Love Letters

Thank you to all of you who've shared with us the impact that Careershifters has had on you.

Here are some highlights of what you've said:

About Careershifters

  • Diana
    May 2023

    "I’m now in a career I’m really passionate about and excited about the future. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much Careershifters for all the amazing resources and for creating a community where people can connect and learn from each other, and see that there’s nothing wrong with them."

  • Janice
    March 2023

    "Your company ethos is brilliant. The way it puts things across and encourages a sense of fun for the process, as well as connection is a winning combination. I appreciate the work you do and will always suggest it to others as a supportive, helpful and insightful way to shift!"

  • Jenni
    February 2022

    "I've had a career shift and the support from Careershifters was invaluable in giving me the tools / mental push to make the change. I'm really enjoying my new work / life balance and freelance projects."

  • Vaniese
    December 2021

    "Very supportive and helpful reading about others experiences. The advice that you have been sending has helped my moral immensely."

  • Jenny
    December 2021

    "Thank you for everything you are doing and for making so much of your brilliant content free to access. It’s been life-changing for me this year and I’m certain it’ll help me again in the future for all the ‘shifts’ to come."

  • Edwina
    December 2021

    "Careershifters boosted my confidence when considering a career shift. I've been really impressed with the quality of communications and support."

  • Heather
    December 2021

    "Careershifters is helpful in reminding me that there are other people out there who are developing their careers too. Also I love how nice the emails are – I love the 'What's the team been up to' section of your newsletter! Even if I don't have time to read the whole email, I always scroll down to see what fun things everyone's been doing!"

  • Nick
    August 2021

    "Careershifters gave me the confidence and courage to change my life and I haven't felt this happy for years! I've been telling two friends this evening who are both struggling with their career direction to check out Careershifters too!"

  • Michelle
    June 2021

    "I've successfully made a recent career shift! I appreciated continuing to get updates and hear others stories as I struggled through a toxic work environment. I've shifted from the food/beverage industry (including laboratory, Quality Management, food safety, microbiology) to Property Management! Keep up the good work!"

  • Jenni
    June 2021

    "I am pleased to say that since subscribing to the Careershifters mailing list, I have been able to achieve the change in career I've been seeking. From years in the corporate environment, I have found my calling in the charity sector.  The advice from Careershifters was very useful in helping make the changes I desperately needed in my life."

  • Mary Elizabeth
    March 2021

    "I am grateful to Careershifters. I've explored a number of other services that promise similar support, and none have been as savvy, or as joyful as yours."

  • Chris
    December 2020

    "Reading stories of people, especially those who have shifted from a demanding salaried career to entrepreneurship / freelancing, is very inspiring and reminds me that this can and NEEDS to be done. Thank you for the Newsletters and helpful information! You're doing wonderful work and I refer many to you, as I meet others in similar situations as I am in."

  • Sophie
    December 2020

    "I've loved the Success Stories – they give me hope I can do the same and also contain some real, pragmatic advice about what to do (and not do!) when changing careers. I've also really enjoyed the blogs from different coaches, again focusing on practical ways to move your career change along, how to overcome some psychological barriers and bust some common career change myths. Thanks for all the positive stuff you've put out this year. Your content and good advice have kept my spirits up and allowed me to focus my efforts on the small cumulative things that I have usefully been able to get in motion this year."

  • Michelle
    December 2020

    "Thanks for the inspiring content! It has helped me not to give up on the change I desire and keeps me motivated, even when facing difficult steps and decisions along the way."

  • Irene
    December 2020

    "Careershifters has helped me so much in my path towards changing my career. I don't know what'd I'd do without their useful guide. You all have been doing a very wonderful job and I always look forward to your emails."

  • Claire
    December 2020

    "Careershifters is the only career change tool / organisation I continually refer back to for help and support as I make changes. Thank you for the work you do."

  • Alice
    December 2020

    "Careershifters makes me believe in myself, to be able to make a meaningful change. Thank you for motivating and building up the confidence of all of your readers and followers! You are making such a difference!"

  • Eleanor
    December 2020

    "I really appreciate your website, and all the help it has given me. A really brilliant resource that I will continue to share with friends who are looking to change careers. Thank you!"

  • Natalia
    December 2020

    "Careershifters has introduced me to the idea of small tests to try things out, many Articles about how its normal to feel unclear and how to work through it. Careershifters is like one of my friends along my journey of career change."

  • Alex
    December 2020

    "From Careershifters I've got inspiration (from the Newsletter, Success Stories, blog posts and links to interesting stuff) and practical steps (mindset shifts and how to's on the website). I’ve gained so much from it and it’s really helped me in my shifts so far. Thank you for this site. It’s a game changer and I recommend it to so many people. It’s such important work and it’s really appreciated."

  • Debi
    May 2020

    "I’ve been meaning to get in touch for a while. I have made a massive career change from working full time in IT to running my own business. Your blog posts and website were invaluable to me as I transitioned."

  • Sophie
    May 2020

    "I'm so glad I stumbled upon Careershifters. I feel in a much stronger, clearer and confident position than I was in two weeks ago."

  • Ceryl
    May 2020

    "What I love about Careershifters is that you advise people to embrace their true character and values; that they don't need to change to fit into an ideal, just embrace the natural talents they have. Thank you, thank you!"

  • Veryan
    May 2020

    "Just to say you guys are doing a brilliant job. Your stories and emails have given me the confidence to start the process of changing roles to better balance things. Thank you for inspiring me!"

  • Jayne
    May 2020

    "Your site and newsletters have been a terrific source of encouragement and ideas for me. There is a good chance without them I would have continued to daydream of a new start, but never taken that first step to real change. Thank you guys!"

  • Louisa
    May 2020

    "I wanted to just say thanks for your website and all the email newsletters. They've really helped to inspire me when making my career change. I've made a shift from online marketing to horticulture and I'm not looking back! Keep up the good work!"

  • Charlie
    May 2020

    "Your site has really inspired me to get up and get on with building a life that works for me, not for the satisfaction of others (i.e. all the jealous 9-5ers!). I'm putting everything in place to get out of my boring, characterless job and start doing what I want to do."

  • Lori
    May 2020

    "I think your website is one of the best I've seen on the subject of career transformation. Here in Canada (and in North America) I find a lot of this type of content is a bit repetitive and perhaps too aspirational. Your content is real, substantial, from the heart, and extremely practical."

  • Theresa
    May 2020

    "I love all the information that I am receiving! I now have the courage and tools to move on to the career of my dreams. Thank you for your emails and all the tips. You will never know how much you have motivated me to move forward. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!"

  • Steve
    May 2020

    "I just wanted to drop you a quick note to say that your website and content is by far the best I have found about the subject of career change, and I've seen a lot. I always find your content to be helpful, practical and uplifting.  I've been navigating a career change for longer than I care to admit and I still believe I will get there. In the meantime, I would like to thank you for being an extremely valuable resource."

  • Rachel
    May 2020

    "I've discovered your website tonight and I just wanted to say a huge thank you. It's excellent. It's clear, insightful, honest, uncomplicated, and full of useful and relevant articles – and it's all supported by people's experience, which is invaluable. Thank you."

  • Stephanie
    May 2020

    "After months of job hunting and banging my head on endless brick walls, your website is a breath of fresh air!"

  • Norma
    May 2020

    "Thank you for the '12 Unconventional Techniques' article. You write beautifully and offer terrific advice. I'm still working through my maze of figuring out what to do with my life, but this one really hit home and made me laugh out-loud. I know you put a lot of time and effort into your writing so I want to share what a difference you make."

  • Lindsey
    August 2011

    "This website has been a lifesaver for me over the past year!"

About our articles

  • Julie
    December 2023

    "Careershifters has helped me in my career change step-by-step with different ideas of how to change careers without just jumping in at the deep end. The inspiring weekly emails have kept me going at low points."

  • Helene
    September 2023

    "I read your article on the liminal phase yesterday, and felt so validated. Well done. It's a heartfelt, accurate and fairly practical article. It's not often I see something so well articulated and well written. It places the right words to the mushy feelings and awkward situations of that phase. A masterclass in empathy with your target customer! I want to send thank yous and kudos to the team / writers responsible for it."

  • Jo
    July 2023

    "Just stumbled upon the site and so many of your articles have been so helpful already! I've always known that I have lots of passions, but this exercise helps a lot to make them more coherent through identifying my own storylines. I still am pretty lost, but it feels a little less daunting now, so thank you for this Natasha!"

  • Jess
    March 2023

    "I just want to say thank you for writing this article! This is the most accurate depiction of where I am currently in the work force – I have never read something that seemed to fully understand where my head was at. I even used the term 'Ground Hog' day prior to reading this, while trying to explain what was going on at work to my husband. Thank you for the words of encouragement! You have no idea how much I appreciate it."

  • Jasmine
    March 2023

    "I just wanted to share my appreciation on the article by Natasha on Job Hunting. It was perfectly timed with where I am right now, wanting to shift into my dream career of graphic design. I'm more excited and confident to implement the advice suggested to take those steps into 'shifting' into my purpose. Please pass my compliments onto Natasha. A truly wonderful article!"

  • Hannah
    January 2023

    "Absolutely loved the article: 'How To Change Career When You Have No Idea What You're Doing'. It all resonated so much, especially the analysis paralysis, the idea that opportunities are attached to people and to dip your toe into the different work worlds out there. Thank you so much, I cannot say how much lighter I feel after reading this (and I have never left a comment on anything!). I still have no idea which direction I am going, but I am sure it's not staying stuck here!"

  • Katharine
    March 2022

    "I have to commend you on the content you create on Careershifters. Your copy is extremely well written, accessible and very engaging to read, not to mention thought-provoking and motivating! I've only recently discovered Careershifters and I have been impressed with everything I've read and watched so far; the guidance provided is extremely pragmatic and on-point. At times I feel like you can read my mind as you describe so eloquently and exactly how I feel about my current job and the need to pivot to something else but not entirely knowing how to. Your enthusiasm and energy for what you do is evident in every word so, hats off to you!"

  • Sile
    December 2021

    "Careershifters has given me a place to start, as it's really daunting when you want to change career but don’t know how or what you want to do. I appreciate that you normalise changing careers as it can feel like failure when it shouldn’t."

  • Jayne
    June 2021

    "I loved the email about not being seen as a regular job shifter. I will keep reading them, especially as I move towards retirement / change of role in the future, as I now believe I have many more transferrable skills. I cannot thank you enough for helping me when I was in the mire of feeling worthless due to being off with long Covid. I am still off, but have a more positive mindset."

  • Song
    December 2020

    "The links to 'How to Survive a Career you Hate', and 'The Lean Career Change: How to Reduce the Risk and Increase the Speed of Your Shift' are saved to my home page. They have helped me to stay focused on taking small steps to build an exit plan, as well as prioritizing progress over perfection. The three questions posed in the Lean Career Change article about 'resonance, competence, sustainability' are amazing, I knew that's what I needed to do but seeing it clearly laid out in three questions makes it much easier to actually assess. Thanks for this site, it's a huge help."

  • Min-Yee
    December 2020

    "I enjoy reading other people's stories of career change on the website and through emails: they give me hope and they are often inspiring! So far I've gotten a lot out of Careershifters and all for free so thank you!"

  • Kerry
    December 2020

    "Natasha's writing really resonates with me: it's so unlike typical career advice websites. I really appreciate the content as it gets me thinking differently about how to approach this career change!"

  • Karina
    May 2020

    "THANK YOU! Just came home from a cr*p day at work and read some of the comments about the futility of 'traditional' job searching. It certainly put a smile on my face and instead of job hunting I will be on a mission -- and I'm already feeling more positive."

  • Claire
    May 2020

    "I just wanted to drop you a quick line to say how much I enjoyed your article this week on '4 Ways to Find Work You Love.' I had to mention it to you because reading the article was like looking in a mirror. I relate 100% with the person you describe: it's both painful and an incredible relief to read my reflection so clearly. Thank you for translating the frenetic minds of people like me and making our fervent curiosity and enthusiasm something to grasp hold of, tightly."

  • Catherine
    May 2020

    "The article on Micro Shifts is exactly what I needed, I have been stuck for months waiting for motivation and the lightbulb moment, while feeling completely overwhelmed. This breaks everything down so it is much less daunting. Thanks!!"

  • Sanja
    January 2020

    "This text in the Success Story is so touching and inspiring. Joe's feeling of 'inauthenticity' at work really resonated with me, so thank him and thank you for sharing this story. This entire website is fabulous and high quality – there is really substantial stuff here. So grateful to have found it!"

  • Michele
    December 2019

    "Careershifters (particularly Natasha's articles and interviews) has served as a beacon of hope, and is a calm place to feel seen and be understood. It offered solace knowing I am not alone in my fear, nor crazy for desiring something different career-wise."

  • Melanie
    December 2019

    "Love the stories of others ‘in the same boat’ and generally finding all the tips and information is super useful. Makes me feel like I’m on the right path, thank you!"

  • Sam
    December 2019

    "I love the Careershifters emails and access to the online info, but also the personal responses to my email questions have been fantastic. I rave about you to all my friends."

  • Daisy
    December 2019

    "I really appreciate how every article has concrete steps that I can take starting today."

  • Christina
    December 2019

    "The website provides advice and exercises to help me narrow down my ideas. It has great articles that show me that there are people out there just like me. Thank you for the regular support and encouragement."

  • Anna
    December 2019

    "Excellent blog articles and chosen topics, that capture the important questions regarding career change and what to do about them from experts. Thank you for many good ideas and practical tips!"

  • Samantha
    December 2019

    "Just reading the blog is both inspiring and helpful: it's great to read articles about people's experiences (to get motivated, and, of course, to know what actions they took). Articles are no-fluff, and those with practical tips and info can be put into practice."

  • Amanda
    December 2019

    "The Success Stories have not only been inspiring, but have also offered points that I can use in my own shift. The advice section has also provided tangible information."

  • Bob
    December 2019

    "Careershifters has been useful as a source of empathy, encouragement and inspiration. Many, many of the articles that have I read on the website really hit home and, for a time, really provided a source of hope. Also, the staff and people at Careershifters are extremely welcoming and encouraging and very, very nice."

  • Matt
    December 2019

    "The articles you write are very inspiring and have helped me tap into the way I have been thinking. I don't feel so alone. For me the articles are great."

  • Lyndsey
    December 2019

    "I appreciate your clear, realistic content. It's refreshing in a sea of filler."

  • Terry
    December 2019

    "Careershifters has provided insight and information that is building my courage to make the break into something new. It provides comms that are easily digestible and always on point. The individuals who provide advice are empathetic because they have been there."

  • Sian
    December 2019

    "I appreciate the practical, realistic and at times 'warts and all' opinion pieces that treat your readers like grown-ups. So many [especially] large organisations do not. The quality of one's choices are only as good as the quality of information on which those choices are based. Careershifters understands this and seems willing to cover all angles and considerations, which is both useful and valuable."

  • Lucy
    December 2019

    "The advice on the website and via blog posts has provided me with the support and advice I have so badly needed, when I haven’t known where to start."

  • Sonya
    December 2019

    "Often people are scared to make changes, but seeing real people, reading the stories and the different industries they've been in and what they're doing now is hugely inspirational. Shows us that it's possible. The blog is critical for people looking to make the leap."

  • Bernadette
    December 2019

    "Natasha's articles are brilliant and speak to me every time. They're so relevant to people at the various stages of thinking about or going through a career change. The Success Stories are excellent as well and inspirational. I look forward to your emails every week."

  • Vaniese
    December 2019

    "I just wanted to write to say that I found the 'Struggling to find your passion?' Newsletter extremely constructive and very helpful. Exactly what I needed to re-think how to move from my current situation. My sincere thanks, I look forward to receiving your emails."

  • Judy
    December 2019

    "I just read the '3 things to remember when you're not where you should be' article. It's such an inspirational and morale boosting piece. I just want to congratulate you on your writing. I always find something that deeply resonates. Keep up the good work!"

  • Jez
    December 2019

    "I'm in a transitional process, where my career has shifted due to circumstance. I signed up to your emails around the time I realised I wasn't finding the type of work I thought I should be looking for or getting the offers I expected. I went freelance and the change has been amazing. It's been helped by Careershifters because reading the inspirational experiences you share in your emails has encouraged me to carry on, not give up and keep working towards my next steps."

  • Sam
    December 2019

    "I have only just started with the Careershifters website, but I am already feeling like I have a path to figure out where I am going to go. Before I felt powerless, now I feel empowered."

  • David
    December 2019

    "I find this an invaluable resource. It has given me new ways of looking at problems and decisions. It also gives me a sense of support that other people are going through the same thing, and that some people are already on the other side."

  • Libby
    December 2019

    "Careershifters has encouraged me to understand that doing what I love and connect with, may be possible, rather than settling for what I'm qualified for, but not happy doing. It has also given me useful ideas on looking beyond job ads and taking a more relational approach to job-seeking."

  • Chris
    December 2019

    "Careershifters has helped me remove the limited mindset I have and opened me up to the abundance of options that I have for a change in career/lifestyle. It's also given me motivation: seeing Success Stories, especially those who started in my current career, really make me believe that this is possible!"

  • Stephanie
    December 2019

    "Careershifters has been a superb resource in showing me there is a vast community of like-minded people out there! I have benefitted from the stories of others who have made a significant change. This is great for my confidence and motivation to stick to my goals."

  • Florence
    December 2019

    "It has been extremely useful to read interviews of so many different careershifters, and to learn about the difficulties they have, how they solved them; even if some of them are very different from who I am. There is so much to learn from others! Also, the articles by Natasha are very well written: I am so impressed by the questions asked, by the depth of the analysis, how she looks at situations from different angles, and the fact that she offers so many options. This has helped me think differently. It's not only about shifting careers: the mindshift is also fundamental. Last but not least, Careershifters helps me to feel less lonely and gives me hope!"

  • Elizabeth
    September 2019

    "It's been really useful having your emails coming into my inbox and reminding me not to allow myself to fall so deep into my routine of getting up and going to the same job everyday. I am finally feeling unstuck. Having your emails coming through and so many of the stories resonating with me has really, really helped!"

  • Megha
    July 2019

    "I stumbled upon your website about a year ago. Little did I know then how different my world would be in a year's time. It is sea change. Every article on Careershifters was an inspiration to me. I still go back to it now and then read up on people's experiences and to feel good about my own experience."

  • Alice
    May 2019

    "Love your website and articles. Such relevant and helpful resources for those looking to change career."

  • Lindsay
    November 2018

    "I was doing some online research over the weekend and came across Careershifters, and it’s made me feel so much better knowing that I’m not alone in these feelings and on this journey. I still don’t know how to make the next move, but I’m finding the resources and exercises from Careershifters to be helpful in figuring it out. So I just wanted to say thank you to Careershifters for offering some help for people like me trying to find our way!"

  • Hayley
    September 2018

    "I'm about to start a new job in a slightly different field. Just wanted to say that I've found the weekly emails very motivating and inspiring. They've definitely helped me move forward."

  • Karen
    September 2018

    "Holy cow! I knew I wasn't the only one who felt this way. The article on 'How to change career when you have no idea what you're doing' resonates with me. I really want to do something creative, useful and fulfilling for me, but I also want to be able to make a decent living at it. This scares the hell out of me because I'm in a comfortable stagnation. Thank you for the article! It is a motivator for me to go find folks of a like mind and start my career change journey."

  • Nicola
    August 2018

    "Thanks for the Tuesday emails, they helped inspire and gave me the courage to make my own career shift."

  • Michelle
    August 2018

    "Thank you for all you guys do! I appreciated continuing to get updates and hear other stories as I struggled through a toxic work environment. Keep up the positive vibes and good, hard work!"

  • Lyn
    July 2018

    "Not shifted yet, but really a brilliant article on 'little yeses', it has made a big difference. Thank you!"

  • Zoe
    July 2018

    "I have absolutely loved the emails and the superbly written uplifting articles that come with them. I find other people's honesty about their journeys utterly inspiring. Thank you to the Careershifters team for being there exactly when I needed it and for continuing to provide inspiration and the motivation to keep going."

  • Matt
    July 2018

    "Your notes have been invaluable as has your website. It's eerie how your articles relate so specifically to what I'm going through. Thank you very much for the continued reading."

  • Tam
    June 2018

    "How you guys know what's ticking in my brain is magic. Thank you for writing this amazing stuff."

  • Sadia
    May 2018

    "The links and your website have been a huge support in helping me navigate my options. It's been truly inspirational being able to read others stories and has made me feel less isolated and supported through a process that can at times feel super challenging. Thanks again for all your support. You guys are doing a great job and I make it a point to share your website with anyone I meet who is feeling stuck and looking for a change. Keep on rocking!"

  • Bob
    May 2018

    "The article on 'Why thinking / reading about the change isn't enough' was one of the best articles I've read on this website or anywhere. I think I've probably read this message before, but not put so starkly. Or, maybe I was not ready to hear it. In fact, my wife has told me the same thing, in so many words, many times, but we often don't listen to those we love most. The message, for me anyway, is that I have to take responsibility and that thinking about it alone will result in nothing."

  • Aneesha
    March 2018

    "The stories that I read on the Careershifters site have been very important to me in terms of not feeling all alone and giving me courage. I have quit my safe and stable job as an engineer and am currently taking baby steps to turn into a wedding/party planner. Thanks to Careershifters for their wonderful site."

  • James
    March 2018

    "When I decided I wanted to change careers, I could not have predicted that this is where I would be right now. So much has changed: I've learned new skills, met new people, and volunteered for multiple organizations. I've even been able to lend some helpful advice to a few people in my life who are also contemplating a career change. Much of this is thanks to Careershifters and the resources and tips you provide. Even though I now have a specific career in mind, I still keep many suggestions of yours in the back of my mind. This makes sure I continue to keep my options open. I also refer back to your online articles if I start to feel stuck again. Please keep the good content coming, as I know only more and more people are finding themselves stuck in their careers and need a way out."

  • Ian
    March 2018

    "I read your article on 'How to Finance your Career Change' and just wanted to comment that it is really excellent: one of the best and most pragmatic articles I have read on the topic. Thank you, that is just great stuff."

  • Christian
    February 2018

    "Each and every one of these signs (in the '11 uncomfortable signs you need to make a shift article) speaks directly to me. It's really quite incredible and it's almost as if I'd sat down and written my inner most career thoughts down. It's enlightening to read having already accepted I need to make a move."

  • Justine
    December 2010

    "Thanks to Careershifters I'm shifting my career! Have been thinking for a while about the direction I'm going in, and after looking at your website and reading some of the advice, I realised that I've got to go for it."

About our career change success stories

  • Rachel
    December 2021

    "This site has been so helpful for me. I read stories every day that help me on my journey. It's helped me feel like I'm on the right track."

  • Doireann
    December 2021

    "Careershifters has helped me to change my mindset around my career shift plans: it's now something I am excited and positive about, which has also helped me to deal with stress in my current job. I find the continued emails and case studies helpful. Having them arrive in my inbox reminds me of my goal and helps to keep me on track."

  • Helen
    December 2021

    "Careershifters is useful in giving reassurance that change is possible. It gives recognition that I’m not the only person who feels like this. The ideas to consider regarding my change of direction have been helpful in my thinking and planning. I really like the inspirational stories of people who have made the change – it gives me hope that I will manage it too."

  • Fiona
    December 2021

    "Careershifters has given me the confidence to make a change. By reading other people's experiences, it has helped me realize I am not in a unique position. It has changed mindset from feeling guilty and unappreciative of having my current job and wanting to make a change. I like the timing of the emails: not too many and just enough, and they always seem to pop into my inbox when my momentum dips."

  • Nikhila
    December 2021

    "Thanks for sharing such wonderful newsletters and stories of successful career shifters. They've given me a lot of moral support, motivation and courage to explore and work towards my goal. A supportive community helps you a lot in going forward."

  • Luke
    December 2020

    "I find the Success Stories reassuring. I enjoy the articles about ways to go about career change and also the testimonials showing how others have made a transition. I come to your site often looking for inspiration, you guys do good work!"

  • Gillian
    December 2020

    "I find the personal stories inspiring. I love to see how people got themselves unstuck and found more gratifying work."

  • Sarah
    December 2020

    "I enjoy reading the Success Stories of people who have gone after their dreams and made a success of their career change: it gives me hope that I can do the same!"

  • Claire
    December 2020

    "The blogs offer a great touch point to read about people who have done it successfully and are great, accessible resources for moments where I feel overwhelmed."

  • Louise
    December 2020

    "I find the Success Stories inspiring, and just knowing there is an outlet that 'gets' the challenges of career change is reassuring. I also feel there is a wealth of information on the website, which I can dip in and out of when able to."

  • Josef
    May 2020

    "Doing a job I hate whilst planning for my new career has undoubtedly been the hardest thing that I've ever done, both physically and mentally. However, it is so reassuring to read the stories on your website and be comforted by the advice given. Please keep up the good work. Your website is a constant source of encouragement to me."

  • Dimple
    May 2020

    "Your stories were just what I needed to calm myself down from all the confusion and to make me realise that what was going on in my head was normal. It was a relief to know I’m not alone."

  • Alice
    May 2020

    "It's been really inspiring to read about other people's successful career changes. Perhaps most importantly, they were a constant affirmation that wanting to shift careers is neither a crazy nor unattainable thing to do."

  • Zoe
    May 2020

    "It's really helped me just to hear the many stories of how other people had managed to summon up the courage to make the leap. That's my favourite part of the site as it reassures me it's do-able!"

About our weekly email newsletter

  • Katie
    May 2022

    "I very much enjoy your emails and Newsletter. Thanks to you all for the things you do to help people, it's fantastic."

  • Kathleen
    December 2021

    "Keep up the good work, encouragement and helpful newsletters, that have made a real difference to me."

  • Andrew
    December 2021

    "The emails were excellent, I feel like they were very specific but somehow entirely relatable to how I have been feeling a long while. They gave uncommon and realistic advice."

  • Aoife
    December 2020

    "Thank you for the service and all the emails and updates. It's great to get it and a massive bonus that it's free, especially as its usually a time when people are watching their budgets."

  • Samantha
    December 2020

    "In my current role, most people don't think of changing careers and I am kind of the odd man out. Having a place like Careershifters to visit is encouraging and gives me hope that I can find a job I love. Thank you for having this site – when I came upon it, a whole new world of possibility opened up for me."

  • Kath
    December 2020

    "The emails come in just as I need a bit of motivation: really helpful to keep me on track."

  • Elena
    December 2020

    "I find the weekly emails to be a breath of fresh air – they remind me to pause and encourage me to look at other articles and resources online that I wouldn't have found otherwise. I also enjoyed the seminar I attended and greatly appreciate the articles on the website."

  • Peter
    May 2020

    "It's always a real pleasure to receive your weekly Newsletters - not only are they insightful and interesting but more importantly, they never fail to be uplifting. So thanks very much from one very satisfied reader!"

  • Andrew
    January 2018

    "I'm sure you don't always get responses to these regular emails but I thought it would give you something of a lift to know that you reached someone on a certain level where the tide inside their mind has begun to turn. Thank you for writing this particular correspondence the way you did and thank you for the wonderful work you and all at Careershifters do. Please don't ever forget how important your work is."

About our Workshops

  • Gwen
    January 2024

    "I feel energised, motivated and more positive about what's ahead."

  • Salma
    January 2024

    "The number of people (at the Workshop) with similar feelings was reassuring and made me feel less unusual. The positive tone was invigorating and gave me hope that it might still be possible to find more fulfilling work."

  • James
    January 2024

    "The Workshop gave me a more structured process to think about experimenting with a career change. It also felt reassuring to hear from other people who are thinking about similar problems."

  • Fiona
    January 2024

    "The Workshop gave me a structure for implementing change thanks to the very useful practical steps and actions."

  • Kelly
    January 2024

    "The Workshop has given me lots of ideas on how to take next steps. My energy levels have been raised in anticipation of taking action!"

  • Theresa
    January 2024

    "I'm inspired to move ahead with concrete steps to advance my career change. I felt like the material was based on solid experience and really understanding the career changing audience."

  • Ali
    October 2023

    "The workshop helped me put a 'name' or 'stage' to where I am currently in my career shift. It's reassurred me to not feel like I have to rush, instead spending quality time working through each stage of my shift. I'm excited for my next steps."

  • Mary
    October 2023

    "I came away with a new perspective and tangible actions I could take to help me in my career shift."

  • Jane
    October 2023

    "It’s given me hope and positivity. I now feel back in control of my future."

  • Joanne
    September 2023

    "The Workshop reassured me that it's possible to change careers, and it sparked excitement in me to start the process."

  • Charmaine
    August 2023

    "The Workshop validated how I feel about my current job role and made me think about why this is. It has inspired me to think differently about how to make a change and was a brilliant way to spend the evening."

  • Katie
    August 2023

    "I came away feeling a lot less overwhelmed and more positive. The emphasis on taking small steps now made making the shift feel more manageable."

  • Rod
    July 2023

    "The practical and well-constructed approaches had the most impact to getting me on my way to actioning a career change. It was reassuring to know there are many others like me out there, and speak to them on the call."

  • Lucy
    July 2023

    "It gave me some useful practical tools for exploring my shift and a model to help structure this, which has made my shift feel less scary and overwhelming."

  • Charlene
    July 2023

    "The Workshop gave me hope for the future. Instead of feeling tired at the thought of career switching, I came away full of ideas and energy."

  • Jenny
    July 2023

    "I feel a sense of relief that there’s something different I can do that will help lead me where I need to go. I feel less trapped. I’m really glad I invested both the time and money – totally worth it."

  • Cameron
    June 2023

    "The Workshop opened up my mind to how better approach my shift in a more constructive way, rather than my current vicious circle of thinking."

  • Natalie
    June 2023

    "I now have a structured path towards a new career rather than running around, panicking. I also felt comforted by meeting other people who are about to change their tracks."

  • Katy
    May 2023

    "The framework gave me a formal jumping off point, reducing my overwhelm at the choice open to me."

  • Hal
    May 2023

    "I came away feeling extremely motivated to get on with my career change. The plans and roadmaps we're the most helpful piece for me as I am a process person. It was an interesting, engaging and fun Workshop!"

  • Lynette
    April 2023

    "I feel excited to seek change, where I felt completely powerless and confused before. It's got me thinking in different ways. I feel I have ideas and inspiration now, after the session exercises."

  • Kate
    April 2023

    "It kickstarted my energy to make a change, by making the way ahead seem clearer. It made the process seem fun and exciting, rather than arduous."

  • Paul
    March 2023

    "It alleviated a lot of stress I had thinking about my career change process. The information presented in the Workshop was extremely useful and I can't wait to apply some of these things to assist in my journey."

  • Noelle
    March 2023

    "It made me feel that a change was possible and it gave me concrete steps to start my search for a fulfilling career. This was a very useful Workshop!"

  • Rory
    March 2023

    "The Workshop made me feel more relaxed and optimistic about finding the next steps in my career shift. It made me take a step back from trying to think my way to a solution and provided practical advice that will lead to greater clarity."

  • Deirdre
    February 2023

    "I have more hope and feel less overwhelmed by the idea of changing careers. Tools shared in the Workshop allow me to explore from a place of curiosity rather than desperation."

  • Emma
    February 2023

    "I left the Workshop feeling energised and happy to have a plan"

  • Alison
    February 2023

    "It gave me a completely different perspective, not only on how to look for my next career move, but also on how to decide on it. Lots of tools and techniques. I'm excited."

  • Ellen
    February 2023

    "It really helped me to see a way forward, feel a lot less helpless and much more hopeful. I keep thinking of things I could do and people I could talk to and feel a lot less trapped by circumstance. Seeing a clear process mapped out, talking about small steps and the discovery / test process, has made the thought of a shift a lot less daunting. I can now see steps I can take and stop worrying so much about the end goal."

  • Samanta
    February 2023

    "The Workshop provided a clearer framework to map out the next steps I can take to get where I want."

  • Kate
    January 2023

    "The Workshop gave me guidance on how to move beyond the confines of circular thought in my head, alleviating the feelings of insanity, desperation and confusion. It gave me back a sense of control and independence to develop my own career."

  • Daisy
    January 2023

    "Inspiring, I feel like I have more of a road map now. Good structure and great to see there are others in my position."

  • Abby
    January 2023

    "Love having a concrete framework to follow during my career exploration. It's helped me to create an intentional process for this search."

  • Alex
    January 2023

    "Really felt invigorated to pursue small, achievable actions that can make a tangible difference. Very grateful for the worldwide participation."

  • Bronwyn
    January 2023

    "It gave me the tools and a clear road map for how I can go about making a shift, resulting in greater clarity about my next step and 'topped up' my reserves to keep going."

  • Oyin
    January 2023

    "The Workshop was a really useful session for me. I left with tangible and practical action points which was very encouraging. It gave me tools to start the career shift journey."

  • Heather
    December 2022

    "It has made career change a lot easier (and realistic). I appreciated how real the talk and questions were, not ignoring the fact that we all have busy lives that require money. Really affirming, and grateful being with others in the same boat."

  • Mike
    November 2022

    "The Workshop gave me a process to work through and actions I need to do to get moving with my career change. It was great to know so many people are in the same position as me."

  • Stephanie
    November 2022

    "The Workshop was extremely powerful leaving me with a strong desire to take next steps. It was well designed and methodical, it helped walk me through all of my fears / considerations."

  • Sara
    November 2022

    "It gave me reassurance that I am on the right path, but just need to take action. The feedback from the group was of great insight. A very 'real' session, not at all like some more formal things I've attended in the past, and so much more valuable to me as a result."

  • Sharon
    October 2022

    "I love how much more open my mind is now, after just a couple of hours of the Workshop. It was refreshing to know that other professionals of all ages and from a variety of industries could be experiencing the same feelings around the longing for a better career fit. The content was direct, easy to understand and it really resonated with me."

  • Catherine
    October 2022

    "I felt excited and hopeful for the first time in a long time. Hearing that other people had similar concerns to me was so reassuring. The tools taught in the Workshop were so different from anything I’ve previously considered doing, that it left me really motivated."

  • Sanjana
    October 2022

    "The entire structure of the Workshop was super helpful in getting started, understanding the pitfalls and how to overcome them. The exercises also brought clarity to the entire process. Meeting so many people who are going through the same thing really helped. "

  • Jane
    September 2022

    "The session was worth every penny – that dreadful stuck feeling is already starting to retreat as my brain begins to think in a new direction. I came away with lots of thoughts about what my next steps could be."

  • Lauren
    September 2022

    "I felt inspired and more confident in how to move forward in my career shift. The Workshop gave me a very solid foundation with how to go about the process of a career change."

  • Christian
    September 2022

    "I loved the format of the Workshop. I got out a lot of key ideas and some very sensible principles to guide my exploration."

  • Susan
    September 2022

    "The Workshop was very relatable. It was great to see so many like minded individuals and this helped to normalise my feelings of wanting to change careers. It gave a good structure for organising my thoughts, explaining rationale, and gave a practical plan to follow."

  • Angie
    September 2022

    "I felt much more positive and motivated about attempting a ‘shift’ after the Workshop. This is prompted by the realisation that so many others are in the same position and that there is a well thought out way to approach the task on hand."

  • Emily
    September 2022

    "I feel much more hopeful about career change being more of a possibility, because of the helpful steps and examples, on how to put action into practice! Seeing so many others in a similar position helped me know it’s not a ‘me’ thing."

  • Kate
    September 2022

    "Talking with other potential career changers was GREAT, knowing how many of us there are from different careers who want to shift. It's made me feel much more confident to pursue a career change."

  • Charlotte
    August 2022

    "Having concrete steps within the framework of a defined plan was very helpful in managing the overwhelm of a career change. Having the opportunity to meet other people who are on the same journey was very comforting and reassuring."

  • Emma
    August 2022

    "The Workshop reduced feelings of overwhelm around making a career move through the exercises. I left feeling energised with a practical place to start and already feeling more confident about avoiding potential pitfallsThe Workshop reduced feelings of overwhelm around making a career move through the exercises. I left feeling energised with a practical place to start and already feeling more confident about avoiding potential pitfalls"

  • Aurora
    August 2022

    "I felt less alone seeing other people struggle too. This breakdown of the process gave me more confidence about the approach I needed to take and the stages of it. I have some clear actions and can see what the ideas are to move forward with."

  • Will
    August 2022

    "The Workshop has given me an actionable framework from which to work from. It's given me a genuine starting point, looking at a career shift in a completely different way."

  • Laura
    August 2022

    "It's energised me and helped me focus on concrete steps I can take. It's also underscored what I had previously heard but not wanted to accept, that you have to focus on people and not job searches."

  • Ellen
    August 2022

    "It showed me that there is a way to find a new career. I've gone from feeling a bit hopeless about it to being clear on what kind of action I need to take. The next step is up to me!"

  • Sonal
    July 2022

    "The Workshop made me feel like I was not the only one feeling that way and there is help out there available to people like me. It also made me feel like I could and should be doing something more than just waiting for a sign or a light bulb moment. It feels empowering."

  • Sarah
    July 2022

    "The Workshop gave me the motivation I needed. I always thought you had to do this alone and find your passion. I wondered why I failed so many times and I feel inspired for change now."

  • Catherine
    July 2022

    "I'm energised about moving forwards with this and comforted to not be alone. I'm ready to take action, thanks to the useful very practical focused advice."

  • Ben
    June 2022

    "It gave me the confidence to start on the road to changing my career. The methods I learned during the Workshop really resonated with me and left me with some practical steps to follow. I found it hugely helpful."

  • Chase
    June 2022

    "I'm just SO RELIEVED and unburdened now to change my career. I had several 'a-ha' moments: that I'm not 'bad' for not having a passion; that I'm not 'stupid' for not being able to figure a career change out by myself; that taking baby-steps is still moving forward! It's more of an adventure with little experiments along the way rather than this huge dreaded thing that makes me tired to think about. "

  • Alyssa
    June 2022

    "It got me excited about possibilities rather than stuck in the place of overwhelm. The structure of the Workshop gave me the space to put fears / concerns / assumptions aside and just see what information I already have. It made it feel less like I'm starting from 'scratch' and less overwhelming. I enjoyed the communal aspect, that everyone was invested in participating and making their own change, which really validated the experience I'm having."

  • Gemma
    June 2022

    "It gave me the confidence to pursue something better, and the belief that it was possible to find a career I love. I loved the easy to follow framework, it felt achievable and fun to do."

  • Libby
    May 2022

    "The content and format was spot on, and I felt that you guys really ‘got it’, in terms of the position we are in and things we are feeling. The sense of community and belonging I felt in this session was very impactful. I appreciate how useful and well thought out this Workshop was – the session absolutely exceeded expectations and I’m so inspired!"

  • Jennifer
    May 2022

    "The Workshop provided a lot of clarity for me. From the very beginning it all started to click, and all of the information provided after that fell into place. I liked the structure of it, the information was clear. It was a fantastic Workshop."

  • Tommy
    May 2022

    "The Workshop has motivated me to continue my journey towards finding the career I love. The content of the workshop really resonated with my experience. It helped me to make sense of why I’ve been feeling stuck for all these years."

  • Emily
    May 2022

    "I felt very inspired after the Workshop and confident in the way I am going about the career shift. I have gained a huge amount which will be very beneficial."

  • Susan
    May 2022

    "The Workshop really helped clarify what I need to do as next steps and more importantly how to do do those steps, focusing in on the important tasks."

  • Lauren
    April 2022

    "The Workshop has made the prospect of career-shifting feel more fun, interesting, and achievable. I have clear instructions and metrics to use."

  • Katie
    March 2022

    "I am energized to finally take action to find a career that will excite and motivate me. In addition, I no longer feel alone in the feeling that my everyday work is tedious and soul depleting."

  • Nina
    March 2022

    "The Workshop gave me practical exercises to get me started on my career change journey. I loved that the advice given is well researched and absolutely applicable to the real world. The genuine connections I made with others on my journey had a profound impact on me, and now I see I am truly not alone! I absolutely loved the people involved with this Workshop and information presented, as have not seen anything else like it."

  • Suzie
    March 2022

    "The Workshop made me feel more in control of my future and excited about the various tangible steps I can take. It was the very clear exercises and examples from the Workshop that led to this."

  • Clare
    March 2022

    "The Workshop had a really positive impact on me, it’s made me think about my underlying drivers in a new way that has provided real clarity for me and broken me out of my analysis paralysis. And importantly, given me tangible steps to take to pursue the ideas I have and to find new ones."

  • Jennifer
    March 2022

    "The Workshop made me feel calmer, more in control, and more positive. It was reassuring to know that I'm not alone, and to have practical steps that I can take now to help me to figure everything out."

  • Meagan
    March 2022

    "I ended the Workshop feeling inspired. More importantly, I was empowered with takeaways that will overcome my fears and help me find what's next for me and my career."

  • Dawn
    March 2022

    "The Workshop helped me bring a lot of deeply buried myths to the surface, allowed them to breath and then replaced then with intelligent alternative practical tools to help me move forward. Trust me – I've been stuck for far too long, that today was so refreshing."

  • Marek
    June 2021

    "I attended your Online Workshop in December of last year. Long story short, I recently made a pretty drastic career switch from sales and marketing in tech to high-end residential home building (i.e. construction). Thank you for providing the advice and structure that helped to lay the groundwork for this transition."

  • Steff
    June 2021

    "Careershifters showed me that I wasn't alone and that things could definitely get better. This gave me the strength to finally take the leap from a job I had begun to hate and to start my own business, which five years later is going from strength to strength. I now have the life I was looking for and couldn't be happier!"

  • John
    June 2021

    "It really was very good. I enjoyed the practical exercises and the opportunity to work with others. I’m taking away new ideas and an action plan which I didn’t have before."

  • Agnes
    May 2020

    "Thank you for helping me get so much more clarity, from a 3-hour Workshop. It was all it took to give me a lot more clarity and confidence!"

  • Alexandra
    May 2020

    "Practical, accessible, made the ‘fuzzy impossible’ take shape and feel achievable."

  • Elizabeth
    May 2020

    "The Workshop was reassuring and confidence boosting."

  • Helen
    May 2020

    "I was nervous about attending, but it turned out to be very useful. I've been trying to leap off the ledge for many years, but you guys finally placed the net below so I could jump safely."

  • Nathan
    May 2020

    "Thoroughly enjoyed the Workshop and would recommend my friends to do it too."

  • Owen
    May 2020

    "I cannot thank you and the other people at Careershifters for opening my eyes up to a new way of thinking! I honestly don’t think I would have made the leap without your Workshop and talking to other people that evening."

  • Fariha
    May 2020

    "Just wanted to say a big thank you for a fantastic evening at the Careershifters Workshop. I came out feeling clearer about my aims, way more positive (which is great on a Monday!) and inspired to take action. Thank you so much."

  • Susie
    May 2020

    "Your Workshop was the basis of my career change. I'm applying to be a primary school teacher and though this is something I'd always dreamed of; it's a plan I'd never put into action. I'd just like to say thank you for helping me think about the change in a more positive and achievable way. I went from having too many options, to trying one thing at a time and finding my true passion."

  • Chris
    May 2020

    "The Workshop gave me confidence, clarity, focus, and the first green shoots of a plan."

  • Tom
    May 2020

    "I attended one of your Workshops and the impact still resonates months later. I resigned from a six year career and have secured a new job where I honestly couldn’t be happier. Thank you!"

  • Hilary
    May 2020

    "Thank you for the visionary, practical, and very useful Workshop last night. I feel that so much was packed in to a very short space of time. Money incredibly well spent."

  • Clare
    May 2020

    "The Workshop was a great kick-starter for me: I found a new job and quit the one I was unhappy in. Now have a delightful week off before starting as an account executive with a branding agency next week!"

  • Jennifer
    December 2019

    "I learned some very concrete things about best practices as well as things to avoid. I felt like I could really trust what was being shared with me as worthy, reality-based and evidence-based advice."

  • Meryl
    October 2019

    "The Workshop motivated me to get moving – to take action in my career search rather than just researching."

  • Silvia
    September 2019

    "The Workshop made me feel more positive about the future. I think the impact came from having materials I can now work on, and connecting with people in my same situation."

  • Hiam
    September 2019

    "I came away from the Workshop feeling buoyant with some simple actions that will help me move forward. I thought the presenters were very good and helpful."

  • Rebecca
    September 2019

    "Very well done on the Workshop – organised and a clear logical path followed. The team knew what they where talking about."

  • Helen
    September 2019

    "It's been very helpful in giving me a structure to work with (knowing where I am on my journey) and easy ways to take action."

  • Krystle
    September 2019

    "The Workshop inspired me with the practical approach and left me feeling empowered."

  • Emma
    August 2019

    "The Workshop was well paced, thorough and interesting."

  • Liz
    August 2019

    "I really enjoyed the Workshop and think the format of it worked really well. I'm very impressed. It made a huge difference to hear directly about where others are at and their experiences."

  • Jennifer
    July 2019

    "I can see valid steps that I can take now to proceed. I feel you gave me some useful tools in the Workshop to start my career change."

  • Gemma
    September 2018

    "The Workshop gave me clarity and structure. I enjoyed talking with other people in the same situation as myself. The course is very useful and offers answers and practical suggestions to get things moving – excellent!"

  • Emil
    August 2018

    "It provided clear direction for me around how to act now and how to discover and validate different themes. Instead of leaving me feeling overwhelmed, this Workshop provided actionable steps that will help me move through the shift."

  • Violeta
    July 2018

    "I have so much clarity now, following the Workshop – I know which are my options and what my next steps are."

  • Angela
    August 2017

    "I was energised by the Workshop. I loved the support from the others on the call and knowing you're not alone in your feelings is the best."

  • Gauri
    August 2017

    "The discovery of my hidden career preferences (following the Workshop) was truely a Eureka moment!"

  • Nancy
    August 2017

    "It was very helpful to knowthat there are many others feeling the same as I do. The Career Change Map provided a specific route to working towards finding my new career. The format was very good and it was easy to participate."

  • Virginia
    July 2017

    "This Workshop put into perspective the structures that make the next steps clearly defined, measurable and achievable. One of the most solid, practical, considerate and thorough approaches in figuring out what I want to do when I grow up! Thank you!"

  • Daniela
    April 2017

    "I found the Workshop full of useful ideas and practical steps that can be made right away. I also appreciated that all the presenters were once in our position so they know exactly what our doubts and fears are."

  • Megan
    March 2017

    "The Workshop presented logical step-by-step solutions to real problems that I've been having with my career shift, and made me see my mission in a completely different light. This Workshop has been the singular most helpful tool that I've ever received when it comes to making steps to change my career. Thank you so much for making this information accessible, tangible, and logical!"

  • Sophie
    November 2016

    "I knew I had to make a change but didn't know where to turn or what to do next. The workshop was absolutely fantastic. I felt so motivated for months after, and it gave me the drive I needed to 'follow the dream'. I couldn't possibly be any happier."

  • Paul
    November 2016

    "It helped me work out the parts of my current career that I liked (mostly interacting with and helping people) and got me thinking as to what to do next. Ultimately something just clicked and it all came together."

  • Denise
    June 2016

    "It narrowed down my options so I was able to focus on areas that really matter to me. Do it! It sowed a seed of change for me and I haven't looked back since."

  • Chris
    April 2013

    "DO IT – keep an open mind, listen to the experiences of others, and be inspired. The Workshop helped clarify ideas I had and gave me the incentive to apply for a job I really wanted. Now I'm doing something which gives me significantly more satisfaction than ever before."

  • Issy
    April 2013

    "I had an epiphany that gave me the clarity of direction I had been seeking. If you're unsure about what direction to go in, try the workshop. If you only meet people in the same boat, that in itself is helpful; but you may also get the clarity you need like I did."

  • Emily
    April 2013

    "I needed a little extra push that it was OK to make a career change. The workshop helped me realise that it could really be a positive thing, not just for me personally but for my career too. I found it really useful examining what kinds of things suit my personality and in what type of situations I work well."

  • Nikki
    March 2013

    "After attending a Careershifters Workshop, I had the energy and drive to start researching how to get into teaching. I applied for a course, had an interview, got a place and left my old job in less than a week – it was so easy when I finally decided to go for it."

  • Liz
    December 2010

    "As of yesterday, I officially have a new career and start my new and exciting role next week! So a massive THANK YOU to all of you at Careershifters for your support. You really do deserve every success in what you're doing."

About our Masterclasses

  • Suzanne
    June 2021

    "The Masterclass gave me confidence to start thinking about the possibility of a career shift and how to go about this. It was very reassuring to know that I'm not alone in this process and that it’s never too late to start again."

  • Matt
    June 2021

    "The Masterclass improved my mental state (which was pretty low as far as my job was concerned). It gave me practical advice to start working on immediately. I realise there's a lot of work to be done and no time to waste!"

  • Louisa
    June 2021

    "Everything that was discussed in the Masterclass set off little light bulbs inside my head. I understand now why I have been struggling to make a shift. I feel less alone and more equipped to now tackle it."

  • Sarah
    June 2021

    "Very practical, sensible advice. The Masterclass hit the right tone of being realistic and inspirational but not hyped up. I felt positive, spurred on, and not alone!"

  • Ashley
    May 2020

    "A midweek motivational boost. I respond well to stories."

  • Annika
    May 2020

    "I have received a massive confidence and motivation boost (from the Masterclass). Just the action of doing something together helped to get me out of my rut."

  • Helen
    May 2020

    "The Masterclass provided useful real world practical advice that I can implement straight away."

About our Career Change Launch Pad

  • Lindsey
    December 2023

    "The Launch Pad's given me more confidence in myself and the tools to take my career change forward. I think this was the boost I needed to get my career change going again. My friends and colleagues have definitely noticed that by doing this course, I am much happier and positive."

  • Caroline
    December 2023

    "The course has given me new tools and a new found confidence, making me believe it's possible for me to change my career. A big thank you to the coaches (and to all those behind the scenes) – it’s a pretty remarkable thing you’re doing."

  • Sam
    December 2023

    "I've got to know myself in a way that I never have before and had the most tremendous personal growth spurt. It has been a truly wonderful two months and all our coaches and trainers were amazing – a huge thank you to Natasha and Anna for creating and running such a brilliant programme. I feel very privileged to have had the chance to participate."

  • Alex
    June 2023

    "The Launch Pad has truly taken me on a journey: providing me with the activities, tools and community to trial, fail and thrive, in my learning and understanding."

  • Gina
    April 2023

    "I feel I got everything I was looking for and more from the Launch Pad. Natasha and Louisa were absolute gems. It surprised me how much the support and camaraderie of the group transmitted in an online format. Thank you Careershifters!"

  • Helen
    April 2023

    "Just a huge thank you to all the Launch Pad team (those who we've met during the calls and those working behind the scenes) for delivering such a great course. This was exactly what I needed to shake me out of my stupor and see the possibilities ahead."

  • Natalie
    April 2023

    "I’m so glad that I signed up to the Launch Pad. I feel like you’ve pulled me towards the top of a hole that I was falling deeper into. I can see now that there's a way to get out. It will take time and effort, but it is reachable, because I now have the tools to help me get to a much better place, a place I would prefer to be."

  • Emma
    October 2022

    "The Launch Pad has given me hope and a feeling of being in control of my shift and future."

  • Rikki-Lea
    October 2022

    "I feel so much more confident and able to do this now."

  • Isabella
    October 2022

    "I realised just how powerful it was to be part of a community going through similar experiences at the same time."

  • Laura
    August 2022

    "The Launch Pad is honestly the best course I've ever done. I feel that I have a whole new perspective on life. Thanks to the whole team!"

  • Renee
    December 2021

    "It significantly helped me change my mindset, and better assess what I might want to pursue career-wise. The Launch Pad motivated me to open up new avenues of communication with people about new fields, and inspired me to start formulating directives towards a plan that I'm very excited about. I learned that I can actually incorporate passions that I've had for years into my creative work and make it much more fulfilling."

  • Iona
    December 2021

    "After 20 years of struggling to understand how to find the right career, the Launch Pad has shown me that action is the key to career change. It made me feel better about myself as I realised I was not alone. I found the Launch Pad hugely helpful. I wish I'd discovered it 20 years ago! I'm looking forward to using the skills and ideas from it for the next 20 years."

  • Edward
    December 2021

    "Launch Pad was worth every penny. I have a completely different mindset to career change now. I feel I now have all the tools plus a supportive community to help me shift."

  • Amy
    December 2021

    "Where to start? The Launch Pad has given me a road map of the clear process and steps I can take to do my research properly. It's motivated me through accountability, and consoled me by connecting me with others who are going through the same challenges. The main thing is that it has lifted some of the heavy load I've been carrying, and I feel lighter, with more energy and more optimism – which is what I've really needed to keep going."

  • Louise
    December 2021

    "The coaches Angie and Sarah (in the Launch Pad) were absolutely amazing with an incredible ability to make us all feel safe, 'home', and provided us with guidance, and questions to move us forward. I feel much better equipped to make a shift. It provided me with a structured process, tools and a community of people in the same situation as me. It gave me the confidence that it is possible to change."

  • Tracey
    December 2021

    "The Launch Pad has been incredibly useful in helping me see where I want to be and understand how to get there. I'm close, and I realise that this is going to have to be a long term shift, but it will be worth it in the end! Just a huge thank you once again for helping me see the 'wood for the trees' and for welcoming me into such a supportive and nurturing community."

  • Anne
    December 2021

    "Thanks for such a brilliant, life-changing course! I still use the skills I learned in the Launch Pad all the time in my daily life, as well as in my new career."

  • Laura
    December 2021

    "I completed the Launch Pad in 2019 and it inspired me to launch out of my comfort zone and into a completely new industry. It helped me to open my eyes to the possibilities out there, rather than feeling overwhelmed by all the choices. Since starting that job, I have become a much stronger person, both personally and professionally; and am hugely proud of myself for pushing through work that didn't feel easy at first. I wouldn't have done it if I hadn't found Careershifters! You already provide so much: motivational emails, a network of alumni, 1:1 coaching, informative articles, just when I'm feeling like I need a boost of motivation to remember why I'm doing what I'm doing. The Careershifters team is brilliant and continue to inspire me to become a person to be proud of."

  • Henri
    December 2021

    "The Launch Pad has challenged my whole way of thinking about work. It has challenged limitations that I set on myself, has encouraged me to act and to be more inquisitive. It has made me feel less lonely in my career confusion. I loved the structure of the course, the tools it provideed and how it systematically challenged one."

  • Matt
    December 2021

    "The Launch Pad experience was helpful and enjoyable. It has introduced me to a different perspective and approach to viewing the career change process. I feel much more equipped with tools and knowledge to eventually make a successful career shift. I understand better now why the name 'Launch Pad' is so fitting: clearly communicating and helping people understand that the course is the starting point and not the final destination is encouraging."

  • Mark
    December 2021

    "I thoroughly enjoyed the entire Launch Pad experience and would recommend it to anyone struggling to work out what they should do next, to find meaningful and fulfilling work."

  • Karen
    December 2021

    "This course has been an incredibly rewarding experience. I can already feel big positive shifts happening in terms of perspective, confidence, sense of identity and connections with others – my bubble has expanded. I know that if I keep going this should eventually translate into career change. Onwards and upwards! Thank you for all that you do."

  • Arminda
    August 2021

    "I knew I needed to take part in a course in order to actually act and make the shift, rather than try to do it by myself. For me, the course helped me to crystallise my thoughts and verbalise them to others. Getting feedback from people helped solidify that I don't have to do the same career, and helped me to see myself outside of my job. Doing the Launch Pad was where the big shift started to happen as I was sharing and talking with others in the same boat, as well as starting to talk to people outside of my industry."

  • Stephen
    August 2021

    "I really enjoyed the course and feel I now have some key skills (and improved confidence) to explore new areas to go into. Big thanks to all of the coaches and team working behind the scenes to make this happen."

  • David
    August 2021

    "Very pleased I did it. Just opening up to family and friends about changing has been such a valuable exercise in itself learnt from day one. Thank you!"

  • Kimi
    August 2021

    "It's helped me to release the shame I was feeling around my career situation, and to appreciate that I'm not alone in it. It has made me more confident in being able to take certain specific actions that will help. Overall it has been very useful and I feel like it was a worthwhile investment!"

  • Nyki
    July 2021

    "Being able to share my journey with a group of like minded individuals has been one of the best things about the Launch Pad. I also appreciate how the course has been carefully curated to pull out the most impactful exercises to support my career journey, but most importantly that psychology has been heavily considered throughout. I think your course is absolutely brilliant."

  • Hannah
    July 2021

    "The course has been a wonderful experience that has really shifted the way I think about changing careers. I feel like I now have tools to help me get there."

  • Maria
    June 2021

    "I just wanted to drop you an email almost a year after I started the Launch Pad. I've been reflecting a lot recently on how far I have come. And what a year it has been! Careershifters and the Launch Pad marked a turning point for me. The course opened my mind up to a possibility I had never really considered before. Now I work for myself as a marketing consultant for purpose-driven brands. I'm loving it, and it just feels right for me, more than any job ever has."

  • John
    June 2021

    "I was surprised at the quality and amount of resources provided. There were far more than I expected. I was also surprised at the amount of interaction with both the Launch Pad team and the other course members. For the cost that you pay, you are receiving a huge amount of information, support and interaction."

  • Ali
    June 2021

    "It's been almost a year since I bit the bullet and made my shift. I couldn't be happier in my job. I'm working for Cats Protection, doing hands-on work with animals, which is exactly the thing I find most fulfilling. I'm a person who likes to be sure (well, as sure as you ever can be) that I'm making the right decision before I take the plunge, so the Launch Pad was perfect for me. It helped me to look at the new career / lifestyle from all angles. A big thanks to you and all the team."

  • Natalie
    June 2021

    "I made the shift – from working a full time job to now doing a portfolio of consultancy and non-exec work. I'm a lot happier, and a lot calmer too. I'm hugely grateful for the Launch Pad course as it gave me the confidence to make the shift."

  • Alice
    June 2021

    "Thank you so much – it was a fantastic course. I found Natasha and Sarah’s approach very healing after a bruising time in city corporate law. It has given me confidence and a kinder way of approaching work which looks for the fun and connections."

  • Oli
    June 2021

    "The Launch Pad has been incredibly useful in helping me see where I want to be and understand how to get there. I'm close, and I realise that this is going to have to be a long term shift, but it will be worth it in the end! Just a huge thank you once again for helping me see the 'wood for the trees' and for welcoming me into such a supportive and nurturing community."

  • Mark
    June 2021

    "It was a brilliant course. Thank you! Everything was so practical and easy to follow. I really enjoyed it. You guys are fantastic."

  • Glen
    June 2021

    "The content and approach is of exceedingly high quality. I would sign up for a next semester of Launch Pad today."

  • Cath
    June 2021

    "I'd like to tell you how much I have enjoyed the Launch Pad, as it has opened up a new world of possibilities. The tasks and missions have allowed me to refocus my lenses on my place in the world, community and family. Rather than continuing to be (as my husband put it) a beautiful peg in an ugly hole, I am now on a quest to find a better fit."

  • Karen
    June 2021

    "I loved the easy mix of audio / written materials, well timed calls and missions. Fantastic experience. Your use of online platforms impressively created a close community and enabled me to join this from a distance after 12 years out of the UK. I was amazed at how open everyone was. I believe it is life changing to have been part of this experience that allowed me to drop a lot of baggage from the past and realize I am not alone."

  • Georgina
    May 2021

    "It's been a really wonderfully immersive process. I've loved the calls where we hear others' experiences and really feel set up for the coming week. I've also loved being part of the community and sharing ideas as well as being able to get input from the coaches on struggles you're having / celebrating successes! I'd recommend this course to anyone as a life experience who's even a tiny bit unsure about their current role, let alone having a direct desire to change careers, as almost all of us do!"

  • Laura
    May 2021

    "I'm so appreciative of this course, the material, the coaches, and my course mates. It's the best present I could have given myself, I feel more excited about life than I have in a long time."

  • Steve
    April 2021

    "I just wanted to say a massive thank you to all the team at Careershifters! It's been an intense experience, but I feel like I've gained so much and have grown as a person. I think the skills I'm learning will have so much mileage and will help me in years / decades to come. Thank you!"

  • Louise
    April 2021

    "Overall I really enjoyed the Launch Pad experience and I am so pleased I came across Careershifters. The course has really given me so much food for thought and the tools and insights to help me to find a new career direction. I definitely feel more positive about finding something that's right for me as a result of taking part. And it's been so nice to meet so many other lovely people in the same boat!"

  • Felicia
    April 2021

    "The course has helped me take control of my life in unexpected ways. I wasn't in a great place before signing up to the Launch Pad, but signing up was the best thing I could have ever done for myself. It gave me the confidence to believe in myself again, to hope, and most importantly it gave me the community I was lacking. Making change in your life is already difficult and even if loved ones and friends are there to support us, it doesn't always compare to the support you get from a like-minded tribe that might be going through the trials and tribulations that come with big change. The course really showed me the impact of 'community', it's been life-changing in many ways."

  • Amy
    April 2021

    "It is a fascinating and really useful course. The methodology is clever and brought to life by fab coaches."

  • Richard
    April 2021

    "An excellent course, superb tutors and support, great sessions on things such as finding your skills, and very straightforward techniques to help make a change! It has been incredibly refreshing that finding fulfilling work can be fun and social!"

  • Sian
    April 2021

    "Just to say a huge thank you again! The whole Launch Pad team have been amazing. I think you are doing fantastic work and I'm so glad to have been able to join. The beauty of this course is that all the skills and approaches can be put into action at any time and at any stage, so I know that I can just keep going steadily and know what I need to do."

  • Dimah
    April 2021

    "I genuinely thought the program was excellent! Overall I have got so much out of it. A huge thank you to you all for really giving me the confidence and direction I have been looking for."

  • Christina
    December 2020

    "The Launch Pad was an amazing experience and I am so grateful to the tools and process that it has provided me. In addition, I have made some amazing friends worldwide which was the best surprise of all."

  • Georgia
    December 2020

    "The Launch Pad has given me a new lens to see myself through, as well as helping me see what is important to me and where I would like to focus my energy. Since finishing the course I feel much more self confident, recognising my value and that I'm capable of asking for what I really want. I am finally making actual decisions as opposed to feeling paralysed, and have a rough plan of the direction I would like to move in. I'm hopeful."

  • Sarah
    December 2020

    "The Launch Pad has given me an amazing set of resources that I keep coming back to when I need a steer in the right direction at specific points. It has given me a support network of other alumni who give me encouragement and ideas and for whom I enjoy returning the favour. Careershifters gives me inspirational stories through the weekly emails and the quarterly calls. This has definitely got me going again and helped me identify my goal! Thank you – I love what you do and am confident that it's helping me get to my goals."

  • Hilary
    December 2020

    "I'm quite reclusive and part of a group with so many different ideas feeding in has been revelatory to me. The calls were always thought provoking and inspirational. It's helped me to look at careers and potential obstacles in entirely new ways. It is amazing to be on the journey with so many people and to be guided through a new (to me) tried and tested approach. The course is exceptionally good. The Launch Pad has given me a new lens to see myself through, as well as helping me see what is important to me and where I would like to focus my energy. Since finishing the course I feel much more self confident, recognising my value and that I'm capable of asking for what I really want. I am finally making actual decisions as opposed to feeling paralysed, and have a rough plan of the direction I would like to move in. I'm hopeful."

  • Shona
    December 2020

    "The Launch Pad Plus broadened my mind, enriched my life and made me realise that thinking about careers doesn't need to be terrifying. The work you do is wonderful, human, inspiring. Please keep doing it!"

  • Emma
    December 2020

    "The course helped me set up a really clear framework on how to shift. It's given me lots of manageable steps to follow to explore opportunities, test ideas and start shifting. It has also helped bring more certainty to the situation."

  • Victoria
    December 2020

    "The Launch Pad has given me a safe structure and framework which encourages creativity, risk taking, and a fun and playful approach. All of which have enabled me to feel confident that I can enjoy this journey and be ready to take opportunities I might not be aware of. The Launch Pad is the most valuable course I have been on in my adult life. I now feel confident I have an approach for life which empowers me to explore new ways of doing things I enjoy. I keep telling everyone about it!"

  • Nathan
    November 2020

    "I met so many fantastic people on the Launch Pad course, who really helped to galvanise me. They helped me realise that I wasn’t on my own, and they also kept me accountable as my shift progressed."

  • Charlotte
    November 2020

    "The Launch Pad has honestly been such an incredible eye opening experience. It has opened my eyes to the concept of possibility. It has also helped me reconnect with myself by asking some of the most important questions in life: who am I, what do I value, what makes me happy and how can I spend my time doing work that gives me joy."

  • Carli
    November 2020

    "I couldn’t afford to keep procrastinating, so I joined the Careershifters Launch Pad to give me a push in the right direction. I found that not only was it possible for me to make the change I needed, but that I could draw on support from other people who were in the same position as me. It felt as though I’d given myself permission to change my career."

  • Lynne
    September 2020

    "Thanks to Careershifters and the Launch Padders, I handed in my notice yesterday and start my new job in a couple of months. A new, happier and more energised me. The missions, really helped me focus in on who I am, what I want and what I have to offer. It feels like I’ve ‘created’ and loved this job into being. It’s exactly what I described to you that makes me happy and where people get the best out of me. That’s got to be a ‘win win’!"

  • Rachele
    August 2020

    "Thank you all for your enthusiasm, warmth, positivity and conviction. The course has also given me back a lot of confidence and a renewed sense of purpose, so thank you for that too!"

  • Valerie
    August 2020

    "Thoroughly enjoyed the experience and would recommend this to anyone who is considering a career shift. In fact, anyone should do this experience in secondary school to help them guide their choices. Finally, thank you very much for all the team's support, friendliness, enthusiasm and smiles, especially from Natasha and Alison and the additional insights from Richard. I really felt like 'you had my back'."

  • Brenda
    August 2020

    "This is the best thing I have done, for myself, in my life. I wish I had done it years ago! The tools I have learnt through this course has made me realise that I can dream big and wide. I can explore ANYTHING and that there are no failures, just dead ends. Thank you all for this amazing experience and I look forward to seeing where my next light bulbs show up."

  • Julie
    August 2020

    "The Launch Pad has really opened up my mind to new ideas. I had not realised how narrow minded I had become in relation to work. The idea of just being curious about things has really struck a chord and now I just want to go out there and try new things. The course worked perfectly for me – it ticked all the boxes and exceeded my expectations. To have the continued access to the alumni, the momentum calls and lifetime access to the resources is just fantastic."

  • Silvie
    July 2020

    "I'm very glad that I came across your company and this course. The Launch Pad provided me with a new way of looking at things. The methodology is easy to follow, yet it feels like it's so much more effective than any traditional approach to career change. Thanks for you help and for being such a friendly and helpful bunch."

  • Nikki
    July 2020

    "This has been by far the most enlightening personal development course I have come across. I have tapped into my imagination and found creative faculties I never knew existed! The ideas in this programme need to be taught in secondary schools, colleges and universities and I really hope this is part of your future strategy. Thank you for everything."

  • Lynne
    July 2020

    "I’ve really appreciated the authenticity with which the course has been delivered. The focus on the whole person rather than career, has really helped make it meaningful and effective. Thank you very much, I will happily recommend it."

  • Tabitha
    July 2020

    "The course was well-presented, thoughtful, and kind. Everyone I've encountered at Careershifters has been supportive and genuine. Thanks for all your hard work and the support: it was intangibly helpful and I'm grateful."

  • Nick
    July 2020

    "Just a big thank you to all the coaches for all their help, advice and motivation. It was worth every penny!"

  • Nathan
    July 2020

    "I just wanted to say such a huge thank you for your support especially throughout the Launch Pad process. I would not be here without you and wanted to encourage you and the team for the great work you are doing. Thank you so much."

  • Anna
    July 2020

    "I'm really glad I found this course as the approach is so different to anything else I have encountered: it really surprised me. The Launch Pad makes shifting career fun instead of something to dread! It was a really good investment and being guided through it by experienced and engaging facilitators with a community of fellow career shifters has been invaluable. It really got me out of my comfort zone and gave me permission to do things and ask for things that I would not otherwise have dared to!"

  • Peter
    July 2020

    "I've been completely blown away by the experience of Launch Pad. Right from the start, when I had an in depth conversation with somebody about whether the course was right for me and would be able to help me, through to the end, I've been consistently struck by how supportive and authentic the service that you provide is. I've consistently felt a sense of being genuinely cared for by the people who deliver the course, and that they are doing a job that they love. The coaches are great role models and also usually understand even better than I do myself about what I am going through. I am so impressed by the content and tools provided, the skills I have developed and the way that a sense of community is created, to help people succeed in their career change beyond the 8 weeks of the course. Finally, I feel like a different person now compared to before Launch Pad. I am much more in tune now with who I am and what I want, and feel confident that I have the resources to live a more fulfilling life. Thank you all so much."

  • Ela
    July 2020

    "It was a fantastic experience for me and I loved it. It made sense and it was great fun. Thank you!"

  • Caroline
    July 2020

    "It's been brilliant, what a great course and journey – would highly recommend!"

  • Carol
    May 2020

    "This morning I found myself thinking back on the Launch Pad, and the path I’ve followed since then to get me where I am today.  I felt it worth dropping a big ‘thank you!’ to your team. Thank you for helping me understand myself better. And thank you for helping me get on the right track. Please do keep up the excellent work – I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling that has been an invaluable help."

  • Claire
    May 2020

    "Taking part in the Launch Pad helped reboot my confidence, kickstart my escape route, and I'm now aiming for the complete life/work balance I dream of."

  • Jennifer
    April 2020

    "The Launch Pad was effective – I feel concretely more capable of making the changes I want to make. Before the course I felt completely lost. I came away with so many helpful concepts and tools that help get me back on track when I start to stray. I got all the support I needed and asked for."

  • Kamilla
    April 2020

    "I liked that the structure of the Launch Pad was suited for various types of learners; the variety of materials and pushing the boundaries of comfort in a gentle but effective way. The dedicated team of super coaches had super powers on a mission to genuinely help others! I truly moved from being stuck, to starting acting and exploring. I'm amazed by how much thought, planning, strategising, wisdom and love went into creating the course. This was a truly immersive experience."

  • Rachel
    April 2020

    "The Launch Pad was excellent. It was very supportive, friendly, confidently delivered and genuine."

  • Ana
    April 2020

    "The Launch Pad has definitely confirmed that I am on the right path. I feel like I have been given the tools that will allow me to find what it is that I am looking for. I just feel more confident about the future and excited to put more of what I have learned into practice."

  • Lynette
    April 2020

    "The course has given me a structure to move forward, whereas I was paralysed with analysis beforehand."

  • Jude
    April 2020

    "I most enjoyed the enthusiasm and thoughtfulness shown in the course, which seems very genuine. It gave me practical realistic steps and structure to make progress."

  • Silvia
    April 2020

    "I don't feel anxious about career change anymore. I feel calm about it, and this has been the greatest gift from the Launch Pad course. Opportunities are all around me, I just need to come out and play with them. It gave me a rhythm too and something to look forward to. It made me schedule time off to focus on my career change."

  • Rachel
    April 2020

    "A big thank you to all of you. The course is truly fantastic: from all the coaching and content through to the seamless management of content and webinars. It's really opened my eyes to how to approach career change, but also more widely my life. Remembering to not take myself so seriously is one of the many important takeaways I hope to hold onto."

  • Ana Marta
    April 2020

    "The course has really helped to keep me accountable for my shift. It's given me clarity in the directions that I should take and helped me feel like I'm growing, and actually see that I'm growing."

  • Andy
    April 2020

    "Following the course I have re-engaged with the world, both professionally and personally. I have been dragged out of my velvet rut and I've got my vim and vigor back. I was always extremely sociable before my head started to drop and now I've lifted my eyes and they're sparkling again. It's reminded me who I am and I'm now exploring so many new avenues."

  • Jennifer
    April 2020

    "I've found support and friendship in the Launch Pad, and a bunch of people who are in each other's corner when in comes to everyone's career change."

  • Rachel
    April 2020

    "I enjoyed so many things from the Launch Pad: the interactive nature of calls; access to materials and the quality of them; the mindset of the team and fellow participants. Thank you for your enthusiasm throughout the course. Thank you for all the hard work I'm sure was put in behind the scenes. It was an absolute pleasure to be part of the course."

  • Lana
    April 2020

    "The structure of the course has been great, along with the weekly missions and exercises which makes it clear what I need to achieve each week. I don't think I realised the true value of this and I think I was just waiting for things to happen!"

  • Galia
    April 2020

    "I definitely surprised myself doing the course, as it gave me a real change of mindset. The Get It Done Days were a life changing revelation for the procrastinator that is me."

  • Stewart
    April 2020

    "Thank you so much, this course has been a game changer."

  • Sophie
    April 2020

    "The course has given me a really good support network to guide me this time: I didn't realise what a massive effect that this would have."

  • Alan
    April 2020

    "The Launch Pad was hugely impactful for me: I went from being a timid, introverted, very unhappy and low-confidence person to having the confidence that I feel now. Being part of a group of like-minded people made me feel like I wasn’t alone. That was the part that had been missing from my shift before, I’d been trying to do everything alone."

  • Andy
    April 2020

    "The weekly structure and tasks has pushed me along, whereas before the course I was paralysed. I have found the 'old Andy' and have re-engaged with the world again."

  • Martyn
    March 2020

    "The weekly coaching call (in the Launch Pad) brings everything together, offering a great opportunity for shared reflection and learning. The weekly missions and exercises are very enlightening: practical and fun at the same time. The Community group adds an invaluable extra level of shared experience, teamwork and motivation."

  • Nathan
    March 2020

    "The course has taken the stress out of being stuck. It's given me hope and brought about lightness and confidence building."

  • Jacqui
    December 2019

    "The Careershifters Launch Pad has shifted my mindset and helped me consider ways forward that had not occurred to me before. It has given me a good framework for exploring new streams, and has helped me begin the process of taking control of my career."

  • Gabrielle
    December 2019

    "The Launch Pad has given me a long term process / approach to career shifting, and actually long term career management, which has been liberating. It has also helped me feel OK with doing things that move me towards a general direction, without having an exact idea of the end outcome."

  • Dalia
    December 2019

    "I am a different person after the Launch Pad. I'm now an open to action and possibilities person who reaches out, dives into experiences and becomes whatever those experiences yield, and who doesn't get phased out when things don't work out. I'm on the journey of my choices. Each time I exercise my freedom to pursue the next thing, I draw a line to connect the dots of what I want to become. I am living out of my head for once!"

  • Karen
    December 2019

    "The Launch Pad got me into action and changed how I approach my career shift and life! It keeps me calm when the negative thought spiral inevitably starts up again and has given me an incredibly valuable and lovely peer support group."

  • Steven
    December 2019

    "The Launch Pad has given me a skillset that I can apply to my work and my life, which allows me to see how it all fits together. It has given me peace of mind that it's OK to feel all of the different emotions we feel. I have a network of people I can now tap into that are a sounding board, motivators and inspirations. Taking part is one of the best decisions I've ever made: nobody ever teaches you how to have a career, so this was (and continues to be) essential to me and my family."

  • Vicky
    December 2019

    "The Launch Pad gave actionable advice, broke the process down and made it fun. It gave me a safe space to reflect on what I really want out of my work and where I can add the most value."

  • Nana
    December 2019

    "Careershifters created a formula (in the Launch Pad) for exploring and whittling down ideas in a meaningful and practical way. The course also created a space of encouragement and gave me and others the tools to make significant steps in moving towards career change."

  • Annika
    December 2019

    "The Launch Pad helped me to get to know myself and my strengths, values and deal breakers for the first time. I learnt that I have to use these as guiding lights to find work that makes me happy: previously I just went wherever there was opportunity and followed the stream. Careershifters has boosted my confidence, self-awareness and outlook on my career more than I can describe in mere words!"

  • Ned
    October 2018

    "The Launch Pad has given me a good alternative process for finding work that I love, and not worrying about CVs and job applications. That’s made it all much more relaxing. I feel far more in control of my destiny now!"

  • Kelly
    October 2018

    "The Launch Pad allowed me to understand the steps that I needed to feel confident and clear about my career. It really did change my life."

  • Mat
    June 2017

    "The Launch Pad showed me that career change doesn't have to be scary; it can be exciting, light-hearted, an adventure."

  • Julie
    February 2017

    "Incredibly motivating. It changed my perspective and I now work for myself. The Launch Pad helped me be brave enough to make the shift."

  • Ross
    October 2016

    "The Launch Pad enabled me to translate what I value and enjoy into a career, and equipped me with the tools to actually make the shift. It makes something quite scary, very practical, achievable and enjoyable!"

  • Nina
    February 2016

    "I've taken the plunge to being a freelance writer, and in doing so I feel far more energised and more 'me' than I have done in a really long time - in fact perhaps ever. I'm so happy!"

  • Carli
    October 2014

    "I feel extremely grateful that I’m able to live the life that I’ve always dreamed of, after years that felt incongruous. I’m healthier and happier than I’ve ever been."

  • Trish
    August 2024

    "I feel less daunted about the prospect of finding a new role/career that "fits" and more hopeful that I can create a work life that's authentically me."

  • Amaka Ndubisi
    May 2024

    "Natasha was the highlight of our team retreat: she is an incredible facilitator. We all left her workshop wishing it would go on for another week."

  • Mrunal Deosthale
    May 2024

    "I wholeheartedly endorse Natasha as a speaker whose expertise, empathy, and infectious energy leave a lasting impact on all who encounter her."

  • Jamie Dimock
    May 2024

    "The enthusiasm of a puppy with the wisdom of an owl."

  • Catherine
    April 2024

    "“Before the course, I was drained and uninspired. Now, I'm really excited about my new career – and happy to have more balance and flexibility.”"

  • Gwen
    January 2024

    "I feel energised, motivated and more positive about what's ahead."

  • Salma
    January 2024

    "The number of people (at the Workshop) with similar feelings was reassuring and made me feel less unusual. The positive tone was invigorating and gave me hope that it might still be possible to find more fulfilling work."

  • James
    January 2024

    "The Workshop gave me a more structured process to think about experimenting with a career change. It also felt reassuring to hear from other people who are thinking about similar problems."

  • Fiona
    January 2024

    "The Workshop gave me a structure for implementing change thanks to the very useful practical steps and actions."

  • Kelly
    January 2024

    "The Workshop has given me lots of ideas on how to take next steps. My energy levels have been raised in anticipation of taking action!"

  • Theresa
    January 2024

    "I'm inspired to move ahead with concrete steps to advance my career change. I felt like the material was based on solid experience and really understanding the career changing audience."

  • Julie
    December 2023

    "Careershifters has helped me in my career change step-by-step with different ideas of how to change careers without just jumping in at the deep end. The inspiring weekly emails have kept me going at low points."

  • Caroline
    December 2023

    "The course has given me new tools and a new found confidence, making me believe it's possible for me to change my career. A big thank you to the coaches (and to all those behind the scenes) – it’s a pretty remarkable thing you’re doing."

  • Lindsey
    December 2023

    "The Launch Pad's given me more confidence in myself and the tools to take my career change forward. I think this was the boost I needed to get my career change going again. My friends and colleagues have definitely noticed that by doing this course, I am much happier and positive."

  • Sam
    December 2023

    "I've got to know myself in a way that I never have before and had the most tremendous personal growth spurt. It has been a truly wonderful two months and all our coaches and trainers were amazing – a huge thank you to Natasha and Anna for creating and running such a brilliant programme. I feel very privileged to have had the chance to participate."

  • Ali
    October 2023

    "The workshop helped me put a 'name' or 'stage' to where I am currently in my career shift. It's reassurred me to not feel like I have to rush, instead spending quality time working through each stage of my shift. I'm excited for my next steps."

  • Mary
    October 2023

    "I came away with a new perspective and tangible actions I could take to help me in my career shift."

  • Jane
    October 2023

    "It’s given me hope and positivity. I now feel back in control of my future."

  • Joanne
    September 2023

    "The Workshop reassured me that it's possible to change careers, and it sparked excitement in me to start the process."

  • Helene
    September 2023

    "I read your article on the liminal phase yesterday, and felt so validated. Well done. It's a heartfelt, accurate and fairly practical article. It's not often I see something so well articulated and well written. It places the right words to the mushy feelings and awkward situations of that phase. A masterclass in empathy with your target customer! I want to send thank yous and kudos to the team / writers responsible for it."

  • Jack
    August 2023

    "“Richard was very empathetic. It feels like I've got a tailored, personal road map with some practical action points. Thank you!”"

  • Charmaine
    August 2023

    "The Workshop validated how I feel about my current job role and made me think about why this is. It has inspired me to think differently about how to make a change and was a brilliant way to spend the evening."

  • Katie
    August 2023

    "I came away feeling a lot less overwhelmed and more positive. The emphasis on taking small steps now made making the shift feel more manageable."

  • Rod
    July 2023

    "The practical and well-constructed approaches had the most impact to getting me on my way to actioning a career change. It was reassuring to know there are many others like me out there, and speak to them on the call."

  • Lucy
    July 2023

    "It gave me some useful practical tools for exploring my shift and a model to help structure this, which has made my shift feel less scary and overwhelming."

  • Charlene
    July 2023

    "The Workshop gave me hope for the future. Instead of feeling tired at the thought of career switching, I came away full of ideas and energy."

  • Jenny
    July 2023

    "I feel a sense of relief that there’s something different I can do that will help lead me where I need to go. I feel less trapped. I’m really glad I invested both the time and money – totally worth it."

  • Jo
    July 2023

    "Just stumbled upon the site and so many of your articles have been so helpful already! I've always known that I have lots of passions, but this exercise helps a lot to make them more coherent through identifying my own storylines. I still am pretty lost, but it feels a little less daunting now, so thank you for this Natasha!"

  • Cameron
    June 2023

    "The Workshop opened up my mind to how better approach my shift in a more constructive way, rather than my current vicious circle of thinking."

  • Natalie
    June 2023

    "I now have a structured path towards a new career rather than running around, panicking. I also felt comforted by meeting other people who are about to change their tracks."

  • Alex
    June 2023

    "The Launch Pad has truly taken me on a journey: providing me with the activities, tools and community to trial, fail and thrive, in my learning and understanding."

  • Hal
    May 2023

    "I came away feeling extremely motivated to get on with my career change. The plans and roadmaps we're the most helpful piece for me as I am a process person. It was an interesting, engaging and fun Workshop!"

  • Katy
    May 2023

    "The framework gave me a formal jumping off point, reducing my overwhelm at the choice open to me."

  • Diana
    May 2023

    "I’m now in a career I’m really passionate about and excited about the future. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much Careershifters for all the amazing resources and for creating a community where people can connect and learn from each other, and see that there’s nothing wrong with them."

  • Lynette
    April 2023

    "I feel excited to seek change, where I felt completely powerless and confused before. It's got me thinking in different ways. I feel I have ideas and inspiration now, after the session exercises."

  • Kate
    April 2023

    "It kickstarted my energy to make a change, by making the way ahead seem clearer. It made the process seem fun and exciting, rather than arduous."

  • Gina
    April 2023

    "I feel I got everything I was looking for and more from the Launch Pad. Natasha and Louisa were absolute gems. It surprised me how much the support and camaraderie of the group transmitted in an online format. Thank you Careershifters!"

  • Helen
    April 2023

    "Just a huge thank you to all the Launch Pad team (those who we've met during the calls and those working behind the scenes) for delivering such a great course. This was exactly what I needed to shake me out of my stupor and see the possibilities ahead."

  • Natalie
    April 2023

    "I’m so glad that I signed up to the Launch Pad. I feel like you’ve pulled me towards the top of a hole that I was falling deeper into. I can see now that there's a way to get out. It will take time and effort, but it is reachable, because I now have the tools to help me get to a much better place, a place I would prefer to be."

  • Paul
    March 2023

    "It alleviated a lot of stress I had thinking about my career change process. The information presented in the Workshop was extremely useful and I can't wait to apply some of these things to assist in my journey."

  • Noelle
    March 2023

    "It made me feel that a change was possible and it gave me concrete steps to start my search for a fulfilling career. This was a very useful Workshop!"

  • Louise
    March 2023

    "“I have a new job! Thanks to a good chat with another Membership participant when I first joined, I became aware of 'councils for voluntary services' (organisations run as charities, mainly funded by local and county councils, to champion and support voluntary groups and promote volunteering). Recently I spotted my local CVS was advertising some vacancies! Long story short, after much debate and self doubt, I applied for a project development role and got it. Without a doubt, what I've learnt through the Launch Pad and the lovely conversations I've had with fellow shifters in the Membership have helped me to get to where I currently am.”"

  • Rebeka
    March 2023

    "“I have found a new job I am very excited about! The tools and mindset shifts I have learned by taking part in the Launch Pad and Launch Pad Membership have played a huge part in this successful move. Thank you!”"

  • Laura
    March 2023

    "“Shortly I'll be leaving my current job and becoming a self-employed franchise owner. I don't think I could have done this without going through the Launch Pad and Launch Pad Membership. Apart from helping me identify what's really important to me in terms of work, I would never have had the confidence to approach people already in the industry without all the practice I've had.”"

  • Rory
    March 2023

    "The Workshop made me feel more relaxed and optimistic about finding the next steps in my career shift. It made me take a step back from trying to think my way to a solution and provided practical advice that will lead to greater clarity."

  • Jasmine
    March 2023

    "I just wanted to share my appreciation on the article by Natasha on Job Hunting. It was perfectly timed with where I am right now, wanting to shift into my dream career of graphic design. I'm more excited and confident to implement the advice suggested to take those steps into 'shifting' into my purpose. Please pass my compliments onto Natasha. A truly wonderful article!"

  • Jess
    March 2023

    "I just want to say thank you for writing this article! This is the most accurate depiction of where I am currently in the work force – I have never read something that seemed to fully understand where my head was at. I even used the term 'Ground Hog' day prior to reading this, while trying to explain what was going on at work to my husband. Thank you for the words of encouragement! You have no idea how much I appreciate it."

  • Janice
    March 2023

    "Your company ethos is brilliant. The way it puts things across and encourages a sense of fun for the process, as well as connection is a winning combination. I appreciate the work you do and will always suggest it to others as a supportive, helpful and insightful way to shift!"

  • Deirdre
    February 2023

    "I have more hope and feel less overwhelmed by the idea of changing careers. Tools shared in the Workshop allow me to explore from a place of curiosity rather than desperation."

  • Emma
    February 2023

    "I left the Workshop feeling energised and happy to have a plan"

  • Ellen
    February 2023

    "It really helped me to see a way forward, feel a lot less helpless and much more hopeful. I keep thinking of things I could do and people I could talk to and feel a lot less trapped by circumstance. Seeing a clear process mapped out, talking about small steps and the discovery / test process, has made the thought of a shift a lot less daunting. I can now see steps I can take and stop worrying so much about the end goal."

  • Alison
    February 2023

    "It gave me a completely different perspective, not only on how to look for my next career move, but also on how to decide on it. Lots of tools and techniques. I'm excited."

  • Samanta
    February 2023

    "The Workshop provided a clearer framework to map out the next steps I can take to get where I want."

  • Daisy
    January 2023

    "Inspiring, I feel like I have more of a road map now. Good structure and great to see there are others in my position."

  • Kate
    January 2023

    "The Workshop gave me guidance on how to move beyond the confines of circular thought in my head, alleviating the feelings of insanity, desperation and confusion. It gave me back a sense of control and independence to develop my own career."

  • Abby
    January 2023

    "Love having a concrete framework to follow during my career exploration. It's helped me to create an intentional process for this search."

  • Alex
    January 2023

    "Really felt invigorated to pursue small, achievable actions that can make a tangible difference. Very grateful for the worldwide participation."

  • Bronwyn
    January 2023

    "It gave me the tools and a clear road map for how I can go about making a shift, resulting in greater clarity about my next step and 'topped up' my reserves to keep going."

  • Oyin
    January 2023

    "The Workshop was a really useful session for me. I left with tangible and practical action points which was very encouraging. It gave me tools to start the career shift journey."

  • Hannah
    January 2023

    "Absolutely loved the article: 'How To Change Career When You Have No Idea What You're Doing'. It all resonated so much, especially the analysis paralysis, the idea that opportunities are attached to people and to dip your toe into the different work worlds out there. Thank you so much, I cannot say how much lighter I feel after reading this (and I have never left a comment on anything!). I still have no idea which direction I am going, but I am sure it's not staying stuck here!"

  • Heather
    December 2022

    "It has made career change a lot easier (and realistic). I appreciated how real the talk and questions were, not ignoring the fact that we all have busy lives that require money. Really affirming, and grateful being with others in the same boat."

  • Stephanie
    November 2022

    "The Workshop was extremely powerful leaving me with a strong desire to take next steps. It was well designed and methodical, it helped walk me through all of my fears / considerations."

  • Mike
    November 2022

    "The Workshop gave me a process to work through and actions I need to do to get moving with my career change. It was great to know so many people are in the same position as me."

  • Sara
    November 2022

    "It gave me reassurance that I am on the right path, but just need to take action. The feedback from the group was of great insight. A very 'real' session, not at all like some more formal things I've attended in the past, and so much more valuable to me as a result."

  • Sharon
    October 2022

    "I love how much more open my mind is now, after just a couple of hours of the Workshop. It was refreshing to know that other professionals of all ages and from a variety of industries could be experiencing the same feelings around the longing for a better career fit. The content was direct, easy to understand and it really resonated with me."

  • Elliot
    October 2022

    "“My coach was warm and friendly, putting me at ease, which meant I felt comfortable being honest about my situation. Together we identified three things to start investigating, and as a result, I’m finding new ideas are popping up in my mind fairly regularly!”"

  • Teresa
    October 2022

    "“I really enjoyed my session. My coach immediately sussed my needs providing me with valuable and effective suggestions, all within the allocated time! They were focused and concentrated on the practical aspects of the job search, deeply understanding the application process. As a result of the 1-on-1 consultation, I was offered an interview using the advice I was given to re-write my application.”"

  • Catherine
    October 2022

    "I felt excited and hopeful for the first time in a long time. Hearing that other people had similar concerns to me was so reassuring. The tools taught in the Workshop were so different from anything I’ve previously considered doing, that it left me really motivated."

  • Sanjana
    October 2022

    "The entire structure of the Workshop was super helpful in getting started, understanding the pitfalls and how to overcome them. The exercises also brought clarity to the entire process. Meeting so many people who are going through the same thing really helped. "

  • Emma
    October 2022

    "The Launch Pad has given me hope and a feeling of being in control of my shift and future."

  • Rikki-Lea
    October 2022

    "I feel so much more confident and able to do this now."

  • Isabella
    October 2022

    "I realised just how powerful it was to be part of a community going through similar experiences at the same time."

  • Jane
    September 2022

    "The session was worth every penny – that dreadful stuck feeling is already starting to retreat as my brain begins to think in a new direction. I came away with lots of thoughts about what my next steps could be."

  • Susan
    September 2022

    "The Workshop was very relatable. It was great to see so many like minded individuals and this helped to normalise my feelings of wanting to change careers. It gave a good structure for organising my thoughts, explaining rationale, and gave a practical plan to follow."

  • Christian
    September 2022

    "I loved the format of the Workshop. I got out a lot of key ideas and some very sensible principles to guide my exploration."

  • Lauren
    September 2022

    "I felt inspired and more confident in how to move forward in my career shift. The Workshop gave me a very solid foundation with how to go about the process of a career change."

  • Angie
    September 2022

    "I felt much more positive and motivated about attempting a ‘shift’ after the Workshop. This is prompted by the realisation that so many others are in the same position and that there is a well thought out way to approach the task on hand."

  • Emily
    September 2022

    "I feel much more hopeful about career change being more of a possibility, because of the helpful steps and examples, on how to put action into practice! Seeing so many others in a similar position helped me know it’s not a ‘me’ thing."

  • Kate
    September 2022

    "Talking with other potential career changers was GREAT, knowing how many of us there are from different careers who want to shift. It's made me feel much more confident to pursue a career change."

  • Charlotte
    August 2022

    "Having concrete steps within the framework of a defined plan was very helpful in managing the overwhelm of a career change. Having the opportunity to meet other people who are on the same journey was very comforting and reassuring."

  • Emma
    August 2022

    "The Workshop reduced feelings of overwhelm around making a career move through the exercises. I left feeling energised with a practical place to start and already feeling more confident about avoiding potential pitfallsThe Workshop reduced feelings of overwhelm around making a career move through the exercises. I left feeling energised with a practical place to start and already feeling more confident about avoiding potential pitfalls"

  • Carli
    August 2022

    "I feel extremely grateful that I’m able to live the life that I’ve always dreamed of, after years that felt incongruous. I’m healthier and happier than I’ve ever been."

  • Alan
    August 2022

    "Coming out of this shift, I’m in flow every single day. It’s just an enormous change! My future looks bright, and I have a great plan. It’s a thrill to be living like this now."

  • Kelly
    August 2022

    "The Launch Pad allowed me to understand the steps that I needed to feel confident and clear about my career. It really did change my life."

  • Ned
    August 2022

    "The Launch Pad has given me a good alternative process for finding work that I love, and not worrying about CVs and job applications. That’s made it all much more relaxing. I feel far more in control of my destiny now!"

  • Ross
    August 2022

    "The Launch Pad enabled me to translate what I value and enjoy into a career, and equipped me with the tools to actually make the shift. It makes something quite scary, very practical, achievable and enjoyable!"

  • Will
    August 2022

    "The Workshop has given me an actionable framework from which to work from. It's given me a genuine starting point, looking at a career shift in a completely different way."

  • Aurora
    August 2022

    "I felt less alone seeing other people struggle too. This breakdown of the process gave me more confidence about the approach I needed to take and the stages of it. I have some clear actions and can see what the ideas are to move forward with."

  • Laura
    August 2022

    "It's energised me and helped me focus on concrete steps I can take. It's also underscored what I had previously heard but not wanted to accept, that you have to focus on people and not job searches."

  • Ellen
    August 2022

    "It showed me that there is a way to find a new career. I've gone from feeling a bit hopeless about it to being clear on what kind of action I need to take. The next step is up to me!"

  • Laura
    August 2022

    "The Launch Pad is honestly the best course I've ever done. I feel that I have a whole new perspective on life. Thanks to the whole team!"

  • Sonal
    July 2022

    "The Workshop made me feel like I was not the only one feeling that way and there is help out there available to people like me. It also made me feel like I could and should be doing something more than just waiting for a sign or a light bulb moment. It feels empowering."

  • Sarah
    July 2022

    "The Workshop gave me the motivation I needed. I always thought you had to do this alone and find your passion. I wondered why I failed so many times and I feel inspired for change now."

  • Catherine
    July 2022

    "I'm energised about moving forwards with this and comforted to not be alone. I'm ready to take action, thanks to the useful very practical focused advice."

  • Ben
    June 2022

    "It gave me the confidence to start on the road to changing my career. The methods I learned during the Workshop really resonated with me and left me with some practical steps to follow. I found it hugely helpful."

  • Alyssa
    June 2022

    "It got me excited about possibilities rather than stuck in the place of overwhelm. The structure of the Workshop gave me the space to put fears / concerns / assumptions aside and just see what information I already have. It made it feel less like I'm starting from 'scratch' and less overwhelming. I enjoyed the communal aspect, that everyone was invested in participating and making their own change, which really validated the experience I'm having."

  • Chase
    June 2022

    "I'm just SO RELIEVED and unburdened now to change my career. I had several 'a-ha' moments: that I'm not 'bad' for not having a passion; that I'm not 'stupid' for not being able to figure a career change out by myself; that taking baby-steps is still moving forward! It's more of an adventure with little experiments along the way rather than this huge dreaded thing that makes me tired to think about. "

  • Gemma
    June 2022

    "It gave me the confidence to pursue something better, and the belief that it was possible to find a career I love. I loved the easy to follow framework, it felt achievable and fun to do."

  • Jennifer
    May 2022

    "The Workshop provided a lot of clarity for me. From the very beginning it all started to click, and all of the information provided after that fell into place. I liked the structure of it, the information was clear. It was a fantastic Workshop."

  • Libby
    May 2022

    "The content and format was spot on, and I felt that you guys really ‘got it’, in terms of the position we are in and things we are feeling. The sense of community and belonging I felt in this session was very impactful. I appreciate how useful and well thought out this Workshop was – the session absolutely exceeded expectations and I’m so inspired!"

  • Tommy
    May 2022

    "The Workshop has motivated me to continue my journey towards finding the career I love. The content of the workshop really resonated with my experience. It helped me to make sense of why I’ve been feeling stuck for all these years."

  • Amanda
    May 2022

    "“I used to hate talking about what I did, but now I love being able to talk about my life! I’m no longer the miserable lawyer. I feel like myself again.”"

  • Emily
    May 2022

    "I felt very inspired after the Workshop and confident in the way I am going about the career shift. I have gained a huge amount which will be very beneficial."

  • Susan
    May 2022

    "The Workshop really helped clarify what I need to do as next steps and more importantly how to do do those steps, focusing in on the important tasks."

  • Mandy
    May 2022

    "“High Flyers helped me identify what I want to do in my next career – something I'd not been able to do through multiple previous courses or counselling (and the final outcome is something I hadn’t even considered). A knock on impact has been that I’m finding my current job more bearable as I work through the steps to transition to my new career.”"

  • Dirk
    May 2022

    "“Work was hugely affecting my life and I felt stuck. I withdrew from my friends and my social life. Through High Flyers, I was finally able to articulate what was important to me about my work and move into a role I'd always wanted to do.”"

  • Katrina
    May 2022

    "“I’ve (finally!!) left and moved into a role I love, working with a team I love. I think back to the weekend when I agonised over whether or not I should do High Flyers, and it’s turned out to be the best decision I’ve made this year!”"

  • Daniel
    May 2022

    "“I’d being carrying around anxiety and uncertainty about my career for close to a decade. I’m amazed by how much space I’ve freed up inside my own head by successfully switching to a role I feel suits me better. And the buzz I get from telling people my new job title is as strong as ever, six months after making my shift. Thank you.”"

  • Louise
    May 2022

    "“I’m not exaggerating when I say High Flyers has been life-changing. It’s shifted my perspective not just on how I work but how I live my life. I’ve left behind a toxic workplace, started a fledgling portfolio career and made new friends along the way.”"

  • Katie
    May 2022

    "I very much enjoy your emails and Newsletter. Thanks to you all for the things you do to help people, it's fantastic."

  • Lauren
    April 2022

    "The Workshop has made the prospect of career-shifting feel more fun, interesting, and achievable. I have clear instructions and metrics to use."

  • Katie
    March 2022

    "I am energized to finally take action to find a career that will excite and motivate me. In addition, I no longer feel alone in the feeling that my everyday work is tedious and soul depleting."

  • Meagan
    March 2022

    "I ended the Workshop feeling inspired. More importantly, I was empowered with takeaways that will overcome my fears and help me find what's next for me and my career."

  • Clare
    March 2022

    "The Workshop had a really positive impact on me, it’s made me think about my underlying drivers in a new way that has provided real clarity for me and broken me out of my analysis paralysis. And importantly, given me tangible steps to take to pursue the ideas I have and to find new ones."

  • Nina
    March 2022

    "The Workshop gave me practical exercises to get me started on my career change journey. I loved that the advice given is well researched and absolutely applicable to the real world. The genuine connections I made with others on my journey had a profound impact on me, and now I see I am truly not alone! I absolutely loved the people involved with this Workshop and information presented, as have not seen anything else like it."

  • Jennifer
    March 2022

    "The Workshop made me feel calmer, more in control, and more positive. It was reassuring to know that I'm not alone, and to have practical steps that I can take now to help me to figure everything out."

  • Suzie
    March 2022

    "The Workshop made me feel more in control of my future and excited about the various tangible steps I can take. It was the very clear exercises and examples from the Workshop that led to this."

  • Dawn
    March 2022

    "The Workshop helped me bring a lot of deeply buried myths to the surface, allowed them to breath and then replaced then with intelligent alternative practical tools to help me move forward. Trust me – I've been stuck for far too long, that today was so refreshing."

  • Katharine
    March 2022

    "I have to commend you on the content you create on Careershifters. Your copy is extremely well written, accessible and very engaging to read, not to mention thought-provoking and motivating! I've only recently discovered Careershifters and I have been impressed with everything I've read and watched so far; the guidance provided is extremely pragmatic and on-point. At times I feel like you can read my mind as you describe so eloquently and exactly how I feel about my current job and the need to pivot to something else but not entirely knowing how to. Your enthusiasm and energy for what you do is evident in every word so, hats off to you!"

  • James
    February 2022

    "“Angie helped me to realise that it's fine to reach out to people for career conversations before I've figured out exactly what it is I want to do next – I'd feared that I’d be wasting people's time or appear uninformed. She was open that she wasn't a specialist in my particular field but used her experience to challenge some of my assumptions. Angie did a great job and I came away with a lot more clarity!”"

  • Elliot
    February 2022

    "“Natasha was warm and friendly, putting me at ease, which meant I felt comfortable being honest about my situation. Together we identified three things to start investigating, and as a result, I’m finding new ideas are popping up in my mind fairly regularly!”"

  • Teresa
    February 2022

    "“I really enjoyed my session with John. He immediately understood my needs, providing me with valuable and effective suggestions – all within the allocated time! John was focused and concentrated on the practical aspects of the job search, deeply understanding the application process. As a result of the 1-on-1 consultation, I was offered an interview using the advice I was given to re-write my application.”"

  • Jenni
    February 2022

    "I've had a career shift and the support from Careershifters was invaluable in giving me the tools / mental push to make the change. I'm really enjoying my new work / life balance and freelance projects."

  • Sara
    January 2022

    "“The guests’ experience of career change was inspiring. It's made me feel more confident that I can change career, regardless of whatever obstacles there are.”"

  • Hanna
    January 2022

    "“I like the events that members run in the Meeting Room – it’s such a good format and really nice to just drop in and chat. We’ve had discussions about shifting into travel, a talk from someone who set up her own farm stay business, there’s a new Self Employed Club… If there’s something we want, we can just set it up and do it.”"

  • Emma
    January 2022

    "“There’s definitely a pattern: when I come [to Inner Circle events], I feel good and I get stuff done. When I don’t, I don’t!”"

  • Jo
    January 2022

    "“[The Proof Projects Challenge] gave me back my excitement about my theme. It was so useful. I finally feel confident talking about my career change and proud of what I managed to achieve in just 4 weeks.”"

  • Amy
    January 2022

    "“When I joined the Membership I was almost at a standstill. Now, I have off weeks, but most of the time I’m in regular action. The Membership has been great to help me break things down into achievable chunks, and I’ve had at least three chance encounters with people in the group who have been so helpful.”"

  • Sarah
    December 2021

    "“I absolutely love Careershifters. It’s the ethos, the culture: it really walks the walk and talks the talk. We take people through the courses and tell them: you can have what you want, there are wonderful organisations to work for. And I really feel that Careershifters is one of them: it practises what it preaches. It’s an incredibly healthy workplace that has found some really talented people, and listens to them. I feel like I’m working with some of the best career coaches out there, and I’m constantly learning and being challenged to be even better, and not to get too comfortable. I feel privileged to be part of the team.”"

  • John
    December 2021

    "“It’s a delight to work with a team who care so much about the clients we work with, and are so committed to delivering a fun, creative, lively experience.  It’s one of the best group learning environments I’ve ever come across in many decades of being around learning projects.  Additionally, the team keeps me on my toes in terms of event design and planning, and learning from everything we deliver.”"

  • Anna
    December 2021

    "“I honestly feel so grateful to have found such a lovely bunch of inspiring, committed and fun people to work with.  Even though we all work virtually and rarely see each other in person, I feel so much love for my colleagues.  Everybody at Careershifters has been through their own career change and genuinely cares about helping other people do the same, and to continually improve what we do, which I find so motivating.  I love my work, it never gets boring, and I feel like I’m making a genuine difference to people’s lives.”"

  • Eleanor Tweddell
    December 2021

    "I loved being part of your masterclass series – it was very easy to work with you, and I loved that we co-created something that worked for your audience. Very happy to be part of your brilliant organisation again!"

  • Grace Marshall
    December 2021

    "Being a Masterclass panellist is definitely an experience that stands out. There’s a real sense of teamwork and it’s like having your own production team with you – a host who makes it her business to know your material; the audience who ask great questions that steer the session; and organisers who handle the tiny decisions involved in making the logistics process run seamlessly."

  • Steve Errey
    December 2021

    "The Masterclass experience was made super-easy thanks to the preparation and handholding throughout. There was a perfect balance of direction in terms of content and timing, whilst letting me put my spin on things. The best thing was being able to get some tangible insights out there that the audience can use in their own lives. It was a pleasure to be a part of it!"

  • Cyriel Kortleven
    December 2021

    "The masterclass was well prepared in a very professional way. The nice thing was that I could fine-tune my content for a very specific target group of career shifters. It was also a fun learning experience for myself."

  • David Burkus
    December 2021

    "I thought it (the Masterclass) was great! I was impressed by the checklists – it’s obvious you guys have a system! You start to engage with it and think oh my gosh this is going to be so much work, BUT then it's not – you’ve done all the work to think it through and send the system in ahead of time. I loved that!"

  • Julia Randell-Khan
    December 2021

    "The Masterclass attendees were very engaged in the session which made the preparation worthwhile. The Careershifters team support on the logistics and operational support was top class! A very slick operation – thank you for the careful attention to detail. Happy to be involved in any future sessions / workshops."

  • Heather
    December 2021

    "Careershifters is helpful in reminding me that there are other people out there who are developing their careers too. Also I love how nice the emails are – I love the 'What's the team been up to' section of your newsletter! Even if I don't have time to read the whole email, I always scroll down to see what fun things everyone's been doing!"

  • Jenny
    December 2021

    "Thank you for everything you are doing and for making so much of your brilliant content free to access. It’s been life-changing for me this year and I’m certain it’ll help me again in the future for all the ‘shifts’ to come."

  • Rachel
    December 2021

    "This site has been so helpful for me. I read stories every day that help me on my journey. It's helped me feel like I'm on the right track."

  • Helen
    December 2021

    "Careershifters is useful in giving reassurance that change is possible. It gives recognition that I’m not the only person who feels like this. The ideas to consider regarding my change of direction have been helpful in my thinking and planning. I really like the inspirational stories of people who have made the change – it gives me hope that I will manage it too."

  • Sile
    December 2021

    "Careershifters has given me a place to start, as it's really daunting when you want to change career but don’t know how or what you want to do. I appreciate that you normalise changing careers as it can feel like failure when it shouldn’t."

  • Doireann
    December 2021

    "Careershifters has helped me to change my mindset around my career shift plans: it's now something I am excited and positive about, which has also helped me to deal with stress in my current job. I find the continued emails and case studies helpful. Having them arrive in my inbox reminds me of my goal and helps to keep me on track."

  • Edwina
    December 2021

    "Careershifters boosted my confidence when considering a career shift. I've been really impressed with the quality of communications and support."

  • Tracey
    December 2021

    "The Launch Pad has been incredibly useful in helping me see where I want to be and understand how to get there. I'm close, and I realise that this is going to have to be a long term shift, but it will be worth it in the end! Just a huge thank you once again for helping me see the 'wood for the trees' and for welcoming me into such a supportive and nurturing community."

  • Amy
    December 2021

    "Where to start? The Launch Pad has given me a road map of the clear process and steps I can take to do my research properly. It's motivated me through accountability, and consoled me by connecting me with others who are going through the same challenges. The main thing is that it has lifted some of the heavy load I've been carrying, and I feel lighter, with more energy and more optimism – which is what I've really needed to keep going."

  • Renee
    December 2021

    "It significantly helped me change my mindset, and better assess what I might want to pursue career-wise. The Launch Pad motivated me to open up new avenues of communication with people about new fields, and inspired me to start formulating directives towards a plan that I'm very excited about. I learned that I can actually incorporate passions that I've had for years into my creative work and make it much more fulfilling."

  • Edward
    December 2021

    "Launch Pad was worth every penny. I have a completely different mindset to career change now. I feel I now have all the tools plus a supportive community to help me shift."

  • Louise
    December 2021

    "The coaches Angie and Sarah (in the Launch Pad) were absolutely amazing with an incredible ability to make us all feel safe, 'home', and provided us with guidance, and questions to move us forward. I feel much better equipped to make a shift. It provided me with a structured process, tools and a community of people in the same situation as me. It gave me the confidence that it is possible to change."

  • Anne
    December 2021

    "Thanks for such a brilliant, life-changing course! I still use the skills I learned in the Launch Pad all the time in my daily life, as well as in my new career."

  • Vaniese
    December 2021

    "Very supportive and helpful reading about others experiences. The advice that you have been sending has helped my moral immensely."

  • Kathleen
    December 2021

    "Keep up the good work, encouragement and helpful newsletters, that have made a real difference to me."

  • Nikhila
    December 2021

    "Thanks for sharing such wonderful newsletters and stories of successful career shifters. They've given me a lot of moral support, motivation and courage to explore and work towards my goal. A supportive community helps you a lot in going forward."

  • Henri
    December 2021

    "The Launch Pad has challenged my whole way of thinking about work. It has challenged limitations that I set on myself, has encouraged me to act and to be more inquisitive. It has made me feel less lonely in my career confusion. I loved the structure of the course, the tools it provideed and how it systematically challenged one."

  • Fiona
    December 2021

    "Careershifters has given me the confidence to make a change. By reading other people's experiences, it has helped me realize I am not in a unique position. It has changed mindset from feeling guilty and unappreciative of having my current job and wanting to make a change. I like the timing of the emails: not too many and just enough, and they always seem to pop into my inbox when my momentum dips."

  • Matt
    December 2021

    "The Launch Pad experience was helpful and enjoyable. It has introduced me to a different perspective and approach to viewing the career change process. I feel much more equipped with tools and knowledge to eventually make a successful career shift. I understand better now why the name 'Launch Pad' is so fitting: clearly communicating and helping people understand that the course is the starting point and not the final destination is encouraging."

  • Mark
    December 2021

    "I thoroughly enjoyed the entire Launch Pad experience and would recommend it to anyone struggling to work out what they should do next, to find meaningful and fulfilling work."

  • Karen
    December 2021

    "This course has been an incredibly rewarding experience. I can already feel big positive shifts happening in terms of perspective, confidence, sense of identity and connections with others – my bubble has expanded. I know that if I keep going this should eventually translate into career change. Onwards and upwards! Thank you for all that you do."

  • Andrew
    December 2021

    "The emails were excellent, I feel like they were very specific but somehow entirely relatable to how I have been feeling a long while. They gave uncommon and realistic advice."

  • Iona
    December 2021

    "After 20 years of struggling to understand how to find the right career, the Launch Pad has shown me that action is the key to career change. It made me feel better about myself as I realised I was not alone. I found the Launch Pad hugely helpful. I wish I'd discovered it 20 years ago! I'm looking forward to using the skills and ideas from it for the next 20 years."

  • Laura
    December 2021

    "I completed the Launch Pad in 2019 and it inspired me to launch out of my comfort zone and into a completely new industry. It helped me to open my eyes to the possibilities out there, rather than feeling overwhelmed by all the choices. Since starting that job, I have become a much stronger person, both personally and professionally; and am hugely proud of myself for pushing through work that didn't feel easy at first. I wouldn't have done it if I hadn't found Careershifters! You already provide so much: motivational emails, a network of alumni, 1:1 coaching, informative articles, just when I'm feeling like I need a boost of motivation to remember why I'm doing what I'm doing. The Careershifters team is brilliant and continue to inspire me to become a person to be proud of."

  • Philip
    November 2021

    "“Having spent a significant amount of time seemingly going around in circles, this provided clear insights into a practical step-by-step approach. Thank you!”"

  • Emmanuel
    September 2021

    "“I found it profoundly useful with them sharing their unique experiences. They gave me the hope that I can make a career change no matter my situation.”"

  • Gerry
    September 2021

    "“I could relate to a lot they were saying. Normally I feel really alone with it all and don’t know anyone going through the same thing. Listening to them has given me hope. The time whizzed by.”"

  • Steve
    September 2021

    "“Hearing the reality of a career change was very inspiring. It wasn't a flash of light, but a mixture of persistence and process added to a bit of happenstance, which is far more attainable. The self confidence gained by the career changers was as precious as their new careers.”"

  • Stephen
    August 2021

    "I really enjoyed the course and feel I now have some key skills (and improved confidence) to explore new areas to go into. Big thanks to all of the coaches and team working behind the scenes to make this happen."

  • Nick
    August 2021

    "Careershifters gave me the confidence and courage to change my life and I haven't felt this happy for years! I've been telling two friends this evening who are both struggling with their career direction to check out Careershifters too!"

  • David
    August 2021

    "Very pleased I did it. Just opening up to family and friends about changing has been such a valuable exercise in itself learnt from day one. Thank you!"

  • Arminda
    August 2021

    "I knew I needed to take part in a course in order to actually act and make the shift, rather than try to do it by myself. For me, the course helped me to crystallise my thoughts and verbalise them to others. Getting feedback from people helped solidify that I don't have to do the same career, and helped me to see myself outside of my job. Doing the Launch Pad was where the big shift started to happen as I was sharing and talking with others in the same boat, as well as starting to talk to people outside of my industry."

  • Kimi
    August 2021

    "It's helped me to release the shame I was feeling around my career situation, and to appreciate that I'm not alone in it. It has made me more confident in being able to take certain specific actions that will help. Overall it has been very useful and I feel like it was a worthwhile investment!"

  • Nyki
    July 2021

    "Being able to share my journey with a group of like minded individuals has been one of the best things about the Launch Pad. I also appreciate how the course has been carefully curated to pull out the most impactful exercises to support my career journey, but most importantly that psychology has been heavily considered throughout. I think your course is absolutely brilliant."

  • Hannah
    July 2021

    "The course has been a wonderful experience that has really shifted the way I think about changing careers. I feel like I now have tools to help me get there."

  • Suzanne
    June 2021

    "The Masterclass gave me confidence to start thinking about the possibility of a career shift and how to go about this. It was very reassuring to know that I'm not alone in this process and that it’s never too late to start again."

  • Sarah
    June 2021

    ""It was enlightening attending the Masterclass, to see and hear from people like myself who had similar fears and issues. It gave me encouragement that change will breed momentum, and I felt more buoyed by the idea that I wasn’t wasting my time trying to find a new career."  "

  • Matt
    June 2021

    "The Masterclass improved my mental state (which was pretty low as far as my job was concerned). It gave me practical advice to start working on immediately. I realise there's a lot of work to be done and no time to waste!"

  • Louisa
    June 2021

    "Everything that was discussed in the Masterclass set off little light bulbs inside my head. I understand now why I have been struggling to make a shift. I feel less alone and more equipped to now tackle it."

  • Suzanne
    June 2021

    ""The Masterclass covered all the questions I had and more. Very reassuring to know that I'm not alone in this process.""

  • Jule
    June 2021

    "“The test report is very well structured, detailed and has been immensely helpful for me. I’m using it like a manual – to remind myself where I’m at, what to focus on and what to avoid.”"

  • Binita
    June 2021

    "“I have taken so many career tests but I always get the same answers and a ‘job title’. This test was nothing like any of the others. It was so refreshing to see a different approach. I finally feel that I have something to help myself and ways to do it! I definitely recommend taking the test - you will feel more in control!”"

  • Chris
    June 2021

    "“It's often hard to evaluate the point you're at during the shifting process and this test really spoke to me. The report reveals ‘where I’m at’ simply and effectively, allowing me to have more confidence that if I avoid the mistakes and take the right steps, the result will look after itself.""

  • Beverley
    June 2021

    "“Spookily accurate about where I am in my career change journey. It’s made me even more self-aware about how to use my time and energy more effectively. Thank you!”"

  • Chris
    June 2021

    "“It's often hard to evaluate the point you're at during the shifting process and this test really spoke to me. The report reveals ‘where I’m at’ simply and effectively, allowing me to have more confidence that if I avoid the mistakes and take the right steps, the result will look after itself.”"

  • Prachi
    June 2021

    "Made me feel like making a career change is not magic but a defined and analytical process. The step-by-step method made it tangible for me."

  • Maria
    June 2021

    "I just wanted to drop you an email almost a year after I started the Launch Pad. I've been reflecting a lot recently on how far I have come. And what a year it has been! Careershifters and the Launch Pad marked a turning point for me. The course opened my mind up to a possibility I had never really considered before. Now I work for myself as a marketing consultant for purpose-driven brands. I'm loving it, and it just feels right for me, more than any job ever has."

  • Akeem
    June 2021

    "I remember stumbling across Careershifters last summer when I was completely lost and feeling down about my (now previous) career in management consulting. The webinars you ran last year helped me to focus, adopt a new mindset, while also helping me to see that I wasn't alone! I have successfully managed to secure a job in my target area, which I will be starting on Monday. It's definitely been a journey and I would like to thank you for all your resources, which have been a huge help during this process."

  • Felicia
    June 2021

    "The Launch Pad impacted me in more ways than I could have ever anticipated. It's been life-changing in many ways. I wasn't in a great place before signing up to the LP, but signing up was the best thing I could have ever done for myself. It gave me the confidence to believe in myself again, to hope, and most importantly it gave me the community I was lacking. Making change in your life is already difficult and even if loved ones and friends are there to support us, it doesn't always compare to the support you get from a like-minded tribe that might be going through the trials and tribulations that come with big change. "

  • Joely
    June 2021

    "I was apprehensive about spending money on a course when I had just quit my job, but it has changed my life. I'm so glad I took that leap. I have gone from being hopeless, unexcited about the future and feeling completely resentful about having to work, to feeling happier than I have done a long time, excited about the prospect of working (and enjoying what I do), having reignited my passions, feeling okay to ask for what I want, and feeling hopeful about the future. I have a re-ignited sense of self-worth. I really don't think I would have got to this point (CERTAINLY not in 8 weeks) without the LaunchPad. Having so many people going through the same thing at the same time, each with such similar experiences, really transformed my experience (in a way that traditional individual coaching never could have)."

  • John
    June 2021

    "I was surprised at the quality and amount of resources provided. There were far more than I expected. I was also surprised at the amount of interaction with both the Launch Pad team and the other course members. For the cost that you pay, you are receiving a huge amount of information, support and interaction."

  • Mary Elizabeth
    June 2021

    "I am grateful to Careershifters. I've explored a number of other services that promise similar support, and none have been as savvy -- or as joyful -- as yours."

  • Sarah
    June 2021

    "Very practical, sensible advice. The Masterclass hit the right tone of being realistic and inspirational but not hyped up. I felt positive, spurred on, and not alone!"

  • Emily
    June 2021

    "Hearing the real human experience means so much. Often people come across obstacles they didn't know exist, let alone expected. That type of insight you only get on Careershifters, short of spending years having those conversation yourself."

  • Kristin
    June 2021

    "Careershifters has been one of the best resources I've found at blending practical job-search advice with the kind of psychology know-how that's needed to overcome things like inertia/fear/most of the things that *really* hold people back. I find the combination of broad advice and real-world examples/stories to be extremely useful. Thank you!"

  • Marek
    June 2021

    "I attended your Online Workshop in December of last year. Long story short, I recently made a pretty drastic career switch from sales and marketing in tech to high-end residential home building (i.e. construction). Thank you for providing the advice and structure that helped to lay the groundwork for this transition."

  • Steff
    June 2021

    "Careershifters showed me that I wasn't alone and that things could definitely get better. This gave me the strength to finally take the leap from a job I had begun to hate and to start my own business, which five years later is going from strength to strength. I now have the life I was looking for and couldn't be happier!"

  • Michelle
    June 2021

    "I've successfully made a recent career shift! I appreciated continuing to get updates and hear others stories as I struggled through a toxic work environment. I've shifted from the food/beverage industry (including laboratory, Quality Management, food safety, microbiology) to Property Management! Keep up the good work!"

  • Ali
    June 2021

    "It's been almost a year since I bit the bullet and made my shift. I couldn't be happier in my job. I'm working for Cats Protection, doing hands-on work with animals, which is exactly the thing I find most fulfilling. I'm a person who likes to be sure (well, as sure as you ever can be) that I'm making the right decision before I take the plunge, so the Launch Pad was perfect for me. It helped me to look at the new career / lifestyle from all angles. A big thanks to you and all the team."

  • Natalie
    June 2021

    "I made the shift – from working a full time job to now doing a portfolio of consultancy and non-exec work. I'm a lot happier, and a lot calmer too. I'm hugely grateful for the Launch Pad course as it gave me the confidence to make the shift."

  • Jenni
    June 2021

    "I am pleased to say that since subscribing to the Careershifters mailing list, I have been able to achieve the change in career I've been seeking. From years in the corporate environment, I have found my calling in the charity sector.  The advice from Careershifters was very useful in helping make the changes I desperately needed in my life."

  • Stephen
    June 2021

    "It instilled in me a clear structure for direct next steps, as well as the longer-term road map. As a result I no longer feel like I don't know where to start, and now recognise where I'm up to in the process!"

  • John
    June 2021

    "It really was very good. I enjoyed the practical exercises and the opportunity to work with others. I’m taking away new ideas and an action plan which I didn’t have before."

  • Karen
    June 2021

    "I loved the easy mix of audio / written materials, well timed calls and missions. Fantastic experience. Your use of online platforms impressively created a close community and enabled me to join this from a distance after 12 years out of the UK. I was amazed at how open everyone was. I believe it is life changing to have been part of this experience that allowed me to drop a lot of baggage from the past and realize I am not alone."

  • Oli
    June 2021

    "The Launch Pad has been incredibly useful in helping me see where I want to be and understand how to get there. I'm close, and I realise that this is going to have to be a long term shift, but it will be worth it in the end! Just a huge thank you once again for helping me see the 'wood for the trees' and for welcoming me into such a supportive and nurturing community."

  • Alice
    June 2021

    "Thank you so much – it was a fantastic course. I found Natasha and Sarah’s approach very healing after a bruising time in city corporate law. It has given me confidence and a kinder way of approaching work which looks for the fun and connections."

  • Cath
    June 2021

    "I'd like to tell you how much I have enjoyed the Launch Pad, as it has opened up a new world of possibilities. The tasks and missions have allowed me to refocus my lenses on my place in the world, community and family. Rather than continuing to be (as my husband put it) a beautiful peg in an ugly hole, I am now on a quest to find a better fit."

  • Glen
    June 2021

    "The content and approach is of exceedingly high quality. I would sign up for a next semester of Launch Pad today."

  • Mark
    June 2021

    "It was a brilliant course. Thank you! Everything was so practical and easy to follow. I really enjoyed it. You guys are fantastic."

  • Jayne
    June 2021

    "I loved the email about not being seen as a regular job shifter. I will keep reading them, especially as I move towards retirement / change of role in the future, as I now believe I have many more transferrable skills. I cannot thank you enough for helping me when I was in the mire of feeling worthless due to being off with long Covid. I am still off, but have a more positive mindset."

  • Laura
    May 2021

    "I'm so appreciative of this course, the material, the coaches, and my course mates. It's the best present I could have given myself, I feel more excited about life than I have in a long time."

  • Georgina
    May 2021

    "It's been a really wonderfully immersive process. I've loved the calls where we hear others' experiences and really feel set up for the coming week. I've also loved being part of the community and sharing ideas as well as being able to get input from the coaches on struggles you're having / celebrating successes! I'd recommend this course to anyone as a life experience who's even a tiny bit unsure about their current role, let alone having a direct desire to change careers, as almost all of us do!"

  • Steve
    April 2021

    "I just wanted to say a massive thank you to all the team at Careershifters! It's been an intense experience, but I feel like I've gained so much and have grown as a person. I think the skills I'm learning will have so much mileage and will help me in years / decades to come. Thank you!"

  • Dimah
    April 2021

    "I genuinely thought the program was excellent! Overall I have got so much out of it. A huge thank you to you all for really giving me the confidence and direction I have been looking for."

  • Sian
    April 2021

    "Just to say a huge thank you again! The whole Launch Pad team have been amazing. I think you are doing fantastic work and I'm so glad to have been able to join. The beauty of this course is that all the skills and approaches can be put into action at any time and at any stage, so I know that I can just keep going steadily and know what I need to do."

  • Richard
    April 2021

    "An excellent course, superb tutors and support, great sessions on things such as finding your skills, and very straightforward techniques to help make a change! It has been incredibly refreshing that finding fulfilling work can be fun and social!"

  • Amy
    April 2021

    "It is a fascinating and really useful course. The methodology is clever and brought to life by fab coaches."

  • Felicia
    April 2021

    "The course has helped me take control of my life in unexpected ways. I wasn't in a great place before signing up to the Launch Pad, but signing up was the best thing I could have ever done for myself. It gave me the confidence to believe in myself again, to hope, and most importantly it gave me the community I was lacking. Making change in your life is already difficult and even if loved ones and friends are there to support us, it doesn't always compare to the support you get from a like-minded tribe that might be going through the trials and tribulations that come with big change. The course really showed me the impact of 'community', it's been life-changing in many ways."

  • Louise
    April 2021

    "Overall I really enjoyed the Launch Pad experience and I am so pleased I came across Careershifters. The course has really given me so much food for thought and the tools and insights to help me to find a new career direction. I definitely feel more positive about finding something that's right for me as a result of taking part. And it's been so nice to meet so many other lovely people in the same boat!"

  • Mary Elizabeth
    March 2021

    "I am grateful to Careershifters. I've explored a number of other services that promise similar support, and none have been as savvy, or as joyful as yours."

  • Ajit
    January 2021

    "“I’d spent so long feeling unhappy at work that it felt important not to compromise anymore. The Launch Pad helped me structure the actions I needed to take for my shift. I'm now working in a creative, fluid and flexible environment, which I love.”"

  • Hilary
    December 2020

    "I'm quite reclusive and part of a group with so many different ideas feeding in has been revelatory to me. The calls were always thought provoking and inspirational. It's helped me to look at careers and potential obstacles in entirely new ways. It is amazing to be on the journey with so many people and to be guided through a new (to me) tried and tested approach. The course is exceptionally good. The Launch Pad has given me a new lens to see myself through, as well as helping me see what is important to me and where I would like to focus my energy. Since finishing the course I feel much more self confident, recognising my value and that I'm capable of asking for what I really want. I am finally making actual decisions as opposed to feeling paralysed, and have a rough plan of the direction I would like to move in. I'm hopeful."

  • Sophie
    December 2020

    "I've loved the Success Stories – they give me hope I can do the same and also contain some real, pragmatic advice about what to do (and not do!) when changing careers. I've also really enjoyed the blogs from different coaches, again focusing on practical ways to move your career change along, how to overcome some psychological barriers and bust some common career change myths. Thanks for all the positive stuff you've put out this year. Your content and good advice have kept my spirits up and allowed me to focus my efforts on the small cumulative things that I have usefully been able to get in motion this year."

  • Irene
    December 2020

    "Careershifters has helped me so much in my path towards changing my career. I don't know what'd I'd do without their useful guide. You all have been doing a very wonderful job and I always look forward to your emails."

  • Luke
    December 2020

    "I find the Success Stories reassuring. I enjoy the articles about ways to go about career change and also the testimonials showing how others have made a transition. I come to your site often looking for inspiration, you guys do good work!"

  • Gillian
    December 2020

    "I find the personal stories inspiring. I love to see how people got themselves unstuck and found more gratifying work."

  • Sarah
    December 2020

    "I enjoy reading the Success Stories of people who have gone after their dreams and made a success of their career change: it gives me hope that I can do the same!"

  • Elena
    December 2020

    "I find the weekly emails to be a breath of fresh air – they remind me to pause and encourage me to look at other articles and resources online that I wouldn't have found otherwise. I also enjoyed the seminar I attended and greatly appreciate the articles on the website."

  • Aoife
    December 2020

    "Thank you for the service and all the emails and updates. It's great to get it and a massive bonus that it's free, especially as its usually a time when people are watching their budgets."

  • Victoria
    December 2020

    "The Launch Pad has given me a safe structure and framework which encourages creativity, risk taking, and a fun and playful approach. All of which have enabled me to feel confident that I can enjoy this journey and be ready to take opportunities I might not be aware of. The Launch Pad is the most valuable course I have been on in my adult life. I now feel confident I have an approach for life which empowers me to explore new ways of doing things I enjoy. I keep telling everyone about it!"

  • Samantha
    December 2020

    "In my current role, most people don't think of changing careers and I am kind of the odd man out. Having a place like Careershifters to visit is encouraging and gives me hope that I can find a job I love. Thank you for having this site – when I came upon it, a whole new world of possibility opened up for me."

  • Michelle
    December 2020

    "Thanks for the inspiring content! It has helped me not to give up on the change I desire and keeps me motivated, even when facing difficult steps and decisions along the way."

  • Song
    December 2020

    "The links to 'How to Survive a Career you Hate', and 'The Lean Career Change: How to Reduce the Risk and Increase the Speed of Your Shift' are saved to my home page. They have helped me to stay focused on taking small steps to build an exit plan, as well as prioritizing progress over perfection. The three questions posed in the Lean Career Change article about 'resonance, competence, sustainability' are amazing, I knew that's what I needed to do but seeing it clearly laid out in three questions makes it much easier to actually assess. Thanks for this site, it's a huge help."

  • Christina
    December 2020

    "The Launch Pad was an amazing experience and I am so grateful to the tools and process that it has provided me. In addition, I have made some amazing friends worldwide which was the best surprise of all."

  • Georgia
    December 2020

    "The Launch Pad has given me a new lens to see myself through, as well as helping me see what is important to me and where I would like to focus my energy. Since finishing the course I feel much more self confident, recognising my value and that I'm capable of asking for what I really want. I am finally making actual decisions as opposed to feeling paralysed, and have a rough plan of the direction I would like to move in. I'm hopeful."

  • Emma
    December 2020

    "The course helped me set up a really clear framework on how to shift. It's given me lots of manageable steps to follow to explore opportunities, test ideas and start shifting. It has also helped bring more certainty to the situation."

  • Chris
    December 2020

    "Reading stories of people, especially those who have shifted from a demanding salaried career to entrepreneurship / freelancing, is very inspiring and reminds me that this can and NEEDS to be done. Thank you for the Newsletters and helpful information! You're doing wonderful work and I refer many to you, as I meet others in similar situations as I am in."

  • Claire
    December 2020

    "The blogs offer a great touch point to read about people who have done it successfully and are great, accessible resources for moments where I feel overwhelmed."

  • Kath
    December 2020

    "The emails come in just as I need a bit of motivation: really helpful to keep me on track."

  • Claire
    December 2020

    "Careershifters is the only career change tool / organisation I continually refer back to for help and support as I make changes. Thank you for the work you do."

  • Min-Yee
    December 2020

    "I enjoy reading other people's stories of career change on the website and through emails: they give me hope and they are often inspiring! So far I've gotten a lot out of Careershifters and all for free so thank you!"

  • Alice
    December 2020

    "Careershifters makes me believe in myself, to be able to make a meaningful change. Thank you for motivating and building up the confidence of all of your readers and followers! You are making such a difference!"

  • Eleanor
    December 2020

    "I really appreciate your website, and all the help it has given me. A really brilliant resource that I will continue to share with friends who are looking to change careers. Thank you!"

  • Louise
    December 2020

    "I find the Success Stories inspiring, and just knowing there is an outlet that 'gets' the challenges of career change is reassuring. I also feel there is a wealth of information on the website, which I can dip in and out of when able to."

  • Shona
    December 2020

    "The Launch Pad Plus broadened my mind, enriched my life and made me realise that thinking about careers doesn't need to be terrifying. The work you do is wonderful, human, inspiring. Please keep doing it!"

  • Sarah
    December 2020

    "The Launch Pad has given me an amazing set of resources that I keep coming back to when I need a steer in the right direction at specific points. It has given me a support network of other alumni who give me encouragement and ideas and for whom I enjoy returning the favour. Careershifters gives me inspirational stories through the weekly emails and the quarterly calls. This has definitely got me going again and helped me identify my goal! Thank you – I love what you do and am confident that it's helping me get to my goals."

  • Alex
    December 2020

    "From Careershifters I've got inspiration (from the Newsletter, Success Stories, blog posts and links to interesting stuff) and practical steps (mindset shifts and how to's on the website). I’ve gained so much from it and it’s really helped me in my shifts so far. Thank you for this site. It’s a game changer and I recommend it to so many people. It’s such important work and it’s really appreciated."

  • Kerry
    December 2020

    "Natasha's writing really resonates with me: it's so unlike typical career advice websites. I really appreciate the content as it gets me thinking differently about how to approach this career change!"

  • Natalia
    December 2020

    "Careershifters has introduced me to the idea of small tests to try things out, many Articles about how its normal to feel unclear and how to work through it. Careershifters is like one of my friends along my journey of career change."

  • Carli
    November 2020

    "I couldn’t afford to keep procrastinating, so I joined the Careershifters Launch Pad to give me a push in the right direction. I found that not only was it possible for me to make the change I needed, but that I could draw on support from other people who were in the same position as me. It felt as though I’d given myself permission to change my career."

  • Charlotte
    November 2020

    "The Launch Pad has honestly been such an incredible eye opening experience. It has opened my eyes to the concept of possibility. It has also helped me reconnect with myself by asking some of the most important questions in life: who am I, what do I value, what makes me happy and how can I spend my time doing work that gives me joy."

  • Nathan
    November 2020

    "I met so many fantastic people on the Launch Pad course, who really helped to galvanise me. They helped me realise that I wasn’t on my own, and they also kept me accountable as my shift progressed."

  • Sancha
    September 2020

    "“A no nonsense, honest approach about the realities of changing career.”"

  • Jonathan
    September 2020

    "Gave me massive new impetus."

  • Andrea
    September 2020

    "I'm happy for two reasons: firstly, that I actually made a change and have embraced it, and secondly that the change feels right – it's where I am meant to be right now."

  • Lynne
    September 2020

    "Thanks to Careershifters and the Launch Padders, I handed in my notice yesterday and start my new job in a couple of months. A new, happier and more energised me. The missions, really helped me focus in on who I am, what I want and what I have to offer. It feels like I’ve ‘created’ and loved this job into being. It’s exactly what I described to you that makes me happy and where people get the best out of me. That’s got to be a ‘win win’!"

  • Julie
    August 2020

    "The Launch Pad has really opened up my mind to new ideas. I had not realised how narrow minded I had become in relation to work. The idea of just being curious about things has really struck a chord and now I just want to go out there and try new things. The course worked perfectly for me – it ticked all the boxes and exceeded my expectations. To have the continued access to the alumni, the momentum calls and lifetime access to the resources is just fantastic."

  • Rachele
    August 2020

    "Thank you all for your enthusiasm, warmth, positivity and conviction. The course has also given me back a lot of confidence and a renewed sense of purpose, so thank you for that too!"

  • Valerie
    August 2020

    "Thoroughly enjoyed the experience and would recommend this to anyone who is considering a career shift. In fact, anyone should do this experience in secondary school to help them guide their choices. Finally, thank you very much for all the team's support, friendliness, enthusiasm and smiles, especially from Natasha and Alison and the additional insights from Richard. I really felt like 'you had my back'."

  • Brenda
    August 2020

    "This is the best thing I have done, for myself, in my life. I wish I had done it years ago! The tools I have learnt through this course has made me realise that I can dream big and wide. I can explore ANYTHING and that there are no failures, just dead ends. Thank you all for this amazing experience and I look forward to seeing where my next light bulbs show up."

  • Caroline
    July 2020

    "It's been brilliant, what a great course and journey – would highly recommend!"

  • Ela
    July 2020

    "It was a fantastic experience for me and I loved it. It made sense and it was great fun. Thank you!"

  • Peter
    July 2020

    "I've been completely blown away by the experience of Launch Pad. Right from the start, when I had an in depth conversation with somebody about whether the course was right for me and would be able to help me, through to the end, I've been consistently struck by how supportive and authentic the service that you provide is. I've consistently felt a sense of being genuinely cared for by the people who deliver the course, and that they are doing a job that they love. The coaches are great role models and also usually understand even better than I do myself about what I am going through. I am so impressed by the content and tools provided, the skills I have developed and the way that a sense of community is created, to help people succeed in their career change beyond the 8 weeks of the course. Finally, I feel like a different person now compared to before Launch Pad. I am much more in tune now with who I am and what I want, and feel confident that I have the resources to live a more fulfilling life. Thank you all so much."

  • Anna
    July 2020

    "I'm really glad I found this course as the approach is so different to anything else I have encountered: it really surprised me. The Launch Pad makes shifting career fun instead of something to dread! It was a really good investment and being guided through it by experienced and engaging facilitators with a community of fellow career shifters has been invaluable. It really got me out of my comfort zone and gave me permission to do things and ask for things that I would not otherwise have dared to!"

  • Nathan
    July 2020

    "I just wanted to say such a huge thank you for your support especially throughout the Launch Pad process. I would not be here without you and wanted to encourage you and the team for the great work you are doing. Thank you so much."

  • Nick
    July 2020

    "Just a big thank you to all the coaches for all their help, advice and motivation. It was worth every penny!"

  • Lynne
    July 2020

    "I’ve really appreciated the authenticity with which the course has been delivered. The focus on the whole person rather than career, has really helped make it meaningful and effective. Thank you very much, I will happily recommend it."

  • Nikki
    July 2020

    "This has been by far the most enlightening personal development course I have come across. I have tapped into my imagination and found creative faculties I never knew existed! The ideas in this programme need to be taught in secondary schools, colleges and universities and I really hope this is part of your future strategy. Thank you for everything."

  • Silvie
    July 2020

    "I'm very glad that I came across your company and this course. The Launch Pad provided me with a new way of looking at things. The methodology is easy to follow, yet it feels like it's so much more effective than any traditional approach to career change. Thanks for you help and for being such a friendly and helpful bunch."

  • Tabitha
    July 2020

    "The course was well-presented, thoughtful, and kind. Everyone I've encountered at Careershifters has been supportive and genuine. Thanks for all your hard work and the support: it was intangibly helpful and I'm grateful."

  • Peter
    May 2020

    "It's always a real pleasure to receive your weekly Newsletters - not only are they insightful and interesting but more importantly, they never fail to be uplifting. So thanks very much from one very satisfied reader!"

  • Carol
    May 2020

    "This morning I found myself thinking back on the Launch Pad, and the path I’ve followed since then to get me where I am today.  I felt it worth dropping a big ‘thank you!’ to your team. Thank you for helping me understand myself better. And thank you for helping me get on the right track. Please do keep up the excellent work – I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling that has been an invaluable help."

  • Claire
    May 2020

    "Taking part in the Launch Pad helped reboot my confidence, kickstart my escape route, and I'm now aiming for the complete life/work balance I dream of."

  • Agnes
    May 2020

    "Thank you for helping me get so much more clarity, from a 3-hour Workshop. It was all it took to give me a lot more clarity and confidence!"

  • Alexandra
    May 2020

    "Practical, accessible, made the ‘fuzzy impossible’ take shape and feel achievable."

  • Elizabeth
    May 2020

    "The Workshop was reassuring and confidence boosting."

  • Helen
    May 2020

    "I was nervous about attending, but it turned out to be very useful. I've been trying to leap off the ledge for many years, but you guys finally placed the net below so I could jump safely."

  • Nathan
    May 2020

    "Thoroughly enjoyed the Workshop and would recommend my friends to do it too."

  • Owen
    May 2020

    "I cannot thank you and the other people at Careershifters for opening my eyes up to a new way of thinking! I honestly don’t think I would have made the leap without your Workshop and talking to other people that evening."

  • Fariha
    May 2020

    "Just wanted to say a big thank you for a fantastic evening at the Careershifters Workshop. I came out feeling clearer about my aims, way more positive (which is great on a Monday!) and inspired to take action. Thank you so much."

  • Susie
    May 2020

    "Your Workshop was the basis of my career change. I'm applying to be a primary school teacher and though this is something I'd always dreamed of; it's a plan I'd never put into action. I'd just like to say thank you for helping me think about the change in a more positive and achievable way. I went from having too many options, to trying one thing at a time and finding my true passion."

  • Chris
    May 2020

    "The Workshop gave me confidence, clarity, focus, and the first green shoots of a plan."

  • Tom
    May 2020

    "I attended one of your Workshops and the impact still resonates months later. I resigned from a six year career and have secured a new job where I honestly couldn’t be happier. Thank you!"

  • Hilary
    May 2020

    "Thank you for the visionary, practical, and very useful Workshop last night. I feel that so much was packed in to a very short space of time. Money incredibly well spent."

  • Clare
    May 2020

    "The Workshop was a great kick-starter for me: I found a new job and quit the one I was unhappy in. Now have a delightful week off before starting as an account executive with a branding agency next week!"

  • Ashley
    May 2020

    "A midweek motivational boost. I respond well to stories."

  • Annika
    May 2020

    "I have received a massive confidence and motivation boost (from the Masterclass). Just the action of doing something together helped to get me out of my rut."

  • Helen
    May 2020

    "The Masterclass provided useful real world practical advice that I can implement straight away."

  • Josef
    May 2020

    "Doing a job I hate whilst planning for my new career has undoubtedly been the hardest thing that I've ever done, both physically and mentally. However, it is so reassuring to read the stories on your website and be comforted by the advice given. Please keep up the good work. Your website is a constant source of encouragement to me."

  • Dimple
    May 2020

    "Your stories were just what I needed to calm myself down from all the confusion and to make me realise that what was going on in my head was normal. It was a relief to know I’m not alone."

  • Alice
    May 2020

    "It's been really inspiring to read about other people's successful career changes. Perhaps most importantly, they were a constant affirmation that wanting to shift careers is neither a crazy nor unattainable thing to do."

  • Zoe
    May 2020

    "It's really helped me just to hear the many stories of how other people had managed to summon up the courage to make the leap. That's my favourite part of the site as it reassures me it's do-able!"

  • Karina
    May 2020

    "THANK YOU! Just came home from a cr*p day at work and read some of the comments about the futility of 'traditional' job searching. It certainly put a smile on my face and instead of job hunting I will be on a mission -- and I'm already feeling more positive."

  • Claire
    May 2020

    "I just wanted to drop you a quick line to say how much I enjoyed your article this week on '4 Ways to Find Work You Love.' I had to mention it to you because reading the article was like looking in a mirror. I relate 100% with the person you describe: it's both painful and an incredible relief to read my reflection so clearly. Thank you for translating the frenetic minds of people like me and making our fervent curiosity and enthusiasm something to grasp hold of, tightly."

  • Catherine
    May 2020

    "The article on Micro Shifts is exactly what I needed, I have been stuck for months waiting for motivation and the lightbulb moment, while feeling completely overwhelmed. This breaks everything down so it is much less daunting. Thanks!!"

  • Jamie
    May 2020

    "This website and all your blog entries have been EXACTLY what I needed right now, it is so heartening to know that so many other people feel the same way and it has been such a help to me reading your suggestions for how to move forward. Thanks so much guys!!"

  • Debi
    May 2020

    "I’ve been meaning to get in touch for a while. I have made a massive career change from working full time in IT to running my own business. Your blog posts and website were invaluable to me as I transitioned."

  • Sophie
    May 2020

    "I'm so glad I stumbled upon Careershifters. I feel in a much stronger, clearer and confident position than I was in two weeks ago."

  • Ceryl
    May 2020

    "What I love about Careershifters is that you advise people to embrace their true character and values; that they don't need to change to fit into an ideal, just embrace the natural talents they have. Thank you, thank you!"

  • Veryan
    May 2020

    "Just to say you guys are doing a brilliant job. Your stories and emails have given me the confidence to start the process of changing roles to better balance things. Thank you for inspiring me!"

  • Jayne
    May 2020

    "Your site and newsletters have been a terrific source of encouragement and ideas for me. There is a good chance without them I would have continued to daydream of a new start, but never taken that first step to real change. Thank you guys!"

  • Louisa
    May 2020

    "I wanted to just say thanks for your website and all the email newsletters. They've really helped to inspire me when making my career change. I've made a shift from online marketing to horticulture and I'm not looking back! Keep up the good work!"

  • Charlie
    May 2020

    "Your site has really inspired me to get up and get on with building a life that works for me, not for the satisfaction of others (i.e. all the jealous 9-5ers!). I'm putting everything in place to get out of my boring, characterless job and start doing what I want to do."

  • Lori
    May 2020

    "I think your website is one of the best I've seen on the subject of career transformation. Here in Canada (and in North America) I find a lot of this type of content is a bit repetitive and perhaps too aspirational. Your content is real, substantial, from the heart, and extremely practical."

  • Theresa
    May 2020

    "I love all the information that I am receiving! I now have the courage and tools to move on to the career of my dreams. Thank you for your emails and all the tips. You will never know how much you have motivated me to move forward. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!"

  • Steve
    May 2020

    "I just wanted to drop you a quick note to say that your website and content is by far the best I have found about the subject of career change, and I've seen a lot. I always find your content to be helpful, practical and uplifting.  I've been navigating a career change for longer than I care to admit and I still believe I will get there. In the meantime, I would like to thank you for being an extremely valuable resource."

  • Rachel
    May 2020

    "I've discovered your website tonight and I just wanted to say a huge thank you. It's excellent. It's clear, insightful, honest, uncomplicated, and full of useful and relevant articles – and it's all supported by people's experience, which is invaluable. Thank you."

  • Stephanie
    May 2020

    "After months of job hunting and banging my head on endless brick walls, your website is a breath of fresh air!"

  • Norma
    May 2020

    "Thank you for the '12 Unconventional Techniques' article. You write beautifully and offer terrific advice. I'm still working through my maze of figuring out what to do with my life, but this one really hit home and made me laugh out-loud. I know you put a lot of time and effort into your writing so I want to share what a difference you make."

  • Rosana
    April 2020

    "The Launch Pad shifted my mindset – I wouldn’t have approached my now boss and then taken the chance to move into this job opportunity without the course."

  • Julie
    April 2020

    "Incredibly motivating. It changed my perspective and I now work for myself. The Launch Pad helped me be brave enough to make the shift."

  • Jennifer
    April 2020

    "I've found support and friendship in the Launch Pad, and a bunch of people who are in each other's corner when in comes to everyone's career change."

  • Ana Marta
    April 2020

    "The course has really helped to keep me accountable for my shift. It's given me clarity in the directions that I should take and helped me feel like I'm growing, and actually see that I'm growing."

  • Alan
    April 2020

    "The Launch Pad was hugely impactful for me: I went from being a timid, introverted, very unhappy and low-confidence person to having the confidence that I feel now. Being part of a group of like-minded people made me feel like I wasn’t alone. That was the part that had been missing from my shift before, I’d been trying to do everything alone."

  • Ana
    April 2020

    "The Launch Pad has definitely confirmed that I am on the right path. I feel like I have been given the tools that will allow me to find what it is that I am looking for. I just feel more confident about the future and excited to put more of what I have learned into practice."

  • Jennifer
    April 2020

    "The Launch Pad was effective – I feel concretely more capable of making the changes I want to make. Before the course I felt completely lost. I came away with so many helpful concepts and tools that help get me back on track when I start to stray. I got all the support I needed and asked for."

  • Kamilla
    April 2020

    "I liked that the structure of the Launch Pad was suited for various types of learners; the variety of materials and pushing the boundaries of comfort in a gentle but effective way. The dedicated team of super coaches had super powers on a mission to genuinely help others! I truly moved from being stuck, to starting acting and exploring. I'm amazed by how much thought, planning, strategising, wisdom and love went into creating the course. This was a truly immersive experience."

  • Rachel
    April 2020

    "The Launch Pad was excellent. It was very supportive, friendly, confidently delivered and genuine."

  • Lana
    April 2020

    "The structure of the course has been great, along with the weekly missions and exercises which makes it clear what I need to achieve each week. I don't think I realised the true value of this and I think I was just waiting for things to happen!"

  • Lynette
    April 2020

    "The course has given me a structure to move forward, whereas I was paralysed with analysis beforehand."

  • Andy
    April 2020

    "The weekly structure and tasks has pushed me along, whereas before the course I was paralysed. I have found the 'old Andy' and have re-engaged with the world again."

  • Sophie
    April 2020

    "The course has given me a really good support network to guide me this time: I didn't realise what a massive effect that this would have."

  • Stewart
    April 2020

    "Thank you so much, this course has been a game changer."

  • Galia
    April 2020

    "I definitely surprised myself doing the course, as it gave me a real change of mindset. The Get It Done Days were a life changing revelation for the procrastinator that is me."

  • Rachel
    April 2020

    "I enjoyed so many things from the Launch Pad: the interactive nature of calls; access to materials and the quality of them; the mindset of the team and fellow participants. Thank you for your enthusiasm throughout the course. Thank you for all the hard work I'm sure was put in behind the scenes. It was an absolute pleasure to be part of the course."

  • Andy
    April 2020

    "Following the course I have re-engaged with the world, both professionally and personally. I have been dragged out of my velvet rut and I've got my vim and vigor back. I was always extremely sociable before my head started to drop and now I've lifted my eyes and they're sparkling again. It's reminded me who I am and I'm now exploring so many new avenues."

  • Rachel
    April 2020

    "A big thank you to all of you. The course is truly fantastic: from all the coaching and content through to the seamless management of content and webinars. It's really opened my eyes to how to approach career change, but also more widely my life. Remembering to not take myself so seriously is one of the many important takeaways I hope to hold onto."

  • Silvia
    April 2020

    "I don't feel anxious about career change anymore. I feel calm about it, and this has been the greatest gift from the Launch Pad course. Opportunities are all around me, I just need to come out and play with them. It gave me a rhythm too and something to look forward to. It made me schedule time off to focus on my career change."

  • Jude
    April 2020

    "I most enjoyed the enthusiasm and thoughtfulness shown in the course, which seems very genuine. It gave me practical realistic steps and structure to make progress."

  • Sophie
    March 2020

    "“Natasha’s experience and expertise is immediately clear. I felt in safe, thoughtful hands and came away feeling energised, confident and with a new perspective on my future.”"

  • Jamie
    March 2020

    "No one who has met Natasha will have any doubt as to how deeply she cares about what she does. I would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone."

  • Alison
    March 2020

    "Natasha is a truly remarkable person. She combines razor-sharp insight with lightness and humanity. This created a space where I felt safe to really push myself. She provided me with alternative perspectives that really changed how I approached my career change but also how I move through life. I have achieved so much more than I thought I was capable of and found the whole process enjoyable, rather than the stress I had been anticipating."

  • Nathan
    March 2020

    "The course has taken the stress out of being stuck. It's given me hope and brought about lightness and confidence building."

  • Martyn
    March 2020

    "The weekly coaching call (in the Launch Pad) brings everything together, offering a great opportunity for shared reflection and learning. The weekly missions and exercises are very enlightening: practical and fun at the same time. The Community group adds an invaluable extra level of shared experience, teamwork and motivation."

  • Sanja
    January 2020

    "This text in the Success Story is so touching and inspiring. Joe's feeling of 'inauthenticity' at work really resonated with me, so thank him and thank you for sharing this story. This entire website is fabulous and high quality – there is really substantial stuff here. So grateful to have found it!"

  • Nana
    December 2019

    "From hearing about the experiences of people who’ve been successful in their shifts, the Masterclass gave me a boost to look at my own career and reflect back on what was not working, and to take steps forward on my own career change path. The Masterclasses are really valuable in learning from the career change of others."

  • Olimpia
    December 2019

    "The Masterclass made me realise I'm the only person responsible for my job satisfaction and job happiness. If I want a change, I have to make that happen. Seeing first hand from the panellists how they made their transitions, the fears they had, made me realise that it can be done and that staying where I am is the scary option."

  • Sonia
    December 2019

    "The Masterclass gave you the opportunity to hear from people who have been there and done it, offering their experiences in an honest and open way. It gave the reality of making horizontal or even backward steps in order to reposition yourself in a new sector/area."

  • Jennifer
    December 2019

    "I learned some very concrete things about best practices as well as things to avoid. I felt like I could really trust what was being shared with me as worthy, reality-based and evidence-based advice."

  • Michele
    December 2019

    "Careershifters (particularly Natasha's articles and interviews) has served as a beacon of hope, and is a calm place to feel seen and be understood. It offered solace knowing I am not alone in my fear, nor crazy for desiring something different career-wise."

  • Daisy
    December 2019

    "I really appreciate how every article has concrete steps that I can take starting today."

  • Matt
    December 2019

    "The articles you write are very inspiring and have helped me tap into the way I have been thinking. I don't feel so alone. For me the articles are great."

  • Sian
    December 2019

    "I appreciate the practical, realistic and at times 'warts and all' opinion pieces that treat your readers like grown-ups. So many [especially] large organisations do not. The quality of one's choices are only as good as the quality of information on which those choices are based. Careershifters understands this and seems willing to cover all angles and considerations, which is both useful and valuable."

  • Sonya
    December 2019

    "Often people are scared to make changes, but seeing real people, reading the stories and the different industries they've been in and what they're doing now is hugely inspirational. Shows us that it's possible. The blog is critical for people looking to make the leap."

  • Vaniese
    December 2019

    "I just wanted to write to say that I found the 'Struggling to find your passion?' Newsletter extremely constructive and very helpful. Exactly what I needed to re-think how to move from my current situation. My sincere thanks, I look forward to receiving your emails."

  • Melanie
    December 2019

    "Love the stories of others ‘in the same boat’ and generally finding all the tips and information is super useful. Makes me feel like I’m on the right path, thank you!"

  • Christina
    December 2019

    "The website provides advice and exercises to help me narrow down my ideas. It has great articles that show me that there are people out there just like me. Thank you for the regular support and encouragement."

  • Nana
    December 2019

    "Careershifters created a formula (in the Launch Pad) for exploring and whittling down ideas in a meaningful and practical way. The course also created a space of encouragement and gave me and others the tools to make significant steps in moving towards career change."

  • Vicky
    December 2019

    "The Launch Pad gave actionable advice, broke the process down and made it fun. It gave me a safe space to reflect on what I really want out of my work and where I can add the most value."

  • Jacqui
    December 2019

    "The Careershifters Launch Pad has shifted my mindset and helped me consider ways forward that had not occurred to me before. It has given me a good framework for exploring new streams, and has helped me begin the process of taking control of my career."

  • Annika
    December 2019

    "The Launch Pad helped me to get to know myself and my strengths, values and deal breakers for the first time. I learnt that I have to use these as guiding lights to find work that makes me happy: previously I just went wherever there was opportunity and followed the stream. Careershifters has boosted my confidence, self-awareness and outlook on my career more than I can describe in mere words!"

  • Gabrielle
    December 2019

    "The Launch Pad has given me a long term process / approach to career shifting, and actually long term career management, which has been liberating. It has also helped me feel OK with doing things that move me towards a general direction, without having an exact idea of the end outcome."

  • Dalia
    December 2019

    "I am a different person after the Launch Pad. I'm now an open to action and possibilities person who reaches out, dives into experiences and becomes whatever those experiences yield, and who doesn't get phased out when things don't work out. I'm on the journey of my choices. Each time I exercise my freedom to pursue the next thing, I draw a line to connect the dots of what I want to become. I am living out of my head for once!"

  • Karen
    December 2019

    "The Launch Pad got me into action and changed how I approach my career shift and life! It keeps me calm when the negative thought spiral inevitably starts up again and has given me an incredibly valuable and lovely peer support group."

  • Terry
    December 2019

    "Careershifters has provided insight and information that is building my courage to make the break into something new. It provides comms that are easily digestible and always on point. The individuals who provide advice are empathetic because they have been there."

  • Steven
    December 2019

    "The Launch Pad has given me a skillset that I can apply to my work and my life, which allows me to see how it all fits together. It has given me peace of mind that it's OK to feel all of the different emotions we feel. I have a network of people I can now tap into that are a sounding board, motivators and inspirations. Taking part is one of the best decisions I've ever made: nobody ever teaches you how to have a career, so this was (and continues to be) essential to me and my family."

  • Bob
    December 2019

    "Careershifters has been useful as a source of empathy, encouragement and inspiration. Many, many of the articles that have I read on the website really hit home and, for a time, really provided a source of hope. Also, the staff and people at Careershifters are extremely welcoming and encouraging and very, very nice."

  • Anna
    December 2019

    "Excellent blog articles and chosen topics, that capture the important questions regarding career change and what to do about them from experts. Thank you for many good ideas and practical tips!"

  • Amanda
    December 2019

    "The Success Stories have not only been inspiring, but have also offered points that I can use in my own shift. The advice section has also provided tangible information."

  • Lyndsey
    December 2019

    "I appreciate your clear, realistic content. It's refreshing in a sea of filler."

  • Chris
    December 2019

    "Careershifters has helped me remove the limited mindset I have and opened me up to the abundance of options that I have for a change in career/lifestyle. It's also given me motivation: seeing Success Stories, especially those who started in my current career, really make me believe that this is possible!"

  • Sam
    December 2019

    "I love the Careershifters emails and access to the online info, but also the personal responses to my email questions have been fantastic. I rave about you to all my friends."

  • Lucy
    December 2019

    "The advice on the website and via blog posts has provided me with the support and advice I have so badly needed, when I haven’t known where to start."

  • Judy
    December 2019

    "I just read the '3 things to remember when you're not where you should be' article. It's such an inspirational and morale boosting piece. I just want to congratulate you on your writing. I always find something that deeply resonates. Keep up the good work!"

  • Florence
    December 2019

    "It has been extremely useful to read interviews of so many different careershifters, and to learn about the difficulties they have, how they solved them; even if some of them are very different from who I am. There is so much to learn from others! Also, the articles by Natasha are very well written: I am so impressed by the questions asked, by the depth of the analysis, how she looks at situations from different angles, and the fact that she offers so many options. This has helped me think differently. It's not only about shifting careers: the mindshift is also fundamental. Last but not least, Careershifters helps me to feel less lonely and gives me hope!"

  • Stephanie
    December 2019

    "Careershifters has been a superb resource in showing me there is a vast community of like-minded people out there! I have benefitted from the stories of others who have made a significant change. This is great for my confidence and motivation to stick to my goals."

  • Libby
    December 2019

    "Careershifters has encouraged me to understand that doing what I love and connect with, may be possible, rather than settling for what I'm qualified for, but not happy doing. It has also given me useful ideas on looking beyond job ads and taking a more relational approach to job-seeking."

  • David
    December 2019

    "I find this an invaluable resource. It has given me new ways of looking at problems and decisions. It also gives me a sense of support that other people are going through the same thing, and that some people are already on the other side."

  • Sam
    December 2019

    "I have only just started with the Careershifters website, but I am already feeling like I have a path to figure out where I am going to go. Before I felt powerless, now I feel empowered."

  • Jez
    December 2019

    "I'm in a transitional process, where my career has shifted due to circumstance. I signed up to your emails around the time I realised I wasn't finding the type of work I thought I should be looking for or getting the offers I expected. I went freelance and the change has been amazing. It's been helped by Careershifters because reading the inspirational experiences you share in your emails has encouraged me to carry on, not give up and keep working towards my next steps."

  • Bernadette
    December 2019

    "Natasha's articles are brilliant and speak to me every time. They're so relevant to people at the various stages of thinking about or going through a career change. The Success Stories are excellent as well and inspirational. I look forward to your emails every week."

  • Samantha
    December 2019

    "Just reading the blog is both inspiring and helpful: it's great to read articles about people's experiences (to get motivated, and, of course, to know what actions they took). Articles are no-fluff, and those with practical tips and info can be put into practice."

  • Ben
    November 2019

    "“I’m a bit of an introvert and usually rubbish with social media type platforms. I get overwhelmed easily. I prefer face-to-face chats and support, and that’s why I like the Membership – everything is easy to find, and the Zoom events and workshops help me engage and stay in action. Mid-way through my Launch Pad life got really busy and I struggled to keep up. Now I’m trying to get my momentum back and it’s nice to have a group of people, all at different stages of their shifts, to learn from and be encouraged by.”"

  • Ben
    November 2019

    "I’m a bit of an introvert and usually rubbish with social media type platforms. I get overwhelmed easily. I prefer face-to-face chats and support, and that’s why I like the Community – everything is easy to find, and the Zoom events and workshops help me engage and stay in action without having to spend ages scrolling around. Mid-way through my Launch Pad life got really busy and I struggled to keep up. Now I’m starting to revisit the Missions and Exercises and it’s nice to have a small group of people to do that with."

  • Helen
    November 2019

    "“The live events have been exactly what I’ve needed: regular, fun boosts of action. I’m ticking things off my to-do list and getting help to plan my next steps – which was always the part I struggled with most. I have no doubt I’d have stalled in my career change if it weren’t for Launch Pad Membership.”"

  • Jen
    November 2019

    "“I knew more than anything I needed to stay out of inertia and in action… and the Community gives me exactly what I need for that. It’s like having an accountability buddy in my pocket. If I ever need a nudge or some guidance I just pop onto the app, and there’s a lovely group of shifters and coaches there, happy to offer their advice and to cheer me on. I’ve achieved more in the last 2 weeks of being part of this community than in the last 6 months on my own!”"

  • Adan
    November 2019

    "I feel so much more enthused about talking to people. The concepts taught in the Masterclass really built up a more natural, human and 'feel good' way of putting yourself out there and in front of people."

  • Sarah
    November 2019

    "“I was really, really unhappy. There was a lot of politics. I didn’t feel valued. Twelve months after High Flyers, I’m doing something I love.”"

  • Sarah
    November 2019

    "The Masterclass made me realise that being an introvert is not a problem and there are real advantages to having an introverted nature. The Masterclass really helped me understand how I could engage with people, and connect in a meaningful way through using the right types of questions."

  • Julie
    November 2019

    "As an introvert the word networking filled me with dread so the opportunity to learn new ways of approaching this was too good an opportunity to turn down. The Masterclass helped me learn how to take the pressure off networking and changed my mindset to see networking as an enjoyable chat in which to find out about the other person, rather than trying to sell myself."

  • Meryl
    October 2019

    "The Workshop motivated me to get moving – to take action in my career search rather than just researching."

  • Silvia
    September 2019

    "The Workshop made me feel more positive about the future. I think the impact came from having materials I can now work on, and connecting with people in my same situation."

  • Hiam
    September 2019

    "I came away from the Workshop feeling buoyant with some simple actions that will help me move forward. I thought the presenters were very good and helpful."

  • Rebecca
    September 2019

    "Very well done on the Workshop – organised and a clear logical path followed. The team knew what they where talking about."

  • Helen
    September 2019

    "It's been very helpful in giving me a structure to work with (knowing where I am on my journey) and easy ways to take action."

  • Krystle
    September 2019

    "The Workshop inspired me with the practical approach and left me feeling empowered."

  • Karen
    September 2019

    "“As a result of taking part in the Masterclass I've left a job that wasn't right for me and started a new role. This has given me a fresh start and will help me create better work/life boundaries to make headway with my career transition.”"

  • Elizabeth
    September 2019

    "It's been really useful having your emails coming into my inbox and reminding me not to allow myself to fall so deep into my routine of getting up and going to the same job everyday. I am finally feeling unstuck. Having your emails coming through and so many of the stories resonating with me has really, really helped!"

  • Rosana
    August 2019

    "Following the Masterclass, I’m feeling more energised and motivated to build my career shift, and calm understanding that career change can be a long process."

  • Annika
    August 2019

    "“The Masterclass really brought it to the forefront of my mind that it (career change) is possible.”"

  • Paul
    August 2019

    "“The Masterclass helped me successfully regain some headspace – and I now also have other interests to follow. It had a good balance, the discussion was well chaired, and the mix of experiences was great.”"

  • Emma
    August 2019

    "The Workshop was well paced, thorough and interesting."

  • Liz
    August 2019

    "I really enjoyed the Workshop and think the format of it worked really well. I'm very impressed. It made a huge difference to hear directly about where others are at and their experiences."

  • Jennifer
    July 2019

    "I can see valid steps that I can take now to proceed. I feel you gave me some useful tools in the Workshop to start my career change."

  • Megha
    July 2019

    "I stumbled upon your website about a year ago. Little did I know then how different my world would be in a year's time. It is sea change. Every article on Careershifters was an inspiration to me. I still go back to it now and then read up on people's experiences and to feel good about my own experience."

  • Alice
    May 2019

    "Love your website and articles. Such relevant and helpful resources for those looking to change career."

  • Adan Realey
    April 2019

    "Previously my coaching was primarily focussed on exploring the client’s inner world and the external changes they wanted to create were very much secondary. Now with a much better balance between the reflective thinking and action based aspects of our coaching work, my clients are seeing more of the results they want in the real world and feeling more of a change in themselves as well."

  • Helen Burgess
    April 2019

    "The Practitioner Training disrupted in a very positive way my thinking around how to get clients unstuck. After going through the experience, I've now successfully established the Careershifters workshop in Manchester."

  • Angie Fresch
    April 2019

    "I can’t say enough about the quality of the training and its leading-edge knowledge of career change. Through it, I have increased my skills, knowledge and confidence in supporting my clients. I also enjoyed the strong connections made with other terrific, like-minded career coaches."

  • Malvika Kumar
    April 2019

    "A great fresh new approach. My previous way of working was more linear, but this approach helps clients embrace and acknowledge the chaos they feel within themselves when going through a career switch. It also teaches them how to deal with the internal conflict using playfulness and lightness."

  • Shiobhaun Watt
    April 2019

    "The training was full of energy, very engaging, informal yet professional. It gave me fresh ideas and knowledge -- and a renewed confidence in my approach. As a result of taking part, I’m now working with Careershifters as a coach in their London workshops."

  • Barbara Greenway
    April 2019

    "The training has improved my confidence to use action based interventions as part of my client offer. My clients love it as it brings them new perspectives and enables them to explore being different in the world, safely and playfully."

  • James Bianco
    April 2019

    "The training has enabled me to take my career coaching to a new level. Its innovative tools, approaches and philosophy has enabled me to work with both individuals and groups in a new, powerful way. More surprisingly I’ve also found the course has strengthened my coaching approach more broadly and I frequently find myself referencing its principles in completely different coaching scenarios."

  • Helen Garland
    April 2019

    "The Practitioner Training has totally transformed my coaching. I now feel that I’m delivering a much more robust/ tangible service to my clients. Thanks to the course, I’m also now leading online workshops for Careershifters."

  • Lindsay
    November 2018

    "I was doing some online research over the weekend and came across Careershifters, and it’s made me feel so much better knowing that I’m not alone in these feelings and on this journey. I still don’t know how to make the next move, but I’m finding the resources and exercises from Careershifters to be helpful in figuring it out. So I just wanted to say thank you to Careershifters for offering some help for people like me trying to find our way!"

  • Kelly
    October 2018

    "The Launch Pad allowed me to understand the steps that I needed to feel confident and clear about my career. It really did change my life."

  • Ned
    October 2018

    "The Launch Pad has given me a good alternative process for finding work that I love, and not worrying about CVs and job applications. That’s made it all much more relaxing. I feel far more in control of my destiny now!"

  • Karen
    September 2018

    "Holy cow! I knew I wasn't the only one who felt this way. The article on 'How to change career when you have no idea what you're doing' resonates with me. I really want to do something creative, useful and fulfilling for me, but I also want to be able to make a decent living at it. This scares the hell out of me because I'm in a comfortable stagnation. Thank you for the article! It is a motivator for me to go find folks of a like mind and start my career change journey."

  • Hayley
    September 2018

    "I'm about to start a new job in a slightly different field. Just wanted to say that I've found the weekly emails very motivating and inspiring. They've definitely helped me move forward."

  • Gemma
    September 2018

    "The Workshop gave me clarity and structure. I enjoyed talking with other people in the same situation as myself. The course is very useful and offers answers and practical suggestions to get things moving – excellent!"

  • Emil
    August 2018

    "It provided clear direction for me around how to act now and how to discover and validate different themes. Instead of leaving me feeling overwhelmed, this Workshop provided actionable steps that will help me move through the shift."

  • Nicola
    August 2018

    "Thanks for the Tuesday emails, they helped inspire and gave me the courage to make my own career shift."

  • Michelle
    August 2018

    "Thank you for all you guys do! I appreciated continuing to get updates and hear other stories as I struggled through a toxic work environment. Keep up the positive vibes and good, hard work!"

  • Violeta
    July 2018

    "I have so much clarity now, following the Workshop – I know which are my options and what my next steps are."

  • Zoe
    July 2018

    "I have absolutely loved the emails and the superbly written uplifting articles that come with them. I find other people's honesty about their journeys utterly inspiring. Thank you to the Careershifters team for being there exactly when I needed it and for continuing to provide inspiration and the motivation to keep going."

  • Lyn
    July 2018

    "Not shifted yet, but really a brilliant article on 'little yeses', it has made a big difference. Thank you!"

  • Matt
    July 2018

    "Your notes have been invaluable as has your website. It's eerie how your articles relate so specifically to what I'm going through. Thank you very much for the continued reading."

  • Tam
    June 2018

    "How you guys know what's ticking in my brain is magic. Thank you for writing this amazing stuff."

  • Mat
    May 2018

    "The Launch Pad showed me that career change doesn't have to be scary; it can be exciting, light-hearted, an adventure."

  • Lottie
    May 2018

    "“I feel certain I would still be stuck doing my 'day job' if it wasn't for the boot up the **** that the Launch Pad gave me. Thank you!”"

  • Christa
    May 2018

    "I'm so excited! I'm finally making the career shift steps I've wanted for so long."

  • Judith
    May 2018

    ""I'm now doing a professional qualification at a cooking school. It wasn't a rash decision; I did my homework, added up my financial figures and talked to a lot of people. The Launch Pad gave me the tools to do this. I'm loving what I'm doing.""

  • Lee
    May 2018

    "The whole experience of learning from Careershifters and getting this job has literally changed my life."

  • Karen
    May 2018

    "“Without the Launch Pad I wouldn’t have been able to create the business I have today; not only did I get the big picture on the jigsaw box, I was able to understand how to fit all the pieces together.”"

  • Anne-Cecile
    May 2018

    "“The Launch Pad helped me to gain confidence in myself and let go of self-limiting beliefs. I've now shifted into a portfolio career that makes me happy and fulfilled.”"

  • Nina
    May 2018

    "I've taken the plunge to being a freelance writer, and in doing so I feel far more energised and more 'me' than I have done in a really long time - in fact perhaps ever. I'm so happy!"

  • Alex
    May 2018

    "The Launch Pad fundamentally shifted my understanding of what I was doing in my world. I recognised that the things I wanted to do were within my reach. Through the course, I reached escape velocity."

  • TJ
    May 2018

    "“I couldn’t make a change on my own. I needed someone else to help me understand what I was great at, to guide me through the process of transferring my skills to something more meaningful.”"

  • Nicky
    May 2018

    "“After applying what I learned on the Career Change Launch Pad, I've secured myself the job I wanted in the company I wanted. Never dreamed it would come true!”"

  • Bob
    May 2018

    "The article on 'Why thinking / reading about the change isn't enough' was one of the best articles I've read on this website or anywhere. I think I've probably read this message before, but not put so starkly. Or, maybe I was not ready to hear it. In fact, my wife has told me the same thing, in so many words, many times, but we often don't listen to those we love most. The message, for me anyway, is that I have to take responsibility and that thinking about it alone will result in nothing."

  • Sadia
    May 2018

    "The links and your website have been a huge support in helping me navigate my options. It's been truly inspirational being able to read others stories and has made me feel less isolated and supported through a process that can at times feel super challenging. Thanks again for all your support. You guys are doing a great job and I make it a point to share your website with anyone I meet who is feeling stuck and looking for a change. Keep on rocking!"

  • Ian
    March 2018

    "I read your article on 'How to Finance your Career Change' and just wanted to comment that it is really excellent: one of the best and most pragmatic articles I have read on the topic. Thank you, that is just great stuff."

  • James
    March 2018

    "When I decided I wanted to change careers, I could not have predicted that this is where I would be right now. So much has changed: I've learned new skills, met new people, and volunteered for multiple organizations. I've even been able to lend some helpful advice to a few people in my life who are also contemplating a career change. Much of this is thanks to Careershifters and the resources and tips you provide. Even though I now have a specific career in mind, I still keep many suggestions of yours in the back of my mind. This makes sure I continue to keep my options open. I also refer back to your online articles if I start to feel stuck again. Please keep the good content coming, as I know only more and more people are finding themselves stuck in their careers and need a way out."

  • Aneesha
    March 2018

    "The stories that I read on the Careershifters site have been very important to me in terms of not feeling all alone and giving me courage. I have quit my safe and stable job as an engineer and am currently taking baby steps to turn into a wedding/party planner. Thanks to Careershifters for their wonderful site."

  • Christian
    February 2018

    "Each and every one of these signs (in the '11 uncomfortable signs you need to make a shift article) speaks directly to me. It's really quite incredible and it's almost as if I'd sat down and written my inner most career thoughts down. It's enlightening to read having already accepted I need to make a move."

  • Andrew
    January 2018

    "I'm sure you don't always get responses to these regular emails but I thought it would give you something of a lift to know that you reached someone on a certain level where the tide inside their mind has begun to turn. Thank you for writing this particular correspondence the way you did and thank you for the wonderful work you and all at Careershifters do. Please don't ever forget how important your work is."

  • Angela
    August 2017

    "I was energised by the Workshop. I loved the support from the others on the call and knowing you're not alone in your feelings is the best."

  • Gauri
    August 2017

    "The discovery of my hidden career preferences (following the Workshop) was truely a Eureka moment!"

  • Nancy
    August 2017

    "It was very helpful to knowthat there are many others feeling the same as I do. The Career Change Map provided a specific route to working towards finding my new career. The format was very good and it was easy to participate."

  • Anne
    July 2017

    "I leave so impressed by the quality and depth of your approach – and how much you care about your clients and coaches. Thank you for a truly insightful and enjoyable course."

  • Virginia
    July 2017

    "This Workshop put into perspective the structures that make the next steps clearly defined, measurable and achievable. One of the most solid, practical, considerate and thorough approaches in figuring out what I want to do when I grow up! Thank you!"

  • Alix
    June 2017

    "I shifted to freelance writing! Sending this to you from a car on the road in Thailand. Things are definitely better than they were a few months ago."

  • Tim
    June 2017

    "A travel company asked me to join them as their new Japan Sales Specialist!  Thank you so much to the Launch Pad coaches for your support throughout this process."

  • Malcolm
    June 2017

    "I got the job! Big thanks to the Launch Pad coaches for all your support. Can't believe that I'm making the shift that seemed so impossible."

  • Mat
    June 2017

    "The Launch Pad showed me that career change doesn't have to be scary; it can be exciting, light-hearted, an adventure."

  • Daniela
    April 2017

    "I found the Workshop full of useful ideas and practical steps that can be made right away. I also appreciated that all the presenters were once in our position so they know exactly what our doubts and fears are."

  • Megan
    March 2017

    "The Workshop presented logical step-by-step solutions to real problems that I've been having with my career shift, and made me see my mission in a completely different light. This Workshop has been the singular most helpful tool that I've ever received when it comes to making steps to change my career. Thank you so much for making this information accessible, tangible, and logical!"

  • Alison
    March 2017

    "The one-on-one coaching call was amazing and really helped instil positivity and confidence to take bold steps I might otherwise have talked myself out of.  I have adopted this in other areas of my life too, all for the better!"

  • Julie
    February 2017

    "Incredibly motivating. It changed my perspective and I now work for myself. The Launch Pad helped me be brave enough to make the shift."

  • Sophie
    November 2016

    "I knew I had to make a change but didn't know where to turn or what to do next. The workshop was absolutely fantastic. I felt so motivated for months after, and it gave me the drive I needed to 'follow the dream'. I couldn't possibly be any happier."

  • Paul
    November 2016

    "It helped me work out the parts of my current career that I liked (mostly interacting with and helping people) and got me thinking as to what to do next. Ultimately something just clicked and it all came together."

  • Alan
    November 2016

    "The workshop helped me focus on my motivations, and I used this as the benchmark to test every opportunity against — if it wasn't up to scratch, I didn't pursue it. I'm now doing everything I hoped and more."

  • Paul
    November 2016

    "Amazing! The workshop helped me to understand my values on a deeper level, what I was good at, and what I enjoyed. I also got some very useful tips about job hunting and creative exposure within my field of work. It helped me bridge the gap from what I was doing to what I wanted to do."

  • Lucy
    November 2016

    "My job was exhausting and soul destroying. At the workshop, for the first time, I met other people looking to make a change and I believed it was possible. Now, running my own business gives me the flexibility and freedom that I craved. I'm so happy I made the change."

  • Paul
    November 2016

    "It helped me work out the parts of my current career that I liked (mostly interacting with and helping people) and got me thinking as to what to do next. Ultimately something just clicked and it all came together."

  • Sophie
    November 2016

    "I knew I had to make a change but didn't know where to turn or what to do next. The workshop was absolutely fantastic. I felt so motivated for months after, and it gave me the drive I needed to 'follow the dream'. I couldn't possibly be any happier."

  • Ross
    October 2016

    "The Launch Pad enabled me to translate what I value and enjoy into a career, and equipped me with the tools to actually make the shift. It makes something quite scary, very practical, achievable and enjoyable!"

  • Tim
    July 2016

    "A travel company asked me to join them as their new Japan Sales Specialist!  I'm so pleased to be taking a meaningful step in a new career, in a job I'm sure I will absolutely love. Thank you so much to Launch Pad coaches for your support throughout this process."

  • Malcolm
    July 2016

    "I got the job! I'll be working in the Study Abroad department at a major London University.  Big thanks to the Launch Pad coaches for all your support. Can't believe that I'm making the shift that seemed so impossible."

  • Marco
    July 2016

    "Excellent workshop and excellent value for money.  For the first time I’ve got a clear idea!"

  • Louise
    July 2016

    "I had a great big smile on my face when I got off the train to arrive home. I've not felt so spontaneously optimistic for a long time. Thank you for a great workshop!"

  • Hannah
    July 2016

    "I’m amazed and happy at the result from the workshop. I love the idea I’ve come away with as it simply encaptures all my interests / talents / ideas into one concept and that is what I’ve been struggling with for so long. Now I wonder why I hadn’t thought of it before!! Thank you!"

  • Annette
    July 2016

    "Superb at the ‘What next’ bit. I’ve got some really useful key things to action immediately. Ten out of ten!"

  • Lindsay
    July 2016

    "Excellent on all counts. Really useful, great energy and style, fantastic value for money. It’s given me real direction, has helped me process my thoughts, and get clear on what I want and the opportunities I have."

  • Denise
    June 2016

    "It narrowed down my options so I was able to focus on areas that really matter to me. Do it! It sowed a seed of change for me and I haven't looked back since."

  • Chris
    June 2016

    "Do it! The workshop helped crystallise ideas I had and gave me the incentive to apply for a job I really wanted. Now I'm doing something which gives me significantly more satisfaction than before."

  • Issy
    June 2016

    "I had an epiphany that gave me the clarity of direction I'd been seeking."

  • Denise
    June 2016

    "It narrowed down my options so I was able to focus on areas that really matter to me. Do it! It sowed a seed of change for me and I haven't looked back since."

  • Jamie
    February 2016

    "If [my wife and I] had somehow had a crystal ball back when I signed up that could fast forward to now, and if we had been allowed to see the change in gear and mindset that I would get out of the course, then frankly we would have probably been happy to pay four or five times what we did, such is the value."

  • Jonathan
    February 2016

    "Through a by a bizarre lightbulb moment in Week 2/3, the course has given me absolute clarity about what it is I wish to pursue as a career. I also now have confidence about my current skills and how I can develop my knowledge in this particular area."

  • Louisa
    February 2016

    "If you really want to stop talking about career change and want to take action towards making that career change possible, particularly if you don't have clear ideas of what you really want to do (or aren't sure) then you MUST take this course. I promise it will give you all the tools, skills and kick-up the proverbial that you need to kick-start your change and take action. Quite simply, this is a must-do course, no question."

  • Sara
    February 2016

    "I barely recognise myself now – I'm communicative, I'm engaged and I wake up excited in the morning – because I've discovered something I absolutely know I want to pursue."

  • Morna
    February 2016

    "Doing the Pioneer Course was life changing for me. The way I think about myself, my 'work' and my happiness is completely different to how it was a year ago."

  • Alison
    February 2016

    "The Launch Pad was life changing. I never thought I'd get to the end of the course and come out with such a firm idea of what I wanted to do. I feel properly me for the first time in quite a long time."

  • Nina
    February 2016

    "I've taken the plunge to being a freelance writer, and in doing so I feel far more energised and more 'me' than I have done in a really long time - in fact perhaps ever. I'm so happy!"

  • Phillip
    January 2016

    "“Refreshing. Having spent a significant amount of time seemingly going around in circles, this provided clear insights in a practical step-by-step approach.”"

  • Carolyn
    January 2016

    "“I now have a defined action plan.”"

  • Lisa
    January 2016

    "“You're amazing people. Hearing your story made me dare to believe again: I don't have to accept my current situation, I can achieve better for myself, and I can feel passionate about what I do. You really gave me hope!”"

  • Jenny, Accelerator Alumni
    January 2016

    "I signed up because I took the leap and quit my job. I knew I definitely needed the accountability in my life, otherwise I was probably going to drift back into a job I didn't want to do. It's really nice to be in a smaller group – it makes it so much more personal – and there is nowhere to hide, so you really get your actions done. It's brilliant!"

  • Laura, Accelerator Alumni
    January 2016

    "I signed up because I fell behind in the Launch Pad and I wanted a group that would help me going through it. I knew I could procrastinate, so having the prospect of the coaches' disappointed faces makes me do what I need to do!"

  • Sara, Accelerator Alumni
    January 2016

    "The post Launch Pad support has been crucial for me. Without the group, I know I wouldn't have taken the plunge into what I really wanted to do. It's been fantastic."

  • Dan
    October 2015

    "An eye-opening, challenging experience that will give you the tools to understand the work that suits you. I'm not sure I've ever made a better financial investment than for this course!"

  • Simon
    October 2015

    "Movement, action... at last! Getting from the stuck phase into the ‘doing’ phase, just feeling I’m making progress in some direction has been massively beneficial. The course delivered more than I expected. All too often courses are sold with certain aims in mind, but this one actually delivered."

  • Sarah
    October 2015

    "I’m in a new career and grinning from ear to ear – I can’t believe that I’m actually doing it! Amazing course. Enthusiastic trainers. Highly recommended."

  • Samantha
    October 2015

    "Today I finished my first week at work in my new job! A big thank you to you all for the advice and amazing support that has come from this Launch Pad group over the last year."

  • Nicky
    June 2015

    "“After applying what I learned on the Career Change Launch Pad, I've secured myself the job I wanted in the company I wanted. Never dreamed it would come true!”"

  • Mark
    June 2015

    "“The Career Change Launch Pad is great value for money and I'm so glad to have made that commitment. The course has given me a new lease of energy and optimism about coping with the frustrations of career change. I now (and rather unexpectedly!) have a part-time role in a completely new industry.”"

  • Alex
    June 2015

    "“Four months after the course ended I landed in the new field I wanted to be in! The value of the Career Change Launch Pad wasn't just about finding work I loved but in the mind shift that the course also provided.”"

  • Amanda
    February 2015

    "I used to hate talking about what I did, but now I love being able to talk about my life! I’m no longer miserable. I feel like myself again."

  • Dirk
    February 2015

    "Work was hugely affecting my life and I felt stuck. I withdrew from my friends and my social life. Through working with Richard, I was finally able to articulate what I actually wanted from work and move into a role I'd always wanted to do."

  • Carli
    October 2014

    "I feel extremely grateful that I’m able to live the life that I’ve always dreamed of, after years that felt incongruous. I’m healthier and happier than I’ve ever been."

  • Kiran
    July 2014

    "“I had zero satisfaction at work. I knew I needed to make a change; I just didn’t know where or how to begin. Now, I feel like me again. I’ve come back to life. I’m happier than I’ve ever been.”"

  • Deborah - Leadership Expert
    December 2013

    "When I started working with Phil I'd already quit my senior job in a leading management consultancy to go it alone as an executive coach. Phil helped me to be bold in defining my distinctive offer and the clients I want to work with. He opened my mind to bigger and broader opportunities, and challenged me to put my personality and values at the heart of my marketing materials. He did all of this with a focus on authenticity and human values that make him a truly inspiring coach."

  • Mark – Advertising executive
    December 2013

    "Hyperbole gets overused but in Phil's case it is totally justified. Working with Phil has been literally life changing and helped me in countless professional and personal ways. He has an empathetic honesty that makes you think in new ways and discover new perspectives on your skills and performance. He teases out the fundamental drivers and roadblocks and helps you map a positive action plan. I would recommend Phil in a nano-second to define and achieve new goals.  A collaborator, a confidant and a friend."

  • Terri - Leadership and organizational effectiveness manager
    December 2013

    "Phil is a superb coach, and I have recommended him to several colleagues who are looking at making significant career transitions. He asks smart (and difficult) questions, is focused on getting results for his clients, is a creative brain-stormer - and he does it all with a great sense of fun and playfulness."

  • Heather – Reformed lawyer and entrepreneur
    December 2013

    "Phil is a positive, energetic, and insightful coach who has been instrumental to me in getting my new business off the ground. He helped me build my confidence, get into action, and focus on practical, results-oriented activities. Phil inspires me with his positive perspective on life and because he really walks his talk. If you're thinking of launching a business, I highly recommend Phil."

  • Michelle
    October 2013

    "An exhilarating exploration of the possibilities that lie outside of the 'career' box! I have confronted my fears, stepped out of my comfort zone, and spoken to people I never would have spoken to before about potential career avenues. The course definitely delivered more than I expected, as the inspiration and ideas that I got from my fellow participants and the team on the calls was invaluable to my motivation and confidence."

  • Caroline
    September 2013

    "I have known for a very long time that law wasn’t for me, but I really wasn’t sure how I could move on. You tackled the issue from the “bottom up”, looking at who we were and building it from there. I didn’t expect to come away from it feeling so positive and inspired. In the past I felt scared to take my head out of the sand and look at the problem in the face, but now I feel really excited about the future. I really can’t thank you enough."

  • D Johnson
    September 2013

    "Really, really, really good.""

  • Eddie Porucius
    April 2013

    "It was the perfect location, ideal atmosphere and a small group of like-minded people. My life has become an exciting journey since. I started meeting so many interesting people which seemed unreachable before. I am looking into creating passive income streams, so I can spend more time making my dreams come true. It's been amazing to say the least."

  • Roisin Coleman
    April 2013

    "Thanks for hosting a great workshop. Loved it.  It was a great opportunity to step back from the day job and give serious thought to my own aspirations for a work/life balance. I found it empowering , stimulating and supportive.  I now face the small challenge of putting some of my new thoughts into action!"

  • Sophie Holborow
    April 2013

    "The workshop shook things up in the best way possible. I came out excited, inspired with a sense of purpose and motivation. Perhaps most importantly for the long-term I felt as if I knew myself, my aptitudes, strengths and what would fit me best career-wise infinitely better than when I had arrived that morning. Cannot recommend it highly enough!"

  • Chris
    April 2013

    "DO IT – keep an open mind, listen to the experiences of others, and be inspired. The workshop helped clarify ideas I had and gave me the incentive to apply for a job I really wanted. Now I'm doing something which gives me significantly more satisfaction than ever before."

  • Charlie Moritz
    April 2013

    "It helped me realise that I didn't want to do what I thought, and got me on the path to moving abroad. Just do it! What is £85 when you're talking about the work you will spend months or years doing? Totally worth it!"

  • Denise
    April 2013

    "It narrowed down my options so I was able to focus on areas that really matter to me. Do it! It sowed a seed of change for me and I haven't looked back since."

  • Emily
    April 2013

    "“I needed a little extra push that it was OK to make a career change. The workshop helped me realise that it could really be a positive thing, not just for me personally but for my career too. I found it really useful examining what kinds of things suit my personality and in what type of situations I work well.”"

  • Issy
    April 2013

    "I had an epiphany that gave me the clarity of direction I had been seeking. If you're unsure about what direction to go in, try the workshop. If you only meet people in the same boat, that in itself is helpful; but you may also get the clarity you need like I did."

  • Mark, Marketing
    April 2013

    "Working with Sonia was incredibly useful and helpful. As a result, I had the conviction to sign up to a 6-month novel-writing course, which I’m just about to finish. I'm more determined than ever to keep writing now and, while I have a long way to go, I feel like I'm on the right track at last, and feel more positive about my career and future than ever!"

  • Julie Gallagher, Cookery School Administrator
    April 2013

    "Sonia asked all the right questions to draw some vital clues out of me without me we even sussing what she was up to! I came away from our sessions with clarity on what matters most to me, a new sense of purpose and enthusiasm to make these discoveries a reality."

  • Mary Speculand, Spanish Teacher
    April 2013

    "When I contacted Sonia I was really unhappy working in marketing. I found working with her completely life changing, it really helped me to discover what I wanted to do. Three years on, I can finally say that I love my job!"

  • Kellie, Health Regulator
    April 2013

    "Investing in professional career coaching was one of the best moves I have made. I felt trapped in a job that no longer inspired me. With Sonia’s expert guidance, I have a new direction and the confidence and a plan to get to where I want to be."

  • Kathy Pinney, Escaped Lawyer
    April 2013

    "Working with Sonia has literally changed my life for the better.  She is down to earth, funny, extremely bright and incredibly supportive.  She helps you think outside the box in order to find the path to happiness and a fulfilling career. I could not recommend her more highly."

  • Kristy Spellman, Training in Midwifery
    April 2013

    "Hopefully come September I will be a full-time student retraining to be a Midwife. I really don't think I would have even considered taking the necessary steps to do it unless Sarah had challenged me on why I was certain going after my dream career wasn’t possible."

  • Natalie Nurse, Social Worker training to be a facilitator
    April 2013

    "Sarah is brilliant! She challenged me to try things and look into careers I assumed weren’t possible. She confirmed that there’s nothing wrong with me and helped me see that being fed up was a good place to be because it meant I was really ready to make a change."

  • Caryn Campbell, Engineer and Project Manager
    April 2013

    "Sarah has helped me grow in ways I previously thought were impossible and she helped me see that I can achieve anything. When I began working with her I felt stuck in a job I hated with no way out. Within 3 months, I left that job and am now in a job I love!"

  • Nikki Allen, Freelance Writer
    April 2013

    "Sarah's intuitive, inspiring approach has helped me connect with what I authentically want to be doing with my life and has encouraged me to step into this vision of myself. After just a few months of working with her, I started taking action on my goals and seeing fantastic results."

  • Chris
    April 2013

    "DO IT – keep an open mind, listen to the experiences of others, and be inspired. The Workshop helped clarify ideas I had and gave me the incentive to apply for a job I really wanted. Now I'm doing something which gives me significantly more satisfaction than ever before."

  • Issy
    April 2013

    "I had an epiphany that gave me the clarity of direction I had been seeking. If you're unsure about what direction to go in, try the workshop. If you only meet people in the same boat, that in itself is helpful; but you may also get the clarity you need like I did."

  • Emily
    April 2013

    "I needed a little extra push that it was OK to make a career change. The workshop helped me realise that it could really be a positive thing, not just for me personally but for my career too. I found it really useful examining what kinds of things suit my personality and in what type of situations I work well."

  • Andrew Stan
    March 2013

    "A trip to a Careershifters workshop is time well spent. It will give you chance to talk to other people who feel equally at sea and unsure of what to do. I found good support from the people I met. It will also open your eyes to a range of options, from approaches to use to career counsellors that may be able to offer advice."

  • Nikki
    March 2013

    "After attending a Careershifters Workshop, I had the energy and drive to start researching how to get into teaching. I applied for a course, had an interview, got a place and left my old job in less than a week – it was so easy when I finally decided to go for it."

  • Hugo Nesbitt
    March 2013

    "I came to a second workshop, so something must have been good! The best thing was the chance to talk to a career coach and to start to believe that things were possible. I would recommend it to anyone who expressed frustation in the job and was looking for a fundamental change."

  • Lindsey
    August 2011

    "This website has been a lifesaver for me over the past year!"

  • Diane Cassidy
    July 2011

    "The Careershifters workshop started me on the path to changing from the Practice Manager of a GP Practice to Community Engagement work that meets the needs I identified at the workshop."

  • Claire Coveney
    July 2011

    "The Careershifters workshop helped me realise that it’s never too late to change your career, that these advances take time and, I am confident that if I stick with my ‘plan’ I won’t make another wrong career move."

  • Matt Hayden
    July 2011

    "I had a career in sales and now I run my own sales training company. The Careershifters workshop gave me the motivation to get on and do things, as well as some good direction with regards to the sort of activities I needed to put in place."

  • Cath Rooney
    February 2011

    "Careershifters helped me realise that there were many small steps I could take towards improving my job satisfaction. Gaining greater focus has given me a renewed enthusiasm for my work, giving me the confidence to negotiate a one year sabbatical."

  • Justine
    December 2010

    "Thanks to Careershifters I'm shifting my career! Have been thinking for a while about the direction I'm going in, and after looking at your website and reading some of the advice, I realised that I've got to go for it."

  • Liz
    December 2010

    "As of yesterday, I officially have a new career and start my new and exciting role next week! So a massive THANK YOU to all of you at Careershifters for your support. You really do deserve every success in what you're doing."

  • Nikki
    December 2010

    "After attending a Careershifters Workshop I had the energy and drive to start researching how to get into teaching. I applied for a course, had an interview, got a place and left my old job in less than a week. It was so easy when I finally decided to go for it."