From Art Editor to Photographer and Graphic Designer “I don't miss having to 'design by committee', or the office politics.”
From Corporate Marketer to Own Business “I had to fight with my 'rational' side that raised concerns about leaving a great job and salary behind for an uncertain future.”
From Insurance to Personal Training “I felt no value in what I was doing every day. It felt soulless.”
From Pharmacist to Consultant and Writer “When your job is who you are, not just what you do, it's a scary prospect to realise that you don't want to do it anymore.”
From Advertising to Published Author “More and more I was finding that my heart wasn't in it, yet I was still working just as hard. Something had to change.”
From Criminal Law to Supporting Social Enterprise “I miss the rush of the court room, but I don't miss the sense of futility, the insecurity or the poor work environment.”
From the Corporate World to the Natural World “I started to become afflicted by a queasy feeling that my work life was a sham.”
From Tax Accountant to Freelance Journalist, Editor and Writer “Somehow I'd squashed those childhood desires, in order to get a 'proper job'.”