From Lawyer to Business Owner “I was putting so much pressure on myself to find 'the one' thing, because I didn't want to make another mistake.”
From Contractor to Business Owner “I was tired of working to achieve someone else's goals and dreams at the expense of my own.”
From Publishing to Social Impact “I thought about how I wanted big businesses to behave differently, and knew I had to be part of making that change happen.”
From E-Commerce to Own Businesses “I didn't want to leave my son, no matter how perfect the job might seem on paper.”
From Marketer to Travel Writer “I knew it wouldn't be easy, but that I'd always regret it if I didn't give it a chance.”
From Design to Start-up “I spent the week after I found out I was expecting my first child working till 1 a.m. every day on a pitch that went nowhere.”
From Art Restoration to Portfolio Career “I became desperately unhappy. Was this all there was for me?”
From Marketing to Travel Career Consulting “I don't miss the commute, the cubicle lifestyle, office politics or having a boss.”
From Food to Psychology and Teaching “When my wife and I had our son, I realised that I was never going to see him unless I made a change.”
From Administrator to Web Developer, Speaker, And Lifetime Learner “Undervaluing myself was my biggest mistake.”
From IT Manager to Paramedic “I needed more variety... and to feel like I was doing something worthwhile.”
From Project Manager to Teacher “It's the most challenging and difficult job I have ever done, and it's also the most rewarding.”