
Moved by the issue of so many people being disengaged and unhappy at work? Want to play a part in helping them find more fulfilling careers?

Here's how you can contribute.

You have an inspiring career change story to share

Have you made a switch to a career you love? Do you know someone who has? Would our audience (see below) relate to the story? If so, we’d love to hear from you.

For every story that we publish, we’d also be very happy to credit you with a link to your site.

Please note that we currently don't publish stories of those who have shifted into coaching.

Please write to us at [email protected], with the following:

  • 1-2 lines about your career change story, or the story of the person you would like to feature
  • If you're submitting the story on behalf of someone else, confirmation that you have their permission to do so

You're a subject matter expert

Are you an expert on a subject that’s of relevance to our audience? Have you authored a book, or do you have a well followed blog or podcast in the area you’re most passionate about?

Our online Career Change Masterclasses are an opportunity for you to increase your visibility and positively impact our audience. They’re 1-hour interactive discussions with subject matter experts on specific career change topics, designed to leave our participants with actionable insights to help them move faster towards fulfilling work.

If you’re interested, please contact us at [email protected] with details on how you’d like to contribute.

Our audience is made up of bright, motivated people looking for more fulfilment in their work

  • They're mid-career
  • They feel stuck in the wrong job
  • They're willing to doing something to change their situation 
  • They're looking for the best support they can find
  • They want to get ideas and inspiration from other people like them who’ve successfully made shifts

We're looking forward to hearing from you!