“It's been absolutely transformative.”


The stress from Lisette Pimontel's job was spilling out into other areas of her life, but she couldn't see a clear path to making a change. With help from the Launch Pad community and tools, she now has the confidence and mindset to make her shift happen.

How were you feeling?

I was feeling very unhappy about my work.

I was stuck in a job that I no longer liked. And I had no idea how to get out or where to go.

The unhappiness and stress that this caused inadvertently spilled over into other areas of my life and I could slowly feel my enthusiasm, my energy and my self confidence disappearing.

Did you have any doubts or concerns about joining the Launch Pad?

I wasn't sure whether the group setup was for me, and I was also looking at one on one coaching.

I'm so happy I chose this community and the support has been incredible. I don't think you should be doing something as big and scary as shifting careers by yourself.

What most surprised you about the course?

What surprised me the most about the experience was the immediate connection I felt to the other participants.

It was and still is amazing to go through this journey together with a whole bunch of amazing people I otherwise never would have met. 

What was the biggest impact?

It changed my mindset and it gave me the tools I need to make my shift actually happen.

I feel so much more braver and confident now than I did before.

What would you say to someone considering the Launch Pad?

If you haven't decided yet to take part or not, I'd just say do it.

You literally have nothing to lose. And you'll be amazed at how much you learn about yourself in such a short period of time, things you might have already known deep down and other things you have no idea about.

It's been absolutely transformative. So much fun. I've made so many new friends and can only highly recommend. 

You can find full details about the course on our dedicated Launch Pad page.