From Corporate Life to Travel “I’d put all my efforts into climbing a ladder that I realised too late was pitched against the wrong wall.”
From Hospitality to Big Retail (Plus Post-shift Update) “I had the mindset of 'this is my job. I've made my bed, I lie in it'.”
From Major Bank to UX Studio (Plus Post-shift Update) “When somebody I'd just met asked me about what I did for work, I'd wish I didn't have to tell them.”
From IT to Axe Throwing (Plus Post-shift Update) “I wanted to be much more hands-on in all aspects of a business.”
From Museums to Writer and Editor (Plus Post-shift Update) “I noticed that I was actively dreading returning to my job.”
From Software Consulting to Product Manager “It was a sense of wasting my life spending time on something that wasn’t truly aligned.”
From Corporate PR to Own Business (Plus Post-shift Update) “I couldn’t stand not being myself anymore.”
From Opera Singer to Management Consultant “It was embarrassing and I felt like a failure, but I just couldn’t go on.”
From Marketing to Massage (Plus Post-shift Update) “The office environment I was in felt highly stressful and I had a lot of health issues.”
From Office Life to Startup “Even on the days when things are harder, there’s no desire to go back to our old work lives.”