“It’s not actually an eight-week programme. It’s a way of thinking that lasts forever.”

What was your work situation before the Launch Pad?
I was running a digital marketing agency with a business partner.
I’d been working in digital marketing for a long time, eventually merging my business with another at the same stage of growth. That merger started really well, but over time it became stressful.
How were you feeling about your work?
It just wasn’t feeling right.
It was an immense amount of work, really stressful, and very little money – not enough to sustain much of a standard of living. Everything was out of alignment.
With hindsight, I can see that we were working with clients who were doing things I just didn’t really care about. That was one of the things that didn’t feel right.
Why did you decide to join the Launch Pad?
At that point, I had decided I’d completely had enough of digital marketing and wanted to change, but didn’t particularly know what that change would look like.
So I did a shedload of searching online and came across Careershifters. I did a taster session at first, and after that I was prepared to spend a little bit of money.
What had you previously tried to do to make progress on your career change?
Years before, I’d had all sorts of entrepreneurial flirtations, but at that particular time I hadn’t tried much else.
What were your reservations or skepticism about the Launch Pad?
I didn’t have many.
I don’t remember it being a very big decision – it looked really good. And it wasn’t so much money that it was a huge risk.
And the timing was good for me. I did the Launch Pad just after resigning, during my notice period.
What was the experience like?
It felt very supportive, and it was good to do it with like-minded people.
And for someone with my kind of brain, the clearly laid-out process is reassuring.
They don’t reveal everything at the start – there’s a slight mystery about what’s going to happen next, as you go through – but there is a process that you’re following.
What were the highlights?
Some of the highlights were social.
We organised to meet up face-to-face, and had a drink. It was really interesting to see people from all walks of life – it wasn’t just young professionals with a university degree. I enjoyed the inclusivity of it.
We met several times, actually, and I made good friends with a few people. We carried on meeting up afterwards, and had fairly regular check-ins. We supported each other through our career changes – and that went on after the end of the course.
What were the toughest moments?
Good question!
I can’t remember any particular toughest moments.
But overcoming my own inhibitions and fears (all the what-ifs in my head), that was probably the toughest bit.
Where are you now in your career?
I help social enterprises to grow, using my digital marketing expertise and my experience of running a business.
Often I take a coaching role.
I went into the Launch Pad saying I’d had enough of digital marketing and never wanted to do that ever again – I wanted to do something with charities. But I realised I could offer them digital marketing skills, so initially I did that after all.
After a while I found that I particularly enjoyed working with charities with a social enterprise arm – selling products for money, as well as or rather than making their revenues from fundraising.
So now my work mainly involves helping charities with that.
How do you feel about your work?
I’m really enjoying it.
I have the freedom to choose my own clients, and I’ve happily slotted into the processes and routines that I need.
And it’s a relief to only have my family to support, rather than a lot of other people’s families as well.
How did the Launch Pad help you get clear on and move into your new career?
Principally for me, it was about the process.
What they don’t tell you at the start of Launch Pad is that it’s not actually an eight-week programme. It’s a way of thinking that lasts forever. I’ve now got a really solid model available to me, as and when I need it.
So everything’s fine at the moment, and I’m very happy.
But if, some time in the future, I find I’m not really enjoying it any more, I can go and have another look at my Launch Pad notes.
What on the course led to that impact?
I found that the Launch Pad was built on a really solid consulting style and process model, which I think worked very well.
They also have a strong blend of empathy and professionalism.
What’s been the impact of your shift on your wider life?
The Launch Pad has given me a good alternative process for finding work that I love, and not worrying about CVs and job applications and all that stuff.
And that’s made it all much more relaxing. I feel far more in control of my destiny now!
What would you recommend to anyone considering the Launch Pad?
Just do it: there’s very little to lose, and potentially masses to gain.
You can find full details about the course on our dedicated Launch Pad page.