used the Launch Pad methodology to help me to explore and test the directions I was choosing.”
AMANDA DAHLMAN (VIDEO) FROM SALES AND RECRUITMENT TO TALENT MANAGEMENT "The community aspect of the Launch Pad is the magic sauce."
MAT DENNEY FROM AD AGENCY TO LECTURER, ARTIST AND FREELANCER “I’m using my brain to think about the stuff I want to think about, rather than feeling anxiety about my career.”
BETH WALLACH (VIDEO) FROM CLIENT SERVICES TO OWN CONSULTANCY "The Launch Pad is not an academic exercise. It’s exciting and it’s heaps of fun!"
ROSANA AYUMI FROM AEROSPACE TO BRAIN TRAINING FOR THE ELDERLY “I used to procrastinate and blame myself a lot while thinking about my career. So having a supportive group was really great.”
ANDY MOORE (VIDEO) FROM BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT TO BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT “I was looking for a structured process that would hold my hand and walk me through.”
WENDY (VIDEO) APRIL 2023 LAUNCH PAD ALUMNA “I'm excited about my shift now, rather than feeling overwhelmed and daunted.”
KENNETH CHU FROM TV & VIDEO OPERATIONS TO FREELANCE VIDEOGRAPHER “I suddenly realised that I was allowed to enjoy my work.”
ALISON HALL (VIDEO) FROM LAW TO BUSINESS PSYCHOLOGY “It changed my approach to life generally. I feel like a different person.”
JO (VIDEO) APRIL 2023 LAUNCH PAD ALUMNA “With everything I've learned through the Launch Pad, there's no way I would have been able to achieve a shift by myself.”
Maria Soleil FROM OFFICE LIFE TO SELF-EMPLOYED “It helped me come to the realisation that I could create my own path.”
LEE MANNION (VIDEO) FROM PHOTO EDITING TO JOURNALISM “When you do change and you manage to get the thing that you want, it feels amazing.”
Lisa Jimenez FROM MANUFACTURING TO AEROSPACE “Instead of letting my career happen to me, I took the reins.”
NED WELLS FROM DIGITAL MARKETING TO SOCIAL ENTERPRISES “It’s not actually an eight-week programme. It’s a way of thinking that lasts forever.”
JULIE SCANLON FROM ACADEMIA TO CONSULTANCY “If you’re serious about investing your time in it, you will be reaping the rewards of it for years.”
JUDITH (VIDEO) APRIL 2023 LAUNCH PAD ALUMNA “The Launch Pad is like an accelerator for your shift. I feel jumpstarted!”
CARLI PFURTSCHELLER FROM LOGISTICS TO GRAPHIC DESIGN “I feel extremely grateful that I’m able to live the life that I’ve always dreamed of, after years that felt incongruous.”
EMMA CLEGG (VIDEO) OCTOBER 2022 LAUNCH PAD ALUMNA “The Launch Pad has given me hope and a feeling of being in control of my shift and future.”
SAMANTHA COOK FROM CONSTRUCTION TO SOLAR COMPANY “I’ve accepted that I’m going to be someone who continues to change roles – and that’s OK.”
MARK ELLIOTT FROM MANAGING DIRECTOR TO COACHING AND TEACHING “The course allowed me space to recover my own confidence.”
HELEN BIRD FROM HEALTH CARE TO NON-PROFIT WORK “The experience made me realise that you have the permission, and the power, to go off and try things out.”
THOMAS ARNESTAD FROM PROPERTY TO PORTFOLIO CAREER “Little by little the tasks on the course pushed me into both being more open and curious.”
RIKKI-LEA JAMES (VIDEO) OCTOBER 2022 LAUNCH PAD ALUMNA “I feel so much more confident and able to do this now.”
TERESA ALLEN FROM EVENT MANAGEMENT TO ARTIST "I feel like I’m uncovering where I belong. I’m so much more in tune with myself."
BETH F (VIDEO) FROM NONPROFIT TO NONPROFIT “I felt this sense of relief and clarity that I hadn't had before. A weight was lifted off of my shoulders.”
ISABELLA COIN (VIDEO) OCTOBER 2022 LAUNCH PAD ALUMNA “I realised just how powerful it was to be part of a community going through similar experiences at the same time.”
SAMY KHELFA FROM CORPORATE MEDICAL COMPANY TO PORTFOLIO CAREER "I realised I had been storing a lot of internal financial worry. I decided, well: I can do something about that."
ALEX BROOKS FROM CHARITY WORK TO PORTFOLIO CAREER “I’m at a loss for words for just how big an impact it's had.”
ANGELA ASCHMANN FROM TRAVEL INDUSTRY TO FREELANCING “I think to myself, ‘if I hadn’t done it, who knows where I’d be sitting?’”