Hi there, welcome to Careershifters.
I’m Natasha, head coach for Careershifters. We help bright, motivated people find and move into more fulfilling work.
Everybody on the Careershifters team, me included, has made their own career changes. And since 2006 we've helped thousands of people through our workshops, courses and content to find work that really feels good to them – whether that’s a really big shift or just a little 'ooch' in a new direction.
When I was making my shift I remember very very well, feeling very very stuck. I had no idea what it was that I should be doing, and in what order, so I spent a lot of time making lists, Googling things, scrolling through job sites, sometimes just staring into the middle distance trying desperately to slot the pieces together in my head.
But I really wasn’t getting anywhere.
I was exhausted, frustrated, demotivated. I didn’t know which way to turn.
Now one of the key principles that we work with at Careershifters is the idea that small, consistent actions will get you further, faster than trying to figure things out in your head – or honestly even reading about them or watching videos online.
And what’s great about this is that you have already taken a small action, right? You’ve taken your Career Change Test. So the important thing now is not to let that little spark of activity just fizzle out.
Instead, you want to take a few more actions, preferably in quick succession, to keep that ball moving.
And to help with that, over the next few weeks, we're going to send you some small actions to get on with, based on the career change stage that you’ve learned you’re at.
And we’re going to introduce you to some wonderful members of our community to help you break out of any ruts you might be in and start turning your desire for a more fulfilling career into a reality.
Think of it as the closest we can get to reaching through the screen, taking your hand, and guiding you through some of these early steps of a career change, which I know can feel really lonely and confusing.
So watch your inbox over the next few days for the first of these.
And thank you for being here. I’m really looking forward to getting to know you.